Whore for the boss

Whore for the boss
О книге

In a world where career ambitions and personal feelings often overlap, Olga, a young and ambitious graduate of the Institute, finds herself on the threshold of a new life. Having taken a job as a secretary in a large company, she does not suspect that her life will change forever. Its director, Dmitry Ivanovich, is a charismatic and confident man who fascinates Olga at first sight.

Книга издана в 2025 году.

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First Day at Work.

Finding a job in your field after university is very difficult. They always ask for work experience, which you don’t have. Where is it supposed to come from if no one hires you? Olga graduated from the Institute of Management and Economics with almost all A's, only three B's spoiled the picture. But employers paid no attention to these successes. Unable to find a job in her field, Olga decided to at least get a position as a secretary, hoping for career growth down the line. But even here, she faced disappointment. Almost all positions were filled.

Olga was sitting in a café, scrolling through job listings on "Avito." Her eyes caught an interesting ad for a secretary position at an organization called "Spectrum." She had to search for information about the organization online, as she had never heard of it.

"Spectrum" is a large organization with three hundred employees across the country. It was a coveted position, and she needed to hurry. Olga jumped up and ran to the office without even changing her clothes. She ran in what she was wearing.

A white, almost transparent t-shirt and a light skirt that flew up with even the slightest breeze were hardly suitable for a secretary's outfit. In the reception area, a girl sat at a desk, looking at Olga with a scrutinizing gaze and told her to wait. She had to wait for about an hour for the interview.

– Are you here for the interview? – a stately middle-aged man came out of the office.

– Yes, – Olga replied shyly.

– Why are you sitting? Come in. We don’t have much time. Let’s get to the point, – the man said as Olga entered the office and sat down at the desk. – My name is Dmitry Ivanovich. I am the director of the firm, and I conduct all appointments myself. Do you have a resume?

– Yes, of course. But it’s only in electronic form. Where can I print it?

– Why print it? Here’s the address, – Dmitry Ivanovich handed her a card. – I’ll print it myself and read it.

– Why do you need a secretary? I thought you already had one, – Olga was surprised.

– This girl is getting a promotion, – Dmitry waved his hand dismissively. – And I can't do without her. We have a lot of people working here. There are thirty people in just one office. And across the country, it's hard to count.

A few seconds later, a message arrived on the computer. The man pressed a few buttons, and a piece of paper came out of the printer. He took it and began to read. Gradually, Dmitry's expression changed. His serious demeanor shifted to surprise.

– You have a diploma almost with honors, – he set the paper aside, – and you want to work for us as a secretary?

– Yes, – Olga replied firmly. – But you don't hire for other positions without experience.

Dmitry fell silent. He got up from the desk and walked around the girl. He looked her up and down. He approached from behind and placed his hands on her shoulders, starting to massage them lightly. Olga nervously shrugged her shoulders. She felt uncomfortable with a strange man touching her. They hadn't had a drink together for him to be so familiar.

– The work of a secretary is not difficult, – he paused and looked at her chest, her nipples were swollen and conspicuously protruding from under her t-shirt. – I have another proposal for you, Olga. I can offer you a different position. How do you feel about being an economist? For such a diploma, the position of a secretary is too low, – Dmitry corrected himself.

– What’s going on? – Olga jumped up sharply when Dmitry Ivanovich's hands landed on her chest. The chair slid back and fell to the floor with a loud crash.

– Nothing inappropriate, – Dmitry picked up the chair and set it back in place. – Just listen to me. – He pressed down on the girl's shoulders, forcing her to sit back down. – Finding someone for the secretary position is not difficult. What’s the main thing here? To bring coffee at my request, schedule and cancel meetings, and also to obey me. In the evening, when I’m tired, help me relax. This is not a difficult task. Any fool or almost any fool can handle it. – He spoke quite seriously. There was not a hint of embarrassment in his words, as if everything was as it should be. The vacancy is not for a secretary, but for a prostitute. – But finding a worthy person for the economist position is difficult right now. If you agree to a small favor, then the position will be yours. Your qualifications are quite good.

– An economist, of course, this is interesting and will be just in my specialty.

– I see you understand that you can't hire any fool for such a position. Here you need girls with a head on their shoulders, who have a brain that can think. You're just that kind of girl.

Olga was in no hurry to answer. A dark thought crept into her mind. What if you really have to wait for an hour or two now, but the position is in your pocket? She understood how difficult it was to find a job. And here you just have to be patient and that's all. It won't be the first time she's had one. Olga was now looking at Dmitry appraisingly. He is a prominent man. Broad shoulders, square chin, well-muscled arms, in a word, an Atlantean. She's never had guys like that before." "What's below the waist?" thought Olga. It was a bad idea, but to be honest, she hadn't had sex in a long time. And now is a good opportunity to fix it. Relax and have fun.

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