Unlocking the Property Market

Unlocking the Property Market
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Get ahead in your personal and professional life with crowd-pleasing communication skills Packed with advice on improving verbal and non-verbal communication skills alike, Communication Essentials For Dummies is a comprehensive, approachable guide to communication no one should be without. Utilising a core range of simple skills, this friendly guide shows you how easy it is to communicate effectively. You'll find out how to listen actively, establish rapport, communicate with credibility, manage communication in difficult situations and converse with ease using modern technology – and lots more. Great communication skills can make all the difference in your personal and professional life, but for those who tend to get a bit tongue-tied under pressure or just have a hard time asserting themselves, voicing thoughts coherently and confidently can be a sweat-inducing experience. Here, expert author Elizabeth Kuhnke takes the intimidation out of communication by sharing her top tips for successful communication in any situation. Discover how to get ahead in the workplace by mastering your communication skills Realise the benefits of active listening and the value of establishing rapport Understand how the use of effective communication skills can help you secure a new job offer Recognise how to use effective communication to negotiate your way to personal and professional success Whether you're looking to climb the corporate ladder, take on a new professional challenge or just want to improve your communication skills in personal and professional relationships, Communication Essentials For Dummies will have you listening, voicing and articulating your way to success in no time.


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First published in 2015 by Wrightbooks

An imprint of John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd

42 McDougall St, Milton Qld 4064

Office also in Melbourne

© John Lindeman 2015

The moral rights of the author have been asserted

National Library of Australia Cataloguing-in-Publication data:

All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the Australian Copyright Act 1968 (for example, a fair dealing for the purposes of study, research, criticism or review), no part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, communicated or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written permission. All inquiries should be made to the publisher at the address above.

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The material in this publication is of the nature of general comment only, and does not represent professional advice. It is not intended to provide specific guidance for particular circumstances and it should not be relied on as the basis for any decision to take action or not take action on any matter which it covers. Readers should obtain professional advice where appropriate, before making any such decision. To the maximum extent permitted by law, the author and publisher disclaim all responsibility and liability to any person, arising directly or indirectly from any person taking or not taking action based on the information in this publication.

To Carolyn


I've probably heard every single property ‘strategy’ around. From sermons on property prices doubling every seven to ten years (they generally don't) to bluff and bluster on buying off-the-plan units and banking on prices rising rapidly during construction (they generally don't) so you can on-sell before settlement and make a motza. Yeah, right.

In 10 years of property journalism, I've experienced two property booms, one bust, one flood and one cyclone and here we are in 2015 in the midst of the cycle all over again with many of these dubious ‘strategies’ snaring unwary investors yet again.

With so much ‘noise’ and so many self-proclaimed ‘experts’ in a rising market, that's why it continues to be imperative that investors access the best and most objective property data, analysis and commentary.

And this is where John Lindeman comes in. John is one of a very select group of columnists in the Australian Property Investor (API) magazine, which has been the number-one publication for property investment for some 18 years. API has a large and loyal following who turn to us every month for trusted and impartial property investment advice and we only have the best of the best in our magazine.

John's exclusive research column is by far and away one of the most read, and re-read, sections of the magazine each and every month. Many of our readers have been property investors for decades and they recognise a kindred soul in John's research and his ability to analyse complex data sets but explain them relatively simply.

As editor of API, it's my good fortune to read John's column before anyone else does, and I must admit that even after many years in the property game myself, without fail, each month I learn something new. From how to identify slingshot suburbs and which season is best to buy and sell, to the truth behind historical price-growth patterns (which is that regularly spouted, but incorrect furphy about prices doubling much quicker than they really do), John's property insight continues to teach me how to be a better and more successful investor month after month.

Personally, what I admire most about John is the depth of his research and analysis as well as the fact that he's an active and successful property investor himself. And he's been around long enough to have an investment philosophy that anyone can understand. John's methodology includes analysing types of property, price ranges, location, as well as fluctuations in sales and listings to easily identify market changes and trends. He then passes all of that lovely research over to us, so we can benefit and profit from it – like in this book, for example.

Unlocking the Property Market is a continuation of John's research columns and offers valuable information for investors on how the housing market works, where to find areas with the best growth potential, where and when to buy, how to narrow down your search, what to buy, how much to pay and when to sell.

I have no doubt that by understanding these steps to investment success, investors will not only be more informed about the market but they'll also become more skillful when searching for their next property to ensure they make the best and most profitable buying decision.

In person and on the page, John is astute, knowledgeable and one of the good guys of the property investment sector. I trust you will learn as much from him as I have.

Nicola McDougall


Australian Property Investor magazine

About the author

John Lindeman is seen as the market researcher that other property experts go to for detailed insights into the Australian housing market.

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