Wedding Bells For The Village Nurse

Wedding Bells For The Village Nurse
О книге

Healing the surgeon’s heartIt’s a glorious summer’s day when Jenna Balfour returns to the enchanting Devonshire village of Bluebell Cove. Watching the hazy sunshine glinting off the white-tipped ocean, Jenna knows she’s home for good. She’s welcomed back by the local community with open arms. The only person who keeps his distance is enigmatic Dr Lucas Devereux. But warm-hearted Jenna longs to soothe the pain she glimpses beneath his abrupt exterior…Captivated by Jenna’s warm smile, Lucas feels the ice imprisoning his guarded heart begin to thaw. Before the year is out he’ll make this compassionate village nurse his blushing village bride!


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‘It’s so beautiful round here, isn’t it?’

‘Mmm,’ Lucas murmured, with a faster beating pulse as his glance took in the slender stem of her neck rising smooth and sun-kissed. He’d been hurt in mind and body, he thought, but Jenna was beautiful and untouched—which was how it should be.

She was observing him with questioning eyes above the sparkling liquid in the glass and, twirling the stem of it between her fingers, she commented, ‘You’re miles away.’

He shook his head. She was wrong. He was exactly where he wanted to be.

Dear Reader

Welcome to the first of my books where coast and countryside combine to bring you the beautiful Devon village of Bluebell Cove. A place where doctors and nurses in the medical practice look after the health of the local folk and share their joys and sorrows, and in return have the respect and support of their patients when it is their turn to need a friend.

I live in a village in the Cheshire countryside myself, and it never ceases to amaze me how close is the bond between those who live here. When one of them hurts they all hurt. When one of them rejoices they all rejoice.

In WEDDING BELLS FOR THE VILLAGE NURSE a bubbly young nurse finds the man of her dreams in Bluebell Cove. But not without first having to break through barriers created by disillusion and disenchantment.

If you have enjoyed reading about the folks there, do look out for their stories in books two, three and four. They’ll be coming along shortly.

So do let’s keep in touch, dear reader, as I write and you read about golden beaches, clotted cream teas, and romance in Devon—glorious Devon!

Abigail Gordon

Wedding Bells for the Village Nurse


Abigail Gordon loves to write about the fascinating combination of medicine and romance from her home in a Cheshire village. She is active in local affairs, and is even called upon to write the script for the annual village pantomime! Her eldest son is a hospital manager, and helps with all her medical research. As part of a close-knit family, she treasures having two of her sons living close by, and the third one not too far away. This also gives her the added pleasure of being able to watch her delightful grandchildren growing up.

Recent titles by the same author:







*The Willowmere Village Stories



WHEN Jenna Balfour looked out of the window of the taxi as it cruised along the coast road on a Sunday afternoon in midsummer it was there down below, beautiful and changeless. A strip of golden sand where Atlantic breakers, white edged and powerful, forever staked their claim, and today, as was often the case, surfers were there to challenge them with boards at the ready.

It had been her favourite place while she’d been growing up and nothing had changed while she’d been studying nursing at a London college. Every time she’d been home on vacation she’d gone down to the beach to surf within minutes of arriving home.

But all that had changed. She hadn’t seen the house on the headland where she’d been brought up and the beach below for two years—ever since she’d insisted she wanted some time out to see the world before falling in with her mother’s wishes for her to join the local practice that Barbara Balfour ran with brisk efficiency.

Her father had understood how Jenna had felt. A retired solicitor who’d had a practice in the nearby town, he was easy to talk to and treated his bubbly only daughter, who had eyes blue as the sea below and hair the colour of corn at harvest time, with a whimsical affection.

Her mother rarely had time for family discussions and preferred results to rhetoric. Both father and daughter had cause to think that the practice came first, family second, with her, and for the main part they accepted it in the knowledge that Barbara Balfour was held in high esteem by patients and staff alike.

Eventually there had been a row, a big one, with Keith Balfour in the middle trying to keep the peace between the wife and daughter he loved, but it hadn’t worked and Jenna had gone to follow her dream in angry rebellion instead of with her mother’s blessing.

She’d regretted it as soon as she’d gone, but her mother wasn’t the only one with a mind of her own and she’d stayed away until the day that a phone call from her father had wiped out all the anger and she’d found herself getting an early flight home from the French town where she’d been doing some bank nursing.

He’d sometimes rung her for a chat, but his tone on that occasion had been serious, and she’d listened to what he had to say in shocked amazement. Her mother had been forced to take early retirement from the practice that was her life’s blood because of severe rheumatoid arthritis.

‘She needs two sticks to get around and it is difficult because her hands are so swollen. Sometimes we use a wheelchair,’ he’d said.

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