A Match for the Single Dad

A Match for the Single Dad
О книге

Pint-sized matchmakers on the loose!Responsibility is not something Maggie Bell has ever wanted. Sure, she’s never felt the need to leave her family business, but she can’t give up her freedom, even for someone as cute as Garrett McHale.The former Air Force pilot turned single father knows his family life filled with two sprightly little girls isn’t much to offer someone as lively as Maggie, but he can’t help feeling attracted.But when Maggie gets a good look at parenting, will she take fright? Or will Garrett show her that, when love’s involved, anything is possible?

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“I never thought you were the type to play with fire, Maggie.”

She chuckled softly, her heart racing now in response to that all-too-brief kiss. “I’ve been known to scorch my fingertips a few times.”

His hands settled at her hips before she could move away. “My fingers are still feeling a little cold.”

What the hell. She wrapped her arms around his neck, momentarily abandoning caution. “Then maybe we should heat them up.”

“Maybe we should.” He settled his mouth against hers, their smiles meeting then melding into a kiss hot enough to scorch much more than her fingertips. She felt the heat surging all the way through her, simmering deep inside her. This buttoned-down, ex-military single dad definitely knew how to kiss.

About the Author

GINA WILKINS is a bestselling and award-winning author who has written more than seventy novels for Mills & Boon. She credits her successful career in romance to her long, happy marriage and her three “extraordinary” children.

A lifelong resident of central Arkansas, Ms Wilkins sold her first book to Mills & Boon in 1988 and has been writing full-time since. She has appeared on the Walden-books, B. Dalton and USA TODAY bestseller lists. She is a three-time recipient of a Maggie Award for Excellence, sponsored by Georgia Romance Writers, and has won several awards from the reviewers of RT Book Reviews.

A Match for the Single Dad

Gina Wilkins


For Patience Bloom, a dedicated editor, fellow romance fan and genuinely nice person.

Chapter One

“He’ll say no. Daddy always says no,” almost-eleven-year-old Kristina McHale said glumly. She was known to her family and friends as Kix, a nickname bestowed on her by her slightly older sister, Payton, who’d had trouble as a toddler saying her baby sister’s formal name.

With the wisdom of her thirteen years, Payton waved a hand dismissively. “We can talk him into it. You know how he’s always nagging about ‘family time.’ Well, a week together in a cabin would count for that, right? Besides, that week includes both your birthday and the Fourth of July. How can he say no?”

“He’ll find a way,” Kix predicted.

Payton sighed in response to her sister’s pessimism. “We can at least ask. You ask. Give him the look. You know, puppy-dog eyes. I’ll act like I think it’s sort of a dumb idea, so he won’t figure out we’re conspirators.”


“Working together,” Payton explained impatiently.

“Oh.” Kix practiced widening her already-big blue eyes. “You think this will help?”

Eyeing her critically, Payton shrugged. “Couldn’t hurt. Lower your chin a little and maybe poke out your bottom lip. If you could make it kind of quiver a little, it would be even better.”

“Like this?” Kix gave her sister a limpid look from beneath thick dark lashes, her rosy mouth pursed in a hint of a pout.

“Not bad. I bet he’ll say yes. Once we have him at the resort for a whole week, we’ll make sure he spends time with her.”

“How are we going to do that?”

Payton sighed impatiently and pushed an auburn strand out of her face. “I can’t think of everything all at once, Kix. We just will, okay?”


Pacing the length of her bedroom, Payton continued her scheming. “Once Dad spends more time with Maggie, surely he’ll get around to asking her out. I mean, we know he likes her because he always smiles when she’s around, right?”

Sitting cross-legged on her sister’s bed, Kix nodded enthusiastically, her brighter-red hair tumbling into her freckled face. “He has to like her. He’d be crazy if he didn’t.”

“Well, it is Dad,” Payton muttered, making Kix giggle. “Still, maybe he’ll finally do something right and ask her out. And maybe we’ll finally have someone on our side for a change who’ll tell Dad he has to stop treating us like dumb little girls. Maggie always looks so pretty. I bet she’d convince Dad and Grammy that we’re old enough for makeup and double-pierced ears and cool clothes. At least, I am.”


“Well, you’re almost old enough,” Payton conceded. “And there are other things she could take your side about.”

“Yeah, I guess.”

“So we’re agreed? You’ll tell him tonight at dinner that you know where you want to spend your birthday week?”


They exchanged a complicated handshake to seal the deal.

Early on a Sunday morning in June, Maggie Bell shifted on the wooden picnic table bench beneath the big pavilion at Bell Resort and Marina. The newly risen sun glittered on the rippling waters of southeast Texas’s Lake Livingston ahead, making the lake look like liquid silver streaked with veins of gold. Even this early, the air was already quite warm, though she was comfortable enough in her scoop-neck, cap-sleeve yellow T-shirt dress and wedge-heeled sandals.

Seated around her at long wooden picnic tables and in folding chairs beneath the big pavilion at Bell Resort and Marina, a small crowd sang the chorus of “Amazing Grace,” most of them even in the same key. In a long-standing tradition at the resort owned by Maggie’s family, nondenominational sunrise worship services were held year-round for guests and any area residents who chose to participate. Attendance had always been good, but especially during the past few months. Specifically, since good-looking and personable Jasper Bettencourt had started leading the services.

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