
О книге

A stunning debut YA novel, destined to blow the dystopian genre wide open – The Handmaid’s Tale for a new generation.Sixteen-year-old Rhine Ellery has only four years left to live when she is kidnapped by the Gatherers and forced into a polygamous marriage. Now she has one purpose: to escape, find her twin brother, and go home – before her time runs out forever.What if you knew you exactly when you would die?In our brave new future, DNA engineering has resulted in a terrible genetic flaw. Women die at the age of 20, men at 25. Young girls are being abducted and forced to breed in a desperate attempt to keep humanity ahead of the disease that threatens to eradicate it.16-year-old Rhine Ellery is kidnapped and sold as a bride to Linden, a rich young man with a dying wife. Even though he is kind to her, Rhine is desperate to escape her gilded cage – and Linden’s cruel father. With the help of Gabriel, a servant she is growing dangerously attracted to, Rhine attempts to break free, in what little time she has left.

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Title Page




I WAIT. They keep us in the dark for so…


FOR MALES twenty-five is the fatal age. For women it’s…


IT’S NOT GABRIEL who wakes me in the morning, but…


IT’S MY TURN to keep watch. We’ve locked the doors…


WHEN THE EVENING is at last through, I languish on…


“I WANT TO PLAY a game,” Cecily says.


I HOLD MY BREATH as they pass. Eternity is the…


THE ATTENDANTS arrive in abundance. All of them rushing into…


LINDEN is so delighted about the pregnancy, and the mood…


IT SEEMS THAT leaves are always bursting with new colors.


THE HOUSE doesn’t blow away. Aside from a few broken…


THE AIR IS STILL. It’s quiet. I can breathe without…


LINDEN SEEMS to have no idea that I sustained these…


ALL NIGHT I dream of rivers, and beneath the water,…


WHEN CECILY finishes playing her song, and the illusion shrinks…


I DON’T SEE GABRIEL the next day. My breakfast is…


I’M SICK for the rest of the afternoon. Jenna holds…


LINDEN SAYS, “You and Jenna get along well, don’t you?”


I WORRY for the rest of the evening. Deirdre tries…


WE WAIT, and we wait. I want to look away,…


ON THE MORNING of the winter solstice, Jenna manages to…


THE BABY will not stop crying. His face is bright…


JENNA WAS RIGHT. She leaves before I do. We lose…


WE RETURN from the New Year’s party in the early…


IN THE MONTH before my escape, I spend all of…


I TAKE the elevator to the ground floor and cross…


WE RUN for what feels like all night. It feels…


The First Bride


About the Author


About the Publisher

we lose sense of our eyelids. We sleep huddled together like rats, staring out, and dream of our bodies swaying.

I know when one of the girls reaches a wall. She begins to pound and scream—there’s metal in the sound—but none of us help her. We’ve gone too long without speaking, and all we do is bury ourselves more into the dark.

The doors open.

The light is frightening. It’s the light of the world through the birth canal, and at once the blinding tunnel that comes with death. I recoil into the blankets with the other girls in horror, not wanting to begin or end.

We stumble when they let us out; we’ve forgotten how to use our legs. How long has it been—days? Hours? The big open sky waits in its usual place.

I stand in line with the other girls, and men in gray coats study us.

I’ve heard of this happening. Where I come from, girls have been disappearing for a long time. They disappear from their beds or from the side of the road. It happened to a girl in my neighborhood. Her whole family disappeared after that, moved away, either to find her or because they knew she would never be returned.

Now it’s my turn. I know girls disappear, but any number of things could come after that. Will I become a murdered reject? Sold into prostitution? These things have happened. There’s only one other option. I could become a bride. I’ve seen them on television, reluctant yet beautiful teenage brides, on the arm of a wealthy man who is approaching the lethal age of twenty-five.

The other girls never make it to the television screen. Girls who don’t pass their inspection are shipped to a brothel in the scarlet districts. Some we have found murdered on the sides of roads, rotting, staring into the searing sun because the Gatherers couldn’t be bothered to deal with them. Some girls disappear forever, and all their families can do is wonder.

The girls are taken as young as thirteen, when their bodies are mature enough to bear children, and the virus claims every female of our generation by twenty.

Our hips are measured to determine strength, our lips pried apart so the men can judge our health by our teeth. One of the girls vomits. She may be the girl who screamed. She wipes her mouth, trembling, terrified. I stand firm, determined to be anonymous, unhelpful.

I feel too alive in this row of moribund girls with their eyes half open. I sense that their hearts are barely beating, while mine pounds in my chest. After so much time spent riding in the darkness of the truck, we have all fused together. We are one nameless thing sharing this strange hell. I do not want to stand out. I do not want to stand out.

But it doesn’t matter. Someone has noticed me. A man paces before the line of us. He allows us to be prodded by the men in gray coats who examine us. He seems thoughtful and pleased.

His eyes, green, like two exclamation marks, meet mine. He smiles. There’s a flash of gold in his teeth, indicating wealth. This is unusual, because he’s too young to be losing his teeth. He keeps walking, and I stare at my shoes. Stupid! I should never have looked up. The strange color of my eyes is the first thing anyone ever notices.

He says something to the men in gray coats. They look at all of us, and then they seem to be in agreement. The man with gold teeth smiles in my direction again, and then he’s taken to another car that shoots up bits of gravel as it backs onto the road and drives away.

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