The Tycoon's Reluctant Cinderella

The Tycoon's Reluctant Cinderella
О книге

Swept off her feet by the boss!When hotel tour guide Callie McKenzie is trapped in a lift with a gorgeous stranger, they share a spark of connection so intense that it rocks normally guarded Callie to the core. So she’s horrified to discover afterwards that the stranger is Blake Owen—ruthless tycoon and her new boss!Since his divorce Blake has steered well clear of relationships, yet Callie’s shy warmth intrigues him. The heartache of her past makes her a woman who deserves the fairytale…if only Blake will risk his heart and give her everything…9 to 5 Falling for the boss!

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Swept off her feet by the boss!

When hotel tour guide Callie McKenzie is trapped in an elevator with a gorgeous stranger, they share a spark of connection so intense that it rocks normally guarded Callie to the core. So she’s horrified to discover afterward that the stranger is Blake Owen, ruthless tycoon and her new boss!

Since his divorce, Blake has steered well clear of relationships, yet Callie’s shy warmth intrigues him. The heartache of her past makes her a woman who deserves a fairy tale, if only Blake will risk his heart and give her everything...

9 to 5

Falling for the boss...

They’re working side by side, nine to five...

But, no matter how hard these couples try to keep their relationships strictly professional, romance is undeniably on the agenda!

Will a date in the office diary

lead to an appointment at the altar?

Find out in this exciting series!

The Tycoon’s Reluctant Cinderella

Therese Beharrie

THERESE BEHARRIE has always been thrilled by romance. Her love of reading established this, and then spilled over into her writing ­and her way of life. Fortunately she married a man who constantly exceeds her romantic expectations and is an infinite source of inspiration for her romantic heroes. She lives in Cape Town, South Africa, with her husband and their two Husky furbabies, and is absolutely amazed that her dream of being a romance author is now a reality.

This is Therese’s first book for Mills & Boon Cherish!

This book is dedicated to my husband,

my best friend and my biggest supporter,

Grant, thank you for working so hard so that I could follow my dream. Thank you for believing that I would be a published author when writing was only a vague possibility for my future. And, most of all, thank you for loving me so well that there is no doubt in my mind that good men and happily-ever-afters exist. I love you.

To my family and friends,

Thank you all for supporting me.

For listening to me as I went on about my dream of writing and the plans I had to get published. To those who allowed me to talk about plot lines and characters even though it might have bored you, thank you. You have all contributed to this, and I am so grateful.

To my editor,

Flo, you invested time and effort in me even though there was no guarantee I would be worth it. Over and above that, I have experienced so much growth as a writer in the months we’ve worked together.

I can’t wait to continue this journey with you. Thank you for everything.



Callie McKenzie almost shouted the words as she ran to the closing doors. She was horribly late, despite her rushed efforts to get dressed after her shift at the hotel had ended. She wouldn’t be making a very good impression on the big boss if she arrived after he did, so she was taking a chance on the elevator, ignoring her usual reservations about the small box.

Relief shot through her when she saw a hand hold the elevator doors and she hurried in, almost colliding with the person who had helped her. She had meant to say thank you immediately, but as she looked at him her mouth dried, taking her words away.

Callie thought he might be the most beautiful man she had ever seen. Dark hair sat tousled on his head, as though it had travelled through whirlwinds to get there, and set off the sea-blue-green of his eyes. He was a full head taller than her, so that she had to look up to appreciate the striking features of his face. Each angle was shaped perfectly—as though it had been sculpted, she thought, with the intention of causing every woman who looked at it to be caught in involuntary—or voluntary—attraction.

Her eyes fell to his lips as they curved into a smile and she felt her heart flutter. It was the kind of smile that transformed his entire face, giving it a sexy, casual expression that stood out against the sophistication of his perfectly tailored suit. It took her a while to realise that she was amusing him by staring, and she forced herself to snap out of it.

‘Thank you,’ she said, aware of the husky undertone her evaluation of him had brought to her voice.

His smile broadened. ‘No problem. Which floor would you like?’

Callie almost slapped her hand against her forehead at the deep baritone of his voice. Was there anything about the man that wasn’t sexy?

She cleared her throat. ‘Ground floor, please.’

‘Then it’s already been selected,’ he said, and pressed the button to close the elevator doors. ‘So you’re also going to the event downstairs, then?’

She frowned. ‘Yes. How did you know?’

‘Well, I’d like to think that this hotel doesn’t require its guests to dress up in such formal wear to have supper.’

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