A Night To Remember

A Night To Remember
О книге

Major incident headquarters… 1500 hoursA tanker loaded with toxic chemicals is headed straight for an oil rig. The only possible outcome–disaster!Grace Darling Hospital… 1530 hoursA team, led by Dr. Seb Bridges, is ready and waiting– to save lives.Emergency room… 1600 hoursDr. Libby Bridges is on her way to the E.R., determined to ask Seb for a divorce.For Seb, only two things matter–saving lives and saving his marriage. This will be the most important night of his life and the clock is ticking.

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“I’m so sorry, Libby,” he whispered. “So very, very sorry for letting you down.”

“Seb, have you got a minute?”

He looked round when the door suddenly opened and Cathy appeared. “Problems?” he said, standing up. Libby hadn’t moved, she was still curled up asleep. He doubted if she was aware that he was there, which probably wasn’t a bad thing. He was feeling far too emotional at the moment and he couldn’t afford to feel this way if he hoped to convince her that their marriage could work if she’d only give him a second chance.

He had to stay focused, he thought as he followed Cathy out the door. He had to present the idea of them trying again, with confidence and assurance so that she would believe it was worth taking the risk. He knew it was a lot to ask and that he didn’t deserve another chance after the mess he’d made of things, but he couldn’t just let her go without a struggle. He needed her, wanted her, loved her, and he was going to tell her that before this night was over. He wanted his wife back for keeps!

Dear Reader,

We read so much in the press about the number of failed marriages that it’s easy to forget about those that do survive. I wrote this book in the hopes of reestablishing the balance a little.

When Libby Bridges sets out to tell her husband, Seb, that she wants a divorce, she is sure that she is doing the right thing. They have drifted so far apart that their marriage is little more than a sham. However, during the course of the following twenty-four hours, as she and Seb are forced to work together, Libby finds herself reassessing her decision. Does she really want to lose Seb? Seb is devastated when he realizes why Libby has come to see him. He desperately wants to persuade her to give him a second chance, but as the night passes, and one crisis follows another, time is slipping away. Will he be able to convince Libby that he still needs her?

I had fun writing this book. As each hour passed, nearing the time when Libby and Seb must part, I found myself willing them to admit the truth—that they love one another and want to stay together. Did they manage it in the end? You will have to read the book to find out!

Best wishes,


A Night to Remember

Jennifer Taylor



Blood pressure is high and pulses are racing in these fast-paced dramatic stories. They’ll move a mountain to save a life in an emergency, be they the crash team, emergency doctors or paramedics. There are lots of critical engagements amongst the high tensions and emotional passions in these exciting stories of lives and loves at risk!

Friday: 3 p.m.

THE sky had that leaden look that usually heralded a storm. Libby Bridges pulled into a lay-by and checked her map. If there was a storm brewing, she wanted to get to her destination as quickly as possible.

Her finger traced the network of roads and she sighed. By her reckoning, she still had another fifty miles to go before she reached the hospital. Maybe she should phone Seb and warn him that she was coming so he would wait for her. She didn’t want him to leave work before she got there. Although he had sent her his new address when he had moved, she had never been to the house and wasn’t sure if she would be able to find it on her own.

Libby took her mobile phone out of her bag but even as she went to key in the number, she changed her mind. If she phoned Seb and told him that she was on her way to see him, he would want to know why. Did she really intend to tell him over the phone that she wanted a divorce? Maybe they hadn’t been able to make their marriage work but the least she could do was to end it with dignity.

She shoved the phone back into her bag and pulled out onto the road, but her heart was heavy as she set off again. She wasn’t looking forward to the next few hours but what choice did she have? There was no point hoping that she and Seb could work things out because they had passed that point now. The problem was that they were two very different people to the starry-eyed lovers who had met at med school and married on the day they had graduated.

Just remembering all the dreams they’d had once for their future together was almost too painful. They had been so sure that their love would last but the strain of working increasingly long hours had taken its toll. Whole weeks had passed when they had barely seen each other if one of them had been working nights. That was the main reason why she had decided to go into general practice. Working set hours—even long ones—had seemed preferable to never seeing Seb and it had been fine at first, until he’d been offered his dream job in the north-east.

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