The PH Diet: The pHenomenal Dietary System

The PH Diet: The pHenomenal Dietary System
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All foods are either acid- or alkaline-forming and the body's health and beauty is entirely affected by choosing the right balance.Too many acid-forming foods can lead to conditions such as low energy, lifeless skin and hair and brittle bones.This practical book provides a 3 stage plan, food lists and simple recipe ideas.Each food we eat is either acid- or alkaline-forming due to how it is metabolised at cellular level. As our body is held within a particular alkaline range, alkaline-forming foods pose no problems to the body- but if we eat too many acid-forming foods, our body does not have the mechanisms to deal with them.A diet too high in acid-forming foods, such as cheese, wheat, sugar, processed foods and meat, can result in a wide range of health problems, including low energy, weight gain, skin problems, dull hair and eyes, brittle bones and hormonal imbalances.The plan has three stages:1) concentrates on your drinking habits, getting you to drink water on the hour and replace coffee, tea, and fizzy drinks with healthier options, bit by bit.2) helps you decrease the wheat and dairy in your diet, increasing vegetable content to replenish your mineral store and the calcium in your bones.3) is the alkaline diet where you are introduced to more raw or less cooked veggies. At this stage you can reintroduce more fruit and fruit juice (which are acid forming)The book contains a list of 80 alkaline forming foods to use and 20 of the better acid-forming foods and over 40 simple recipe ideas to reduce your toxic load.

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The pH Diet

Recharge Your Energy Regain Your Figure Restore Your Health

Bharti Vyas and Suzanne Le Quesne

The pH Diet does exactly what it says on the cover. By following our programme, you’ll recharge your energy, regain your figure and restore your health.

Does it sound too easy? If you’re a diet aficionado, you may think so. There are countless weight loss and dietary programmes out there that you might have already tried – from lose-a-stone-in-two-weeks to high-protein or more conventional high carbohydrate/low fat diets. If you’re reading this, maybe these diets haven’t worked for you. They may have been too difficult to incorporate into your lifestyle, or made you feel deprived, so you lost your motivation to keep going. You need an eating plan that’s easy and will work – and that’s what The pH Diet delivers.

How does the pH diet work?

The pH Diet works by getting your body back to its naturally alkaline state. In three steps, or levels, you gradually cut down on acid-forming food and drinks, and eat more alkaline-forming foods.

Most of us have an inkling that too much coffee, red meat, sugar, dairy and processed foods, for example, are bad for us. In the pH Diet, these foods are discouraged because they’re acid-forming. This means that when we’ve digested them, they leave an acidic residue in our bodies. All the food we eat ‘burns’ with oxygen in our cells to produce energy – our fuel. This digestion process generates an internal ‘ash’ that’s acidic, alkaline or neutral. An alkaline or neutral ash is okay (our bodies are designed to be alkaline, not acidic). However, when acidic residue accumulates internally, it slows the body down – causing low energy, poor health and weight problems.

How does it benefit me?

By eating and drinking alkaline-forming foods, you release your body from the drudgery of coping with residual acid build-up. Rather than expend energy on fighting acidic toxins, your body can get back to its real job: fine-tuning your health and balancing your weight. Follow the pH diet and your energy levels will surge, you’ll shed excess pounds, and will look and feel more vital than ever before. And there’s no need to count calories, fat grams or points. You’ll find straightforward diet plans (see pages 14, 23, 32) and food lists to follow (see page 39), so once you’ve grasped the acid/alkaline principle, you’ll be well on your way to gaining and maintaining good health and a better figure.

The pH principle

The principle of the pH diet is that the most important aspect of a balanced, healthy body is our pH, or acid/alkaline balance.

pH is an abbreviation for ‘potential of hydrogen’. It indicates the acidity or alkalinity of a solution, measured on a scale of 0–14. The lower the pH, the more acidic the solution; the higher the pH, the more alkaline the solution. When a solution is neither acid nor alkaline, it has a pH of 7, which is neutral.

You may have a vague idea about pH from school chemistry lessons, but pH is also used to market cosmetics and hair care products. ‘pH-balanced’ products are formulated to complement the pH of skin and hair. If you use products that are too acidic or too alkaline in nature, they may be damaging. If you wash your hair with detergent, for example, you wouldn’t expect your locks to shine. Your hair would be clean but dry, dull and totally unmanageable. So choosing foods that are the wrong pH could leave you with the equivalent of a dry, dull and lifeless body. Visible signs will appear on the outside, reflected in poor-condition hair, nails and skin. On the inside, this imbalance shows up as symptoms that reflect the poor functioning of our internal organs (see the box on page xii to check any symptoms you may have).

Is the pH diet the same as food combining?

The answer is both yes and no. Like food combining, the pH diet is based on the concept of acid/alkaline imbalance as the cause of ill-health. This was first expounded in 1933 when William Howard Hay, a New York doctor, published his groundbreaking book, A New Health Era. He maintained that all disease is caused by autointoxication (self-poisoning) due to acid accumulation in the body. His work is still popular today and is now published as the Hay diet, also known as food combining.

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