Trading as a Business

Trading as a Business
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Investing with the Trend provides an abundance of evidence for adapting a rules-based approach to investing by offering something most avoid, and that is to answer the “why” one would do it this way. It explains the need to try to participate in the good markets and avoid the bad markets, with cash being considered an asset class. The book is in three primary sections and tries to leave no stone unturned in offering almost 40 years of experience in the markets. Part I – The focus is on much of the misinformation in modern finance, the inappropriate use of Gaussian statistics, the faulty assumptions with Modern Portfolio Theory, and a host of other examples. The author attempts to explain each and offer justification for his often strong opinions. Part II – After a lead chapter on the merits of technical analysis, the author offers detailed research into trend analysis, showing how to identify if a market is trending or not and how to measure it. Further research involves the concept of Drawdown, which the author adamantly states is a better measure of investor risk than the oft used and terribly wrong use of volatility as determined by standard deviation. Part III – This is where he puts it all together and shows the reader all of the steps and details on how to create a rules-based trend following investment strategy. A solid disciplined strategy consists of three parts, a measure of what the market is actually doing, a set of rules and guidelines to tell you how to invest based upon that measurement, and the discipline to follow the strategy


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The Wiley Trading series features books by traders who have survived the market's ever changing temperament and have prospered–some by reinventing systems, others by getting back to basics. Whether a novice trader, professional or somewhere in-between, these books will provide the advice and strategies needed to prosper today and well into the future. For more on this series, visit our Web site at

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Trading As A Business

The Methods and Rules I've Used to Beat the Markets for 40 Years

Dick Diamond

title page

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Copyright © 2015 by Dick Diamond. All rights reserved.

Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey.

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data:

Diamond, Dick (Stockbroker)

Trading as a business: the methods and rules I've used to beat the markets for 40 years / Dick Diamond.

pages cm. – (Wiley trading series)

Includes index.

ISBN: 978-1-118-47298-9 (paperback)

1. Investment analysis. 2. Speculation. 3. Investments. 4. Portfolio management. 5. Stockbrokers. I. Title.

HG4529.D497 2015



In 1979, I was sitting between two traders at a specialty brokerage firm. The one on my left was on the phone all day, working his contacts to get preopening shares in initial public offerings, which he would jettison at a profit shortly after the deals. He solicited opinions from friends to figure out hot stocks to ride. He was always long, never short. The guy on my right was a plunger who would identify markets that were extended and then bet huge wads on a reversal. I was there when a reversal didn't come, and he was gone.

Sitting across the room was a loner who quietly worked his system. The friend to my left suggested I meet him, so I did. I asked him what he was doing. He said he traded options, and I could sit and watch if I wanted. His name was Dick Diamond.

Most of the traders in the room were chatty, but Dick was quiet. Mostly, he just watched the screen and updated his indicators. Then every now and then he would sit up straight and become hyperalert. Then – bam – he would call in a trade. (There were no electronic trading platforms back then.) He would stay on edge for a period of time, maybe an hour, and then call to close the trade. Then he relaxed again.

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