A Colby Christmas

A Colby Christmas
О книге

Golden boy Brad Gibson never expected his climb up the corporate ladder would involve dodging bullets. But after he discovered corruption at a leading financial firm, someone wanted his head. Even worse, he feared he was about to lose an exciting opportunity to join the Colby Agency.Now on Christmas Eve he was locked inside a skyscraper equipped with a state-of-the-art security system alongside Colby receptionist Elaine Younger, a doe-eyed beauty not to be underestimated. But with four masked men intent on bringing the agency to its knees, it was going to be a long night of gunfire and dangling mistletoe before Christmas dawned on the most dangerous couple in Chicago.


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Brad had to be looking up her skirt.

Heat singed Elaine’s cheeks. Her legs were apart and the skirt was hiked up to the tops of her thighs at this point. If he wasn’t looking it would only be because he’d closed his eyes. Despite her best efforts to focus on pulling up into the cavernous area above the ceiling, she had to look down. Incredibly, his eyes were closed. She hauled herself up onto the beam and looked around. Lots of wires. Acres of steel beams. She watched him grab hold of a beam and pull himself up as if he’d been climbing mountains his whole life.

“What now?” she asked. But he just slipped the tile back into its slot on the grid system that supported the dropped ceiling.

“Should we—” Brad held up a hand, silencing her. Even in the near darkness she saw him tense. And then she heard it. Below, the bathroom door had opened….

A Colby Christmas

Debra Webb



Debra Webb was born in Scottsboro, Alabama, to parents who taught her that anything is possible if you want it badly enough. She began writing at age nine. Eventually she met and married the man of her dreams, and tried some other occupations, including selling vacuum cleaners and working in a factory, a day-care center, a hospital and a department store. When her husband joined the military, they moved to Berlin, Germany, and Debra became a secretary in the commanding general’s office. By 1985 they were back in the States, and finally moved to Tennessee, to a small town where everyone knows everyone else. With the support of her husband and two beautiful daughters, Debra took up writing again, looking to mystery and movies for inspiration. In 1998 her dream of writing for Harlequin came true. You can write to Debra with your comments at P.O. Box 64, Huntland, Tennessee 37345 or visit her Web site at www.debrawebb.com to find out exciting news about her next book.


Brad Gibson—He has been offered a position at the Colby Agency, but he may not be able to stay out of jail, or alive, long enough to accept.

Elaine Younger—The Colby Agency receptionist. It takes a near-death experience to propel Elaine into the land of the living. Can she trust Brad Gibson to help her stay that way?

Victoria Colby-Camp—The head of the Colby Agency.

Ian Michaels—Victoria’s second in command and a man who knows how to spot trouble well in advance.

Lucas Camp—Victoria’s husband. Will he make it home for Christmas?

Jim Colby—Victoria’s son. He has a life-altering revelation for his mother.

Tasha Colby—Jim’s wife. She is about to give birth to the first Colby grandchild.

Joseph Reynard—Building security.

Welton Investments—Brad Gibson’s former employer.


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter One

December 23, 4:30 p.m.

Inside the Colby Agency


How could Christmas be here already? Day after tomorrow. The year had flown by.

Victoria Colby-Camp smiled as she watched the snow float down past the floor-to-ceiling window behind her desk. She loved the snow—loved this city. The flurry of pedestrians rushing to and fro on the street below made her tingle with excitement. Such vibrancy, such diversity, all rolled into one fabulous town.

Her smile stretched into a grin. And any day now she was going to be grandmother. A grandmother! Imagine it. For so many years her son had been lost to her. Just having him home again had been such a blessing. That he’d found a woman who loved him despite his horrific past was simply icing on the cake. But to be blessed with a grandchild, too, Victoria just didn’t know how she could possibly be more fortunate. She had worried after last year’s failed pregnancy. Thank heavens there had been no problems with this one. Her son deserved every moment of happiness that came his way.

The glittering lights draping every office and shop window twinkled especially bright this evening. Tomorrow was Christmas Eve and Victoria couldn’t wait to share this special holiday with her family. She had very special presents wrapped and waiting to tuck beneath the tree for Lucas, Jim, Tasha and the coming grandchild. Watching their faces as they opened those gifts and anticipating their surprise had her giddy already and there were still twenty-four hours to go.

She glanced at her wristwatch, the tiny diamonds embellishing the face winking at her like the Christmas lights outside. Lucas had given her this watch for her birthday. She put it on every morning and cherished the feel of it against her skin. Her husband wouldn’t be home until late this evening. She hoped there were no significant delays with inbound flights with this winter storm surrounding the city. She couldn’t bear the idea of spending the holiday without him. The very idea sent an ache through her soul. That he’d had to rush off to Washington so close to the baby’s arrival date had worried her, but Lucas had commitments to his work just as she did. She certainly couldn’t deny him his work, even if she would prefer to have him all to herself every minute of every day.

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