The Politics of Promotion

The Politics of Promotion
О книге

STAY A STEP AHEAD OF THE MARKETS BY REJECTING GUESSES ABOUT THE FUTURE AND TRUSTING TECHNIQUES THAT WORK Today there are as many investment opinions as there are people. But as many a scorned investor can attest, predicting the future isn't easy. In fact, Being Right or Making Money, Third Edition explains that reliably predicting the future is often not even possible. The good news is that it isn't necessary either. Once you stop trying so hard to be right about the future, you can start making money. Being Right or Making Money, Third Edition contains a position trading strategy that any serious investor will want to keep nearby. Using the unbiased, objective standard in this book, you can stay on-target for profit in all market conditions. You'll learn how to create asset allocation models in both stocks and bonds, how to make sense out of contrarian opinion, and how to use indicators to keep you focused, no matter what. You won't find any shock-and-awe investing tactics in this book. Instead, Being Right or Making Money, Third Edition presents the solid trading model that has made Ned Davis Research Group a go-to source for market wisdom.


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Praise for The Politics of Promotion

“More than a ‘rah rah’ motivational treatise, The Politics of Promotion sends a strong message that we must work hard AND be smart as women in today’s organizations. I found women’s leadership guru Bonnie Marcus’s blend of personal experience, relevant examples, and applicable tools to be a goldmine. Her strategic networking templates alone are worth the price of the book. A meaty great read for all women and those who support them.”

– Jennifer B. Kahnweiler,
PhD, CSP, author of Quiet Influence
and The Introverted Leader

The Politics of Promotion is packed with practical knowledge every woman needs in clear, engaging, and actionable language. Marcus outlines a proven method for women to navigate the complexities of the workplace and get the promotions they deserve.”

– Gloria Feldt,
cofounder and President,
Take the Lead; and author of No Excuses

“Women tend to perceive office politics as something distasteful. The Politics of Promotion is a very helpful book for individuals needing to better understand and embrace the importance of company politics, not only as a critical part of career advancement, but also as a more effective way to successfully carry out your daily job responsibilities. Bonnie Marcus’s research demonstrates how being political savvy allows you to build important relationships with critical stakeholders who may be able to support, mentor, and promote you. Reading this book will help you to learn how to navigate across an organization to achieve your career and business goals by working with and through others.”

– Alexandra Glucksmann,
COO, Editas Medicine

“Women are graduating from college and entering the workforce ill prepared to navigate their new environment. Putting your head down and achieving great results works in school, but being successful in your career requires more. Bonnie Marcus has nailed the missing piece: political savvy. The Politics of Promotion should be required reading for all college graduates.”

– Tiffany Dufu,
Chief Leadership Officer,
The Levo League

“Women regularly think that doing a great job ensures promotion – I used to think so, too. Instead, we know from data and personal experience that performance excellence means, at most, that you might be considered; actually securing the promotion requires a great deal more. Bonnie Marcus has seen how this plays across multiple disciplines and industries, and is full of insight and advice that will put women in a far stronger position to understand how to create the opportunities their talent demands. Her tough love acknowledges injustice, but her tough thinking is what promises success.”

– Margaret Heffernan,
author of Willful Blindness and A Bigger Prize

“Until genuine meritocracy becomes the norm, women will continue to face subtle bias and double standards. They will be greatly helped in navigating the traps and blind alleys of organizational life by the career advice that Bonnie Marcus offers in this readable book. Bonnie reframes the ‘dirty’ words of politics, networking, and self-promotion as necessary leadership skills that can achieve all-round benefits when exercised thoughtfully. Ambitious readers will feel better equipped to go for the leadership prize.”

– Alison Maitland,
coauthor of Future Work and
Why Women Mean Business

“Bonnie Marcus shares from her experience on how to get the recognition and rewards you deserve for your work by managing the interpersonal dynamics of the workplace. Politics is inherent in all human relationships. The Politics of Promotion will teach you how to interact professionally and get promoted while staying true to yourself.”

– Marilyn Tam,
author of The Happiness Choice

The Politics of Promotion

How High-Achieving Women Get Ahead and Stay Ahead

Bonnie Marcus

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Cover design: Susan Olinsky

Copyright © 2015 by Bonnie Marcus. All rights reserved.

Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey.

Published simultaneously in Canada.

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Limit of Liability/Disclaimer of Warranty: While the publisher and author have used their best efforts in preparing this book, they make no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this book and specifically disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. No warranty may be created or extended by sales representatives or written sales materials. The advice and strategies contained herein may not be suitable for your situation. You should consult with a professional where appropriate. Neither the publisher nor author shall be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damages, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or other damages.

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