30 best sex poses for both. Description, advice, recommendations

30 best sex poses for both. Description, advice, recommendations
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First, you need to understand that the determining factors for any posture are such as: convenience; relative ease of execution; pleasure. Many people do not change their preferences, I use the missionary posture «for all occasions.» It is worth noting that it is one of the most optimal, but the body lovers very quickly get used to it, because of what the amount of pleasure is reduced.

Читать 30 best sex poses for both. Description, advice, recommendations онлайн беплатно


© Veronica Larsson, 2017

ISBN 978-5-4490-1768-0

Created with Ridero smart publishing system

Probably, every person, regardless of sex, at least once thought about what poses for sex cause the greatest pleasure. It has long been known that various erotic films can not be used as a practical guide, since they are far from reality. But there are actual tips on this topic, which will be useful at least for acquaintance.

First, you need to understand that the determining factors for any posture are such as: convenience; relative ease of execution; pleasure. In principle, the items on this list are the most basic, since it is these requirements that are set by each person when he wants to find the ideal pose for sex.

Many people do not change their preferences, I use the missionary posture “for all occasions.” It is worth noting that it is one of the most optimal, but the body lovers very quickly get used to it, because of what the amount of pleasure is reduced.

Pose 1. Missionary

The most common position can be considered the so-called “missionary pose”. She got this name, probably because it was in this position that the church ordered her husband and wife to make love. The priests thought that sex was something dirty at the time, thoughts of earthly pleasures were considered sinful, the church was allowed to have sex only for the sake of the continuation of the human race, and it was this posture that provided the best conditions for conception.

But you can hear another version, why this position was called “missionary”. In almost forgotten times, when Christianity did only the first steps in the world, missionaries were sent to the distant islands to the savages to carry them “the light and the truth of life”. Savages considered sex to be the most natural thing in the world, did not hesitate of it, often doing it in the position of “man from behind”, which is a natural pose for mating most mammals (and savages did not separate themselves from the rest of nature). The missionaries, who arrived with their wives, or were looking for a temporary mistress among the savages they liked, performed sexual intercourse only in the “man on top” position. This was new to curious savages, they watched with interest the actions of the “messengers of God”, and then they tried to have sex in exactly the same way.

This position also suits those who make only the first steps in the fascinating country called “sex”. He allows both a man and a woman to exchange mutual sexual caresses and kisses.

“Missionary Pose” assumes such a position of partners when they lie face to face (the man is on top). The woman lies on her back, legs apart and bent them in her lap. The man descends to the partner from above, supporting the weight of the body on his hands.

The head of the phallus touches the entrance to the vagina. Then the man should only make movement of the hips forward: his phallus freely penetrates into the vagina. To help direct the penis into the vagina, one of the partners can hold the phallus or spread the large labia to ensure free penetration of the phallus between them. The phallus is injected very gently and gradually, moving forward with a few light movements alternating with the reverse frictions. Thus, the penis is smeared by secretion from the vagina, and the vagina gradually adapts to the size of the penis.

This position is good because the movements of partners in this position are not limited and very diverse: from “back-forward” to “rotation”. This position gives pleasure to both partners, but with prolonged sexual intercourse is not too convenient.

Pose 2. In captivity of love

Such a pose is not in vain called “in captivity of love.” It is suitable for couples who want to introduce more diversity into their sex life.

The position “in the captivity of love” allows a woman to feel herself as a defenseless person, who was conquered by a strong knight. The use of belts or erotic belts in sexual games does not at all mean that in people there are some sado-masochistic beginnings. They are simply a symbol of subordination, the man in this case acts as a “conqueror”, the woman plays the role of subjugated and, as it were, subordinate to her partner.

A man can take his beloved prisoner with the help of an erotic symbol: a belt, a bow, garters. They can connect the arms or legs of the partner, and you can do something like a ring, which will help to implement this or that pose.

The woman lies on her back on the bed, raising her arms above her head. The man ties the woman’s hands with a belt or scarf and ties them to the back of the bed. The partner widely spreads his legs, the man enters it, the frictions must be slow and shallow. A woman can easily bend her legs in her lap for convenience.

A man at such a position feels himself a master and the feeling that his beloved is at that moment in full power, fills him with joy, pride and satisfaction. The man in this case acts as the leader, “directs” the act of coitus.

The hands of a man in this position are free, and he can caress them all the body of a woman, while his partner can strengthen their sensations only by bending or straightening their legs. A woman with a wide vagina can press her hips against her stomach, and the sexual sensations, even with a wide entrance and a large vagina, will be much stronger.

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