White Paws and Brownie

White Paws and Brownie
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A fairy-tale about a talking cat WHITE PAWS and a mischievous voracious brownie. The cat secretly sheltered its friend and strange paranormal things started to happen. Nobody in the family could guess about an ethereal being in the house.


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© Eva Demoore, 2016

Illustrated by Eugeniya Epikhina

Created with intellectual publishing system Ridero

Chapter 1. Strange things that happened in the house

White Paws is a black cat who lives in a large house. The house is situated in the outskirts quite near a forest. But White Paws never goes there alone, because he heard about small forest people. He heard about them a lot of times. The forest people don’t like cats. And they also don’t like, when children go to a forest without grown-ups. White Paws was told about it by his friend a small brownie, whom he had sheltered in the house a year ago.

Of course, nobody in the house guessed that this mischievous child had settled there. Everybody thought that all that happened there was due to White Paws.

“White Paws, was it you who overturned a glass with juice?” said Ervin every morning indignantly. “How many times can I repeat that cats must not drink juice and that mum left you milk in the kitchen?”

“And why does she bring you juice to your bedroom and leaves everything for me in the kitchen?” asked White Paws in his turn.

“Because you are a cat. And mum says that cats should eat in a kitchen. A kitchen is a place for cats,” explained Ervin.

“Your mother doesn’t know cats. She doesn’t understand them. Milk. Milk. As if I am a baby,” grumbled the cat. “What if I also want juice?”

“Cats can’t drink juice. They have special diet, cat food. They can loose their colour, if they use juice.”

And no matter how many times the cat asked juice for breakfast, Ervin didn’t agree to give it.

Of course, White Paws couldn’t tell that he had a small friend-brownie. He could not do it, because Ervin was afraid of brownies.

And though Brownie was very nice and absolutely not ugly in appearance, he couldn’t be shown to Ervin any way.

Brownie looked like other people, only ten times smaller than any human baby. He ate people’s food and refused to eat mice, though White Paws often persuaded him to taste his favorite dish. And, of course, Brownie couldn’t eat tinned meat for cats. But then, he liked everything that was given to Ervin, especially juice. What milk can be compared with juice, when you are already seven years old? For Brownie, though he was quite tiny, was already seven, just like Ervin. That is why, the cat had to steal food so as to feed his voracious friend.

As for Ervin, he had to pull the cat’s tail. And though he did it many times a day, the cat went on stealing and making a mess in the house. And what is more, every day he invented a new filthy trick.

Of course, nobody in the family knew that it wasn’t the cat, who overturned glasses of juice in the morning and polished the walls with soured cream, and constantly tore paper in the toilet. Mother had to put there new rolls of paper every day. Of course, at first she thought it was Ervin who set afloat toilet paper ships in the toilet. But Ervin gave his word of honor that it wasn’t him. Then everybody understood that it was White Paws…

The cat didn’t confess to anything. But he also didn’t deny anything. And that is why the words constantly heard in the house were “White Paws, it’s you again!”

Once, dad even wished the cat to live in the yard with Rexy.

Rexy has a large warm dog-house. And White Paws often visits him. He stays there half of the day communicating with Rexy. Nobody in the family knows what they talk about for such a long time. Only Ervin knows.

White Paws tells Ervin everything that Rexy tells him for Ervin is not allowed to rest in Rexy’s dog-house, even though it is so nice there. It’s so сosy, warm and clean. But mother says that it is clean only in the house. That is why, everybody walks there barefooted and wears shoes in a street. And one must not walk barefooted outside and must not get inside a dog-house. For mother and father don’t get inside dog-houses. How nice it would be, if they did.

And Ervin is not allowed to go out without permission. All this is due to…

Chapter 2. How they looked for Ervin

One day after breakfast White Paws as usual went to talk with his friend, Rexy. Mother was planting flowers in the garden. Father was at work. Alex, the elder brother, was sitting at the computer. Only Ervin had nothing to do. He walked from one room to another and invented how to spend his time.

At first he washed all the plates in the kitchen. Then he sang all songs, which he remembered. Then he made up three new songs. He sang them one time and wanted to sing them again, but he forgot the words. Then he decided to do something which he wouldn’t forget. He thought and thought and understood that he could draw something for mother. He drew grass because mother liked grass very much. And then he decided to draw something for father and for Alex.

He drew a basket with mushrooms for his father, because father always praised him when he brought home mushrooms and mother prepared them.

But he didn’t know what to draw for Alex, because Alex had everything in his computer. And so Ervin drew a postcard, where he designed a comp of future. It was portable, quite tiny and without a keyboard.

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