A Question Of Love

A Question Of Love
О книге

A Love To Last a Lifetime…Seven years ago, Honey Kingston and Matt Logan had a passionate affair that ended abruptly when he left town to join the rodeo. And though the strong-willed beauty tried to forget Matt's warm gaze, she couldn't help but remember their love…each time she looked into her little boy's blue eyes. So when the former rodeo daredevil returned to town, Honey found herself engulfed in a whirlwind of deep-rooted emotions, unable to distance herself from the father her son so deserved. Would too many memories send Honey running–or could they rekindle a flame that once burned so brightly?

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“Matt, we need to talk.”

“What good will talking do? Will it change the past?”

“No. We can’t change the past. But it could help you build a future.”

“Leave it alone, Honey.” He turned to leave.

Suddenly afraid that if she let him go, she’d never see him again, Honey dashed across the room and grabbed his arm. If she couldn’t make him understand with words that love didn’t have to hurt, maybe she could show him.

Pressing her lips against his, she said a silent prayer that she still had enough power to prove that he was wrong, that love only hurt when it wasn’t returned.

Dear Reader,

March roars in like a lion this month with Harlequin American Romance’s four guaranteed-to-please reads.

We start with a bang by introducing you to a new in-line continuity series, THE CARRADIGNES: AMERICAN ROYALTY. The search for a royal heir leads to some scandalous surprises for three princesses, beginning with The Improperly Pregnant Princess by Jacqueline Diamond. CeCe Carradigne is set to become queen of a wealthy European country, until she winds up pregnant by her uncommonly handsome business rival. Talk about a shotgun wedding of royal proportions! Watch for more royals next month.

Karen Toller Whittenburgh’s series, BILLION-DOLLAR BRADDOCKS, continues this month with The Playboy’s Office Romance as middle brother Bryce Braddock meets his match in his feisty new employee. Also back this month is another installment of Charlotte Maclay’s popular series, MEN OF STATION SIX. Things are heating up between a sexy firefighter and a very pregnant single lady from his past—don’t miss the igniting passion in With Courage and Commitment. And rounding out the month is A Question of Love by Elizabeth Sinclair, a warm and wonderful reunion story.

Here’s hoping you enjoy all that Harlequin American Romance has to offer you—this month, and all the months to come!


Melissa Jeglinski

Associate Senior Editor

Harlequin American Romance

A Question of Love

Elizabeth Sinclair


To Kim Kozlowski for the inspiration for this story and her enduring friendship. To Pattie Steele-Perkins for her faith, her hard work and her friendship. And, as always, to my personal hero and the love of my life, my husband, Bob.


Elizabeth Sinclair was born and raised in the scenic Hudson Valley of New York State. In 1988 she and her husband moved to their present home in St. Augustine, Florida, where she began pursuing her writing career in earnest. Her first novel reached #2 on the Waldenbooks bestseller list and won a 1995 Georgia Romance Writers’ Maggie Award for Excellence. As a proud member of five RWA affiliated chapters, Elizabeth has taught creative writing and given seminars and workshops at both local and national conferences on romance writing, how to get published, promotion and writing a love scene and the dreaded synopsis.

Books by Elizabeth Sinclair






Tess’s Special Oatmeal Cookies

Set oven at 350°F.

Sift together:

11/2 cups flour

1/2 tsp baking soda

1 tsp cinnamon

1/2 tsp salt

Stir in:

1 egg, well beaten

1 cup sugar

1/2 cup melted butter

1/2 cup melted lard or other shortening

1 tbsp molasses

1/4 cup milk

13/4 cups oatmeal

1 cup seeded raisins and 1 cup of broken nut meats

Arrange by teaspoonfuls on buttered cookie sheet. Bake until the edges are brown (about 12 minutes). Makes about 75.

Chapter One

Honey Logan dropped like a rock onto the Victorian settee and stared in horror at her mother-in-law. From the placid expression on Amanda Logan’s aged, but still lovely face, she seemed to have no idea that she’d just announced the impending end of Honey’s world.

“Now, dear,” Amanda said, tapping Honey’s hand lightly with the tips of her well-manicured nails, “this shouldn’t take too long. A few weeks at the very most.”

“A few weeks?” Amanda might as well have been suggesting a few centuries. Honey tried, without too much success, to erase the desperation from her voice. “Isn’t there anywhere else he can go?”

“I was so hoping that you would agree to this.” Amanda leaned back in her wheelchair and sighed. “I’m afraid there is nowhere else. His house hasn’t been lived in for over two years, and it needs cleaning and fixing.” She smiled at Honey. “He is my nephew, dear. Family. I couldn’t very well turn him away, now, could I?”

Yes, you could have, Honey wanted to yell. You could have told him to get a motel room in the next town, the next state, another country, anywhere but here.

Regretfully, she knew she couldn’t make that kind of demand. No matter how much she loved Amanda and Amanda loved her, her mother-in-law owned the house. Honey resided there purely as a guest. Despite her efforts to make Honey think of it as her home, she lived here at her mother-in-law’s pleasure, as her home-care nurse. As such, Honey felt she had no more say in what went on here than the gardener or the housekeeper. Her mother-in-law’s innate consideration for everyone in the house was the only reason they were even having this conversation.

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