To Light and Love. Steps to save the world. Preparation for the Apocalypse

To Light and Love. Steps to save the world. Preparation for the Apocalypse
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This book is recommended for reading by everyone living on Earth today.The ideas expressed in the book I would estimate in billions of lives saved… It lists 33 steps that bring the whole world to the global peace and allow it to develop according to the Divine plan, going towards spiritual evolution. It would help to get rid of a lot of suffering.This could reduce the amount of destruction predicted in the holy books, directing most people to spiritual development.Wisdom, knowledge, Light and Divine Love to the whole world!

Книга издана в 2023 году.


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With gratitude to the sons of God, the saviors of the world for their teachings, which became the inspiration for writing this book

Talk about the end of the world has stirred the minds of all living in all ages. 2023 years have passed since the birth of Jesus Christ… The time of the Apocalypse is closer than ever before! The Earth's axis is already tilting.

Ask yourself the question: "What can I do for God, and therefore for people and the planet?". You will find the answer in your heart and soul. By doing good things for others, you earn good karma for you as well. If you harm someone, then you harm yourself. God is Omnipresent, one in the whole universe.

You should not see people divided into nationalities and countries, look at people as one big human family.

I don't want most people to be punished as a society since the time of Noah. The destiny of humanity is to develop spiritually to the level of Beings of pure Light. I emphasize – humanity, not one chosen nation.

We have teachers sent by God, his sons: Jesus Christ, Buddha, Shiva, Alaje…

In order to suffer less, you must begin to observe the 10 Commandments and show heartfelt love – the greatest power anywhere. Love is the solution to everything. Get rid of your negative character traits that prevent you from showing love, these are: hatred, ego, envy, superiority, greed, lies, competitive thinking. Show love to your body and clean it of tattoos and piercings. Do not harm yourself by eating animal corpses, alcohol, drugs, smoking. Stop polluting nature, give up weapons, insults, competition, religious misconceptions and find a direct connection with God by meditating. By healing yourself first, you will be able to purify the world without violating the freedom of choice of other people and without violating the commandment "do not kill." There are light people among us. The souls of the majority should strive for divine Light and Love, meditating and doing good deeds. Only then will we live in a better world, showing love in everyday life, and not only on holidays.

Many people warn us about the dangers and the coming cataclysms. But the future is not defined, it depends on the thoughts and actions of each of us. We are all responsible for this planet. We just urgently need to purify ourselves all over the world in order to leave the majority of people and our planet alive, leave behind a legacy and memory of our race, thereby uniting the world with friendship and heartfelt love, which will solve many problems of each of us, the state and the world. Having got rid of the bad things that are harmful to us, perhaps God will grant His mercy and we will live longer in a world without wars and weapons, in a world without murder and violence, without poverty and hunger, in a clean, prosperous world where everyone will seek a connection with God.

But believe me, no one but yourself will do anything. Only you are responsible for your own actions.

Let's make this world clean, loving and saved!


Step № 1

We are building a world without wars

with the whole world,

following the commandment "do not kill"

In all countries of the world at the same time:

1. Safe elimination of nuclear weapons. Nuclear weapons are a powder keg for the countries that have them, because a destructive transformation of the Earth is coming. It is important to eliminate all nuclear weapons in order to preserve the Earth – our home.

2. Prohibit the production and distribution of military equipment and weapons, so that they do not cause wars for commercial gain.

3. To convert factories for the production of weapons into factories for the production of peaceful equipment.

4. Disband armies, military organizations and unions, the presence of which implies the possibility of resolving international conflicts by force. All people involved in these areas should change professions to peaceful ones so as not to earn negative karma for themselves. "He who lifts the sword will die by the sword." Jesus Christ.

5. To convert military equipment for peaceful purposes or to liquidate.

6. Eliminate weapons in stock, leaving only pistols for the police, collectors, guards, border guards – as an intermediate stage, until society learns to live by spiritual laws and does not give up weapons at all.

7. A ban on carrying weapons to citizens. For safety buy bulletproof vests and live by spiritual laws.

Step №2

Resolution of international conflicts

by diplomatic methods.

Prohibition of military solution of international conflicts around the world

If it is impossible to resolve the conflict between the heads of state independently:

1. Putting the dispute to the vote of the heads of state of the world.

2. If the decision made at the previous stage does not satisfy one of the parties, then submitting it to a popular referendum of the States participating in the conflict.

3. If the decision made at the previous stage does not satisfy one of the parties, then it is possible to challenge the decision made by holding an international world people's referendum, the decision after which is final and indisputable.

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