Time and money. Russia. From Alexander the First to Vladimir Lenin. A story of love, wars and money

Time and money. Russia. From Alexander the First to Vladimir Lenin. A story of love, wars and money
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History of Russia from Alexander the First to Vladimir Lenin. The history of money at the same time. See the obverse of the past embodied in the present. Some materials were presented in another author’s book – “The History of almost Everything. Practical guide of the eaters of Time”.


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© Rem Word, 2020

ISBN 978-5-0051-3639-8

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…In 1804, in response to the annexation of Eastern Georgia to Russia, and incited by the British leading their game in Asia, the Shah of Persia Feth-Ali (Baba Khan) declares war on Russia. In June-July, Russian troops, having defeated the Iranian detachments, besieged Erivan (Yerevan), but retreated due to heavy losses. The Karabakh, then the Shirvan (part of present-day Azerbaijan) Khanates passed under the authority of Russia. Since August 12, 1805, the Caspian flotilla has dropped anchor in the Baku bay. Russian general I. Zavalishin convinces Huseyngul Khan to accept citizenship of the Russian Empire. After unsuccessful negotiations, the squadron bombarded Baku for 11 days, landed troops, and defeated the Khan’s troops that had left the fortress. However, due to serious losses and a lack of ammunition, the siege ends. On January 30, 1806, the Caspian flotilla, which replenished its reserves, and a two thousandth detachment of infantry stood at the walls of the eastern capital. It seems that the transition of the Baku Khanate to the Russian Empire is a done deal. However, the khan’s cousin is involved in the negotiations. His bodyguards are killing Russian envoys. In the summer of the same year, Russian troops defeated the forces of the Persian commander (son of the shah) Abbas Mirza and annex the Baku, Derbent and Kuba (part of present-day Dagestan and Azeibarjan) khanates.

An artistic picture. One of the battles of the Russian-Persian war of 1804

After the end (running in parallel) of the Russian-Turkish war in January 1812, Persia tends to sign a peace treaty. The Napoleonic invasion of Russia lends additional weight to the war party at the Shah’s court. South Azerbaijan becomes the site of the formation of the 30,000th army of the invasion of Georgia. Further, on February 1, 1812, the 18,000-strong Persian corps, under the control of British officers, managed to encircle, force one of the Russian battalions to surrender. This is where their luck ends.

And, on October 24, 1813, the Gulistan peace treaty was signed in Karabakh. All acquisitions of the Empire were recognized, except for Eastern Armenia, which was returned to Persia. The peoples of the Caucasus and Transcaucasia are getting rid of the threat of invasion by Persia and Turkey. However, racial and religious tensions in the region are becoming one of the long-term factors of Russia’s instability.

The third coalition against Napoleon and his allies – Spain, Bavaria, Italy, arises after the signing of the Petersburg Union Treaty by England and Russia on April 11, 1805. Later it is joined by Austria, Sweden and Portugal.

Bonaparte is not helped by the fact that he, in essence, becomes a monarch. Since December 1, 1804, according to the results of a plebiscite poll among his people, with 0.07% of the votes “against” he is proclaimed emperor. Russian and French rulers exchange insults.

Great Britain is not so much fighting as it is paying. From the treasury, 1 million 250 thousand pounds sterling is allocated for every 100,000 coalition soldiers annually. That’s 80 grams of gold, or 900 modern pounds for one private.

Battle of Trafalgar

Bonaparte is preparing a landing across the English Channel, against his main opponent, and, so to speak, “customer”, a considerable 180 thousand cavalry and infantry. The Franco-Spanish fleet is sent from the Mediterranean to support the landing and, at Cape Trafalgar (near the Strait of Gibraltar), meets with the British Navy. The forces are approximately equal, three dozen ships of the line on each side, but the British gunners are more skilled, and the noble officer corps of the “Lady of the Seas” did not suffer from the work of the revolutionary guillotines. Allied ships suffer crushing losses of manpower in artillery duels (4500 versus 450 for the British), are boarded and captured. The British do not lose a single ship. Their brave Admiral Nelson is killed. In a barrel of rum (according to legend, drunk by the sailors on the way), the body of the commander returns to his homeland.

In the battle of Preussisch-Eylau, against the combined Russian and Austrian troops, Napoleon almost gets captured. However, subsequent battles convince the allies of the need for peace.

…In the summer of 1807, on the river near the town of Tilsit (now Sovetsk, Kaliningrad region), the Peace of Tilsit is concluded between France and Russia. Russia recognizes the conquests of Napoleon, the restoration of Poland’s statehood in the former Prussian possessions, and the rule of France over the Ionian Islands. At the insistence of Napoleon, the Russian Empire withdraws its troops from Wallachia and Moldavia, already conquered from Turkey, participates in the naval blockade of England, recognizes the three Bonaparte brothers – Joseph, Louis, Jerome, as kings of Naples, Holland and Westphalia, respectively.

Somewhat earlier, in 1806, due to an insignificant, in essence, the dismissal of the ruler of Moldova without the prior approval of Russia, another Russian-Turkish war began. The Russian army once again storms Izmail, takes possession of Yassy, Bendery and Bucharest.

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