Undercover Sheriff

Undercover Sheriff
О книге

Look-Alike LawmanFormer lawman Zane Robinson never thought he’d wear a badge again—but to locate his missing twin brother, Zane’s taking on his identity as sheriff of Proud Bend, Colorado. There he discovers heiress Rachel Smith conducting her own search, for a mother and child who’ve also disappeared from the small town. The cases could be connected, so Zane reluctantly agrees to team up with the feisty beauty.Rachel can’t afford to be seen getting too close to Zane—it could impact her ministry for misguided young women. But as the investigation continues, she’s hopelessly drawn to the gruff yet honorable lawman. Though trust doesn’t come easily to Rachel or Zane, in searching for the missing, will they risk losing their hearts?

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Look-Alike Lawman

Former lawman Zane Robinson never thought he’d wear a badge again—but to locate his missing twin brother, Zane’s taking on his identity as sheriff of Proud Bend, Colorado. There he discovers heiress Rachel Smith conducting her own search for a mother and child who’ve also disappeared from the small town. The cases could be connected, so Zane reluctantly agrees to team up with the feisty beauty.

Rachel can’t afford to be seen getting too close to Zane—it could impact her ministry for misguided young women. But as the investigation continues, she’s hopelessly drawn to the gruff yet honorable lawman. Though trust doesn’t come easily to Rachel or Zane, in searching for the missing will they risk losing their hearts?

“Maybe I don’t want anything that badly,” Zane said with a shrug.

Rachel folded her arms. “That’s a flimsy excuse.”

“Like yours is for coming here?”

“What do you mean?”

He tipped his head and walked closer to her. She refused to back away and thus show him how much he affected her.

“I thought that you wanted to keep your distance from any lawman so that the women in your ministry finally learn to trust you.”

Oh, that.

“You’ve come up with a cheap excuse to see me.”

Her cheeks hot, Rachel arched her brows. “Aren’t you full of yourself? I came here to tell you not to give up.”

To prove her point, she dared to take a step toward him. He didn’t move. The air stilled around them, and he reached out and touched her chin. His fingers were warm, a striking contrast to the cold air that moved briskly over her face. They stared each other down.

His voice lowered. “Do you want me to stay, Rachel?”

Her heart pounded in her throat. Did she?

BARBARA PHINNEY was born in England and raised in Canada. After she retired from the Canadian Armed Forces, Barbara turned her hand to romance writing. The thrill of adventure and her love of happy endings, coupled with a too-active imagination, have merged to help her create this and other wonderful stories. Barbara spends her days writing, building her dream home with her husband and enjoying their fast-growing children.

Undercover Sheriff

Barbara Phinney


Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths.

—Proverbs 3:5–6

I want to dedicate this book to all of you who think you’re not worthy of God’s love because of a past sin. There is good news for you. It is by God’s grace that we are freed from our sin. Please remember, you are loved and forgiven, so it’s time to forgive yourselves.

Chapter One

Colorado, 1882

When Zane Robinson stepped into his brother’s rented room, he found a woman rifling through the desk.

He fully expected her to look up, for surely she’d heard him. Zane hadn’t exactly tiptoed along the narrow path that led from Mrs. Shrankhof’s kitchen to this back addition, determined to locate his missing twin. However, the well-dressed lady in front of him appeared oblivious as she yanked on the desk drawers, pulling out what looked to be a postcard, which she latched on to with the vigor of a miner striking gold.

She then let out a harsh gasp, a look of guilty horror filling her face. For the briefest moment, Zane wondered if she was about to collapse. Thankfully, she did not. Instead, her expression hardening into tenacity, she had the gall to fold the postcard and shove it into an unseen pocket of her closely tailored skirt.

Enough was enough. Zane prepared to charge into the room, settling his Stetson—which he’d removed when he’d come inside—back on his head so both his hands would be free. He felt a twinge as he remembered that the hat was the one his brother had sent him shortly after arriving in Proud Bend.

Alex had written him jokingly that they now had matching hats, and that all they needed were identical clothes and their youth would be repeated. Back then, neither of them had minded wearing the same clothing. Such was the way one dressed identical twins.

That one memory, a shameful one for Zane, lingered.

Never mind it. Alex had long since forgiven him for that foolish ruse.

Back to the issue at hand. That woman was stealing from his brother. Zane cleared his throat. “Who are you?”

With a jump, the woman whirled. Upon seeing Zane, she sagged with obvious relief and smiled broadly. “Alex! You scared me!”

Zane quirked an eyebrow. She thought he was his brother? Of its own accord, his hand lifted to his full beard. Had Alex grown one, as well? His brother usually preferred to be clean-shaven. Yet, this woman saw past the thick facial hair when no one else had so far. Walking through town—albeit with his hat on and his collar turned up against the wind—no one had even noticed that his face was identical to that of their sheriff.

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