The Swan Song

The Swan Song
О книге

A swan gracefully soared past the Vindhyas, bearing a message of love. Then began an odyssey of two impassioned lovers. They first met each other through the musings and rumors of the fabled peerless lovers.A Swayamvara was the fated stage for their first union. In presence of every king and lord who gave up their knightly vows and sheathed their swords. There was peace on earth and the news of it spread to the very realms of paradise – the abode of divinity – as the holy dwellers of heaven grew suspicious of a peaceful mankind. Intrigued, they peered down upon the Earth with their ethereal gaze, catching a fleeting glimpse of the legendary princess.Enchanted by her beauty and enthralled by the prospect of eternal companionship, they chose to descend into the mortal realm partake in the Swayamvara trial. As the gods of the good and the evil began their descent, a valiant lover bathed in righteous radiance hopped onto his trusted steed and strode toward the same trail.

Книга издана в 2024 году.


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To our friends,

Through the highs and lows, the late nights and early mornings, you have been there, supporting us with unwavering love. Your cheers from the (mostly thin) crowd and your laughter in the (thinner) audience have fueled our passion for music. This book is dedicated to you, the ones who have stood by us, believed in us, and shared in our journey as The Bohemian Basterds. Your friendship has enriched our lives in countless ways.

To our family,

You have been our rock, our foundation, and our constant source of love and encouragement. Your unwavering support has given us the strength to chase our dreams and conquer any obstacles in our path. This book is dedicated to you, our family, who have nurtured our creativity, celebrated our successes, and stood by us through every twist and turn of our musical odyssey. Your love and belief in us have been our guiding light.

To our pets,

In your loyal eyes, we have found solace and inspiration. Your unconditional love and presence have brought us joy during the most challenging times. This book is dedicated to you, our faithful friends, who have wagged your tails, purred your melodies, and shared our adventures, offering us comfort and companionship when we needed it the most. Your presence has been a constant reminder of the beauty of simplicity and the power of connection. To all those who have supported us, believed in us, and shared in our journey, we offer our deepest gratitude. This book is a testament to the love, support, and inspiration we have received from each and every one of you. May our story continue to resonate with your hearts and souls as we embark on new chapters of our musical odyssey together.

With love and gratitude,

Vivek & Elena


Following up on our last album, "Ladders", where we indulged in the pleasure of writing a cohesive story spread across 10 songs with some songs flowing from one to another, we began writing "The Swan Song" in its entirety as a concept album. After spending months reading the meticulously written books of Mahabharat in the 19th century variant of Marathi and borrowing every possible reference to study the great story in depth, we began to relish the pleasure of creating a Rock & Roll expression of one of our favourite stories from the monumental timeless lore. With hard work, dedication and integrity as our strengths and king ambition and queen jealousy driving the purpose, we present to you, humbly, a sparkling coin from a bottomless treasure chest.


Somewhere amidst their thirteen years of exile>1, the fallen King, a beacon of virtues and all that is good, pondered over a battlefield of defeated wits. He looked over his shoulder and shed agonizing tears of innermost sorrow upon seeing his loved ones live like savages, at the mercy of the merciless.

"I have remained true to my path of righteousness. I have lived by every virtue, even in the battle against deceit and hate. Yet, I suffer endlessly with this desolation that my stubborn mind has brought upon us. Have you ever witnessed a man so devoid of fortune? Is there anyone in the world as unlucky as me?"– King Yudhishthir sang his lament to the exalted sage.

Rishi Vrihadashwa, in his vast wisdom derived from ageless knowledge, smiled at his troubled pupil acknowledging his peril. He rose from his pedestal atop a small hill, as they resided in the wilderness of the Himalayan foothills. The sage gazed to the southwest, perhaps searching for something, for his eyes held a glittering purpose.

He spoke in a gentle voice, "Beyond the horizons that most can see, to the southwest from here, lies an ancient monument of love – timeless mountains, the great Vindhyas>2. They still bow down in a solemn prayer to the Himalayas. Mountains that set the stage for the saga of a lifetime. The Odyssey of Two Lovers, where their love endured, prevailed, and triumphed through similar trials and tribulations as you face today. May their journey reignite the flame of hope in your righteous heart."

As he finished speaking, he returned to sit at the edge of a Himalayan hill, and his pupil, the exiled King, bowed down in love and respect before taking a lower seat in front of his teacher, his counsel, a maharishi. Vrihadashwa began his sermon, and the eldest of the five Pandavas listened curiously.

1 – The story of Nal & Damayanti comes from an ancient book, Mahabharata, whose primary story revolves around the lives and times of the 5 Pandavas. In Mahabharat, Sage Vridhashwa recites ‘Nalopakhyanam – The tale of Nal’ to Yudishtir – the eldest of the 5 Pandavas in the 3rd year of their 13-year exile.

2 – ‘Vindya’ is the mountain range situated in central India

Strangers In A Strange Land

“Turn back the clock, until it turns no more,

Open the gates wide, let the sunshine galore,

The vibrant hues of yesteryear kind,

The colours will bring solace to your troubled mind.

Strange were the days, the world a mystifying place,

Yet soon, it would feel similar, unveiling a familiar face,

The names, the customs, and the ways, they remain,

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