Zero Option

Zero Option
О книге

CRITICAL STRIKEThe President has personally pulled Mack Bolan in on this one–a national security crisis involving the most advanced piece of technology ever conceived. Zero Platform is about to become the first orbiting weapons system operated by human/machine interface.Zero's command center has been razed to the ground, but the person willing to become the first human prototype of biocybernetic engineering survived the attack. Now Doug Buchanan is running for his life, a wanted man on three fronts: by America's enemies determined to destroy Zero's capabilities; by traitors inside Washington plotting a hostile takeover of the U.S. government; and by the only individual who can save Buchanan–and America–from the unthinkable.


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Bolan slammed the M-16 across his adversary’s gun hand

The crack of breaking bone was audible above the driving rain. Ryan roared in agony. He lifted his hand and stared at the split flesh.

“Bastard!” he screamed.

He saw Bolan staring at him, his own battered, bloody face glistening with rain. The look in the man’s eyes unnerved him. They were cold, devoid of compassion.

“Lessons are over, Ryan. This is for keeps.”

For the first time in his life Ryan really knew how it felt to look death in the eyes and understand what it meant.

He turned to run, but there was nowhere to go.

Other titles available in this series:


Storm Burst


Lethal Impact



Battle Force



Death’s Head




Blood Strike



Stalk Line

Omega Game

Shock Tactic


Precision Kill

Jungle Law

Dead Center

Tooth and Claw

Thermal Strike

Day of the Vulture

Flames of Wrath

High Aggression

Code of Bushido

Terror Spin

Judgment in Stone

Rage for Justice

Rebels and Hostiles

Ultimate Game

Blood Feud

Renegade Force



Cloud of Death

Termination Point

Hellfire Strike

Code of Conflict


Executive Action



Storm Front

War Season

Evil Alliance

Scorched Earth


Destiny’s Hour

Power of the Lance

A Dying Evil

Deep Treachery

War Load

Sworn Enemies

Dark Truth


Blood and Sand



Strike and Retrieve

Age of War

Line of Control



Pressure Point

Silent Running

Stolen Arrows

Zero Option

Mack Bolan®

Don Pendleton

Justice is the constant and perpetual wish to render to every one his due.

—Emperor Justinian, c.482–565

When individuals believe they are above the law or beyond justice, they deserve a harsh lesson in reality.

—Mack Bolan


Zero Platform One, Earth orbit

Zero Platform One moved on its slow orbit against a background of star-dappled darkness, silent and seemingly dead. The exterior was composed of aluminum and titanium steel, the burnished surface dotted with antennae, signal and scanning dishes, targeting probes. Rings of sensors crisscrossed the platform.

The upper section had a row of observational windows that ran the circumference of the dome. The lower, much larger dome could rotate on an internal rail system and held long-range missiles in multiple banks that jutted from the surface like so many metal blisters. Directly above the missile clusters were laser and particle-beam weapons. On the central ring of the platform sat a series of smaller missile pods. These were for the protection of the platform itself. The pods were linked to some of the sensor arrays, which in turn incorporated long distance radar scanners. Picking up the approach of any object, the platform’s own defense system would analyze and determine any possible threat. Once confirmed, a series of both verbal and electronic warning signals would be transmitted, giving the object ample time to identify itself. If the object ignored the warnings, it would be destroyed without further delay. A correctly received reply would generate an order to retreat. If that was acknowledged and the appropriate action taken the matter would be concluded. If Zero didn’t receive the expected response, it was programmed to take full punitive action. In essence nothing was allowed to get within one-quarter mile of Zero without being challenged.

Although Zero appeared dormant to the casual observer, that was far from reality.

Zero Platform was in a state of hibernation. Within the outer shell the electronic heart of Zero lay in standby mode. Its main functions were in electronic slumber, waiting. But in its half-life Zero carried out useful functions. Its information gathering probes scanned Earth activity. It was locked into a ring of roving satellites, code-named Slingshot, that had a defense capability, but that also fed intelligence data into Zero’s data banks. Sound and vision were picked up on a global scale. Zero assessed, collated and fed the information back to Zero’s collecting station. That was a minor part of Zero’s function, but until the platform was placed on full operational status it was a useful adjunct.

Zero’s potential lay in wait. In the ice-cold emptiness of space, endlessly orbiting Earth, Zero had more to offer than simple eavesdropping. It had the capability to become the U.S.A.’s most potent defensive-offensive weapon. That power would remain dormant until Zero was activated by the one man who would have the platform under his control. Until that time came, Zero would stay silent. Waiting patiently as only a machine could…waiting for its partner…

New Mexico

HE WAS ALONE, hurt, running for his life from an unseen enemy.

Major Doug Buchanan, United States Air Force, was in his early forties, a physically impressive figure in or out of uniform. He wasn’t a man to back away from confrontations, violent or otherwise. He’d flown combat missions in the Gulf War, and had six confirmed kills to his credit. He was a quiet man, proud of his service career and dedicated to his country’s defense.

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