The Mystery of the Crystal Skulls

The Mystery of the Crystal Skulls
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The crystal skulls are a mystery as profound as the Pyramids of Egypt, the Nazca Lines of Peru, or Stonehenge.Many indigenous people speak of their remarkable magical and healing properties, but nobody really knows where they came from or what they were used for. Were they left behind after the destruction of a previous world, such as Atlantis? Are they simply ingenious modern fakes or can they really enable us to see deeply into the past and predict the future? Searching for the answers takes the authors on a fantastic odyssey through both the physical and the spiritual world.After hearing stories of an old native American legend that describes the existence of thirteen ancient crystal skulls, that are said to speak or sing and hold important information about the origins, purpose and destiny of mankind. The authors set out on their own quest to find the truth about the skulls. They encounter psychics, UFO hunters, shamans, mystics and medicine men on a journey of discovery that takes them from the British Museum in London to the deserts of the United States, from the science labs of Hewlett Packard to the cold snows of Canada and the tropical jungles of Mexico, Guatemala and Belize. At sacred gatherings of native elders they learn of ancient wisdom kept secret for hundreds, if not thousands, of years. They hear of startling prophecies concerning events that will happen on this Earth in the immediate future, prophecies that question the very survival of the human species on this small island we call home. This is the story of their remarkable discoveries.

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As profound as the pyramids of Egypt,

the Holy Grail or Stonehenge…



There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio,

Than are dreamt of in our philosophy.

William Shakespeare, Hamlet

Figure 1: Map of Mesoamerica (ancient central america)

It was just before dawn and we were deep in the jungle, trekking through the dense undergrowth to get to the ruins of the once great Mayan city buried somewhere deep within. In the darkness of the rainforest your mind starts to play tricks on you. You start to see and hear all manner of strange things – creatures, spirits, shadows of the unknown. It was then we heard the terrifying roar of a jaguar. In one split second that sound, cutting through the background of jungle noises, and all too close at hand, shattered our illusions of self-confidence, suddenly reminding us of our own delicate mortality. We stopped, for an instant frozen with fear, before turning in our tracks and stumbling off, as fast as we could, into the vast darkness of the unknown.

We were in one of the most beautiful places in the world, Central America, on the holiday of a lifetime, visiting the ancient Mayan ruins of Tikal in Guatemala. We were trying to reach the crumbling temples, palaces and pyramids before dawn. There we would wait for the sun to rise slowly from the surrounding greenery to cast whispers of yellow-golden light over the crumbling remains of this once great civilization, as if bringing it back to life. The jungle canopy is over 200 ft (60 m) high and yet the crumbling pyramids, some still covered in creepers and vines, reach right up through it to the heavens above. From atop one of these great mountains of human endeavour, whichever way you turn, the rainforest stretches as far as the eye can see. It could be a blanket of clouds or a vast ocean below, a beautiful ocean of green, where bright-coloured macaw and toucans sweep across golden pyramids that rise like rocks from the shore.

It was in this forgotten city that we saw our first skull, that symbol of death which normally strikes fear into the heart of modern man. It was a stone skull, carved into the side of one of the pyramids. To us this was a monstrous image. But our guide, Carlos, explained that to the ancients who had carved it, the skull had quite a different meaning. The Mayans and other ancient tribes of Central America had a different understanding of death from our own. To them death was not a full stop. It was not something to be afraid of, but rather something to look forward to, a great opportunity to pass into another dimension, a chance to join with the world of the spirits and the ancestors. To these ancient people death was part of the balance of nature, part of giving back to Mother Earth the life she had given. The skull, it seemed, was symbolic of this view. And then Carlos told us the legend of the crystal skulls…

According to an old Native American legend, there are 13 ancient crystal skulls, the size of human skulls, with movable jaws, that are said to speak or sing. These skulls are said to contain important information about the origins, purpose and destiny of mankind and answers to some of the greatest mysteries of life and the universe. It is said that this information is not only important to the future of this planet, but vital to the very survival of the human race. According to these ancient teachings, one day all of the crystal skulls will be rediscovered and brought together for their collective wisdom to be made available, but the human race must first be sufficiently evolved, both morally and spiritually, so as not to abuse this great knowledge.

This legend, said Carlos, had been handed down by generations of Native Americans over thousands of years. Indeed, as we were to discover, variations on this legend are found amongst several Native American tribes, from the Mayan and Aztec descendants of Central America to the Pueblo and Navajo Indians of what is now the south-western United States, right up even to the Cherokee and Seneca Indians in the north-eastern USA. The Cherokee version of the legend, for example, says that there are 12 planets in the cosmos inhabited by human beings and that there is one skull for each of these planets, plus a thirteenth skull vital to each of these worlds.

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