“Why do you look for the living among the dead?”
Bible, Luke 24:5
“I know your deeds; you have a reputation of being alive, but you are dead.”
Bible: Revelation 3:1—3
“Do you know what feels strange about this hospital? Nobody is laughing here.
The person who is not able to laugh anymore has no more reason to be here.”
Conversation in hospital
This book is dedicated to the people from whom I have learned the secrets about life and death: especially Michel Boje, my patient for several years who taught me about the mystery of death (he had hepatitis C, was addicted to narcotics but was able to fulfil his dreams), my beloved father Nikolaj Kozevnikov, former chief engineer for hydropower station construction in Russia, who taught me (he is in his 80s) the art of resolving any extreme situations, my dear lovely Danish husband professor Leif Bjørnø who taught me (and he is still teaching) the art of adaptation of any life challenges and many-many others who were my daily teachers in the school of life and death. Thanks to all of them this book was created.
– Do you have some extra time in your very busy life to read this book?
– Why extra time? – You can ask.
– Simply, because you are underway to your last place of rest – to the cemetery! Are you not? You are. Do not be silly! We are all underway together to the same place. We are on the same road. Time is spare. A lifetime is the most valuable and the most wasted resource in our life.
Would you still like to spend some hours with me to read about the mystery of life and death? Good! Stay with me and you will be rewarded with new knowledge, discoveries, and practical advice about how to make your existence richer, long lasting, and cheerful.
Now the first truth: you are dying and there is no way to escape. You are coming closer and closer to your life’s dead end. You have already made a good part of this pilgrimage. You are doing this everyday, with every step you make, with every breath you take and with every decision you choose. Do you think that you can avoid the dead end of life? No way! There is no escape – it doesn’t matter if you are a vegetarian and doing your yoga exercises or if you enjoy drinking alcohol everyday with black out experiences at the end of the day: both strategies have the same ending – at the cemetery. There is only one thing that is certain in your life: you will be dead one day. Do not fool yourself with unrealistic dreams. Jesus told about coming back, Buddha told the same, the terminator in every TV serial sent the same tricky message “I will come back”. Only the terminator (Arnold Schwarzenegger) was able to perform it with the help of modern movie techniques. No one ever comes back from the dead end of life to report about the transition processes.
Life is a marathon and everybody will be awarded with the first price: a place in the cemetery.
A near death experience is still good stuff to psychoanalysis, medical brain science and a lot of science fiction (it is good business indeed) – but very little of the truth here. I have had such experiences not once but several times in my life. Each experience was very different, colourful, and beautiful to watch and feel, maybe all of them were simply creations of my very tricky and wonderful brain, nerve system and the chemical processes in a dying body. I came back every time, but I was not totally dead, only partly and temporary.
You, my friend, are surely one of the billions of dying people on this planet. I am too – together with you. Can you feel it? Your wonderfully clever body one day will turn into your enemy and will deceive you. What can you do about it? Something you still can….
Stay with me and I will tell you how to die slower and in a more pleasant way. This book was created as a part of Belbooks© concept and will answer the questions: how to have a beautiful, painless, enjoyable, slow-speed and meaningful death. If it is possible for me it is possible for you too – using your own personal experience and touch. Try to follow some of my guidance and find what is working for you. We are all different, therefore explore this book and make your own experiences available. It is worthwhile to try because my experience with many of my students and patients shows that methods developed by me are good and reliable (and very simple) and the results are great. Some of my followers are more than 90 and still have wonderful health and life energy.
I wish you a wonderful journey with a lot of discoveries. And now a Russian toast: “For your health and long-lasting life! Cheers!”
Is the glass half empty or half full? Are you living or dying? I will tell you that you are both. This is the duality of life. You cannot really distinguish. Sometimes you react (or act) as a living person, sometimes as a dying (or dead). But you do it unconsciously in many cases. I will show you how you can make the choice consciously.