The Virgin Diet: The US Bestseller

The Virgin Diet: The US Bestseller
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Most people believe the secret to being skinny is eating everything in moderation. We’ve heard it a million times. But this is not true. All foods are not created equal. The secret to losing weight is finding the foods that make you fat.Originally published as Zero Tolerance Diet.The Zero Tolerance Diet is an elimination diet. You eliminate the seven foods most people are intolerant to for three weeks, while you eat the right proteins, fibres, fats and vegetables. After three weeks, you reintroduce foods, one at a time, to see which foods your body can tolerate. It’s that simple. Most people lose 5-10 pounds in the first week!Eating in moderation and counting calories does not work. This is why the average 30-year-old, who consumes a moderate caloric diet while eating the wrong foods, will be ten pounds heavier by the time they reach 40. Different foods work better for different people. With this book, JJ Virgin will help you find the right foods for you. With details on foods to avoid, processes for reintroducing foods, easy recipes and tips for eating out and sustaining your success, JJ will show you how to have Zero Tolerance for weight gain, bloating, inflammation and fatigue.JJ is close to 50 years old and puts most younger women’s bodies to shame. And so do her thousands of clients. With the right guidance you can too. Fat is not your fate.


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This book is dedicated to frustrated dieters everywhere who have been diligently eating those ‘healthy foods’ and figuring they were just doomed to be overweight. May this book set you free.

So much synchronicity went into the development of this book!

First, I want to thank the amazing science team at Metametrix Clinical Laboratory who helped me realize the impact of low-grade food reactions. I was so fortunate to be able to educate doctors throughout the country on how food sensitivities could be causing a myriad of health issues and then see the side effect that pulling these foods out had on their patients’ health: rapid weight loss! I kept seeing the same food reactions coming up over and over again, along with the same benefits, which helped me realize that this was a powerful weight-loss tool!

I want to shout out to Chef Leanne Ely, who tracked me down on Twitter. When I told her about how I pulled people off these foods but couldn’t find good recipes for them, she jumped right in and developed them, proving deliciously that cooking and eating this way could be done!

To my pals at Discovery, TLC and Shed Media, it was a blast working with you on Freaky Eaters, and I am thrilled to be a part of Transformation Diaries. Dr Mike Dow, I hope we get to be the dream team again sometime soon, and thanks for the amazing hookup to Celeste Fine! Andrew Strauser, you are my casting angel – I so appreciate your continuing to find these amazing opportunities for me. And to my manager, Greg Horangic, thank you for making the deals happen!

To my brilliant literary agent, Celeste Fine, you convinced me that this was the book and made it all happen, from hooking me up with my incredible writing partner, Rachel Kranz, to bringing me to the team at Harlequin, who I fell in love with from the moment I walked in the door. I felt like I had come home! I feel so fortunate to be working with my amazing editor, Sarah Pelz, and the whole team at Harlequin has been incredible. I am so honoured that you chose me.

Big kudos to my publicist extraordinaire, Barbara Teszler, for helping me get the message out to millions. You are the pitch genius. Mike Danielson at Media Relations, you are brilliant with your connections and ideas. And Jason Boehm, thanks for stalking me – what did I do before you? You are not only my social media genius but also my second set of eyes into all that is going on in our world. To my attorney, Darryl Sheetz, thanks for always having my back and keeping me safe out there in the business world!

I am supported everyday by an incredible team at Susan Tafralis, you are my rock and my number-one support system; I couldn’t do it without you. Thanks to Mary Ann Guillory, who keeps me in line with my shoe habit and makes sure the money is flowing in the right direction; to Traci Knoppe, who handles all things technical; Patsy Wallace and Jason Boehm, my rock star health coaches; and Julia Zaslow, who is an absolute genius in marketing and strategy.

Another big shout-out to all of those who help me continue to nurture my business, including my current business coach, the amazing Brendon Burchard. I feel so blessed to be working with you. Dr. Daniel Amen, you are my role model and so genuine and generous – I adore you. And thanks to Ali Brown for opening my eyes to the power of the online world as my first real business coach and one of my dearest friends. Thanks also to Lisa Sasevich for teaching me how to package and position my work so people will take action. To my sweet friend Marcelle Pick of Women to Women, your work on stress and food sensitivities was so helpful in putting this book together. Kaayla Daniel, thanks for jumping in at the 11>th hour with brilliant information. Suzanne Somers, of course I have to include you here, as your courageous work continues to pave the way for all of us. To all of my amazing and courageous pals in the integrative health field who are getting the word out there and taking the bullets for ‘going against the grain’, you are all such inspiration and support for me.

To Jackie and Habib Wicks at PEERtrainer, I love you guys and am looking forward to carrying this message out to the world with you. Ditto Hooman ‘the great’ Fakki of H2 Wellness and all of my pals at Thorne Research, especially Willie McCamy – we are just getting started, dudes!

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