A Doctor To Heal Her Heart

A Doctor To Heal Her Heart
О книге

Sam Lockyear is certainly not the man Dr. Euan Scott thought he’d hired for his rehab clinic. Far from it—she’s a woman…and an incredibly alluring one! Euan is quickly wowed by Sam and her determination to help the clinic’s patients. But Sam is all work and no play. Her emotional scars leave no room in her heart for a relationship. Euan, however, isn’t a man who gives up easily—and as his feelings for Sam intensify, he’s definitely not giving up on her!

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Euan drew closer, an unspoken question on his lips, and in response to Sam’s unspoken answer he slid his fingers along her jaw, burying them in her hair.

When his lips brushed against her cheek Sam forgot all the reasons why this wasn’t such a good idea.

He stopped, his mouth barely an inch from hers. ‘This is the best part. Waiting …’

Her whole body felt as if it might melt in his arms. ‘Wondering whether you’ll kiss me?’

‘Wondering what it’ll be like when I do.’

She felt his lips curl against hers. ‘We could do this for hours …’ Sam could stare into his honest eyes, feel his body against hers, warm and protective, for as long as she liked.

‘Nah. I don’t have the self-control.’

He kissed her.

He’d lied. The waiting wasn’t the best part at all.

Dear Reader

The work-life balance. Which of us gets it right all the time? I’ll be the first to admit that sometimes I bite off more than I can chew, and work seems to overtake everything else, but still I aim to keep a balance.

Sam doesn’t even try to get it right. She’s always worked hard, but now she’s working to forget the personal tragedy which shattered everything she’d built. And since the memories won’t go away that means she’s working pretty much all the time. When she meets Dr Euan Scott work suddenly takes on a whole new meaning for her. But if he’s going to help her face her past he’ll have to persuade Sam to take some time off.

I hope you enjoy Euan and Sam’s story. I’m always delighted to hear from readers and you can email me via my website at www.annieclaydon.com

Annie x

A Doctor to Heal Her Heart

Annie Claydon


Cursed from an early age with a poor sense of direction and a propensity to read, ANNIE CLAYDON spent much of her childhood lost in books. After completing her degree in English Literature she indulged her love of romantic fiction and spent a long, hot summer writing a book of her own. It was duly rejected and life took over. A series of U-turns led in the unlikely direction of a career in computing and information technology, but the lure of the printed page proved too much to bear, and she now has the perfect outlet for the stories which have always run through her head, writing Medical Romance™ for Mills & Boon®. Living in London—a city where getting lost can be a joy—she has no regrets for having taken her time in working her way back to the place that she started from.


For George and Jenny

Praise for Annie Claydon:

‘Well-written brilliant characters—I have never been disappointed by a book written by Annie Claydon.’



AT HALF PAST six in the morning the beach was deserted, apart from a few joggers and an early-morning dog-walker. After a hot, sticky night, the breeze from the sea was refreshing.

‘You look like something the tide washed in...’

Euan Scott dropped into the faded deckchair that was set out, waiting for him. The temptation to close his eyes was almost irresistible. ‘Yeah, I know. If it’s any consolation, I feel...’

‘Worse?’ Canvas and wood creaked alarmingly as David Watson leaned across from his own deckchair, and swept Euan’s face with an assessing gaze. ‘What happened?’

‘One of the kids from the clinic, Kirsty...’ Euan blinked, trying to drive the picture of Kirsty’s golden hair and blue lips from his mind. ‘She took an overdose yesterday.’

David shook his head. ‘How is she?’

‘Hanging on. Her heart stopped three times and she’s had intercranial bleeding. Her parents are with her.’

‘Dammit. And she was doing so well...’

Euan didn’t want to think about that. He didn’t want to think about how Kirsty might be, either, when she woke. If she woke.

‘Yeah.’ He scrubbed his hand across his face, trying to banish those thoughts. There were other kids who needed him, and he couldn’t afford to fall apart over just one of them. ‘So what’s on the agenda for this week?’

‘First thing is you go home and get some sleep.’

‘What about the Monday morning meeting?’ Euan nodded towards the sea in front of them. ‘The boardroom’s all set up...’

The two directors of the Driftwood Drugs Initiative hardly saw each other during the week, David doing what he did best, raising funds and keeping everything running, and Euan working with their clients. The Monday morning meeting was the only uninterrupted time they got together and it was so sacrosanct that it didn’t even take place in the office. When the weather was bad they were the first customers in the coffee shop by the pier, and when the sun shone they adjourned to the beach.

David shrugged. ‘My side of things is fine. Your side needs some sleep.’ He closed his laptop with an air of finality and slipped it into his bag. ‘Any other business?’

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