A Sinful Seduction

A Sinful Seduction
О книге

A man with a plan…for revengeEast Africa is the last place philanthropist Cal Jeffords expected to find glamorous Megan Rafferty, his best friend's widow. Now that he's tracked her down–she's been working as a volunteer nurse for his own foundation–he'll stop at nothing to get answers…including getting her into bed. When he finds out what happened to the millions she embezzled from the charity, he'll make her pay.Megan does have something she's hiding, but it's not what Cal thinks. Ultimately, the truth will make it impossible for him to see their African adventure as a simple seduction–and to let her go.

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If this new Megan tried to play on his sympathy, it wasn’t going to work.

So help him, whatever it took, he was going to nail her to the wall.

She’d been looking straight ahead, but now she turned toward him with a frown. “Is something wrong, Cal? Another crisis back home?”

He managed a wry laugh. “Not that I know of. I could say I was just passing through and decided to stop by …” He saw the flash of skepticism in her caramel-colored eyes. “But you wouldn’t believe me, would you?”

“No.” A smile tugged a corner of her luscious mouth. The sort of mouth made for kissing. When was the last time she’d been kissed? he caught himself wondering.

But never mind that. He was here for just one reason.

Although, if getting to the truth involved kissing her, he wouldn’t complain.

A Sinful Seduction

Elizabeth Lane


ELIZABETH LANE has lived and traveled in many parts of the world, including Europe, Latin America and the Far East, but her heart remains in the American West, where she was born and raised. Her idea of heaven is hiking a mountain trail on a clear autumn day. She also enjoys music, animals and dancing. You can learn more about Elizabeth by visiting her website, www.elizabethlaneauthor.com.

For Pat, my wonderful sister

who loves Africa


San Francisco, California, February 11

The headline on Page 2 slammed Cal Jeffords in the face.

Two Years Later

Exec’s Widow, Foundation Cash

Are Both Still Missing

Swearing like a longshoreman, Cal crumpled the morning paper in his fist. The last thing he needed was a reminder that today was the second anniversary of his best friend and business partner’s suicide. And he didn’t need that grainy file photo to help him remember Nick and his wife, Megan, with her movie-star beauty, her designer clothes, her multimillion-dollar showplace of a home and her appalling lack of human decency that let her steal from a charity and then leave her husband to carry the blame.

With a grunt of frustration, he crammed the newspaper into the waste basket.

He had no doubt that the whole ugly mess was Megan’s fault. But the questions that still haunted him two years later were how and why? Had Megan coerced Nick into complying? Had the demands of their lavish lifestyle driven Nick Rafferty to embezzle millions from J-COR’s charity foundation? Or had Megan embezzled the money herself and forced her husband to take the blame? She’d had plenty of opportunities to siphon off the cash her fund-raisers brought in. He’d even found evidence that she had.

But Cal would never know for sure. The day after the scandal went public, he’d found Nick slumped over his desk, his hand still clutching the pistol that had ended his life. After the private funeral, Megan had vanished. The stolen money, meant to ease the suffering of third-world refugees, was never recovered.

It didn’t take a genius to make the connection.

Too restless to sit, Cal unfolded his athletic frame and prowled to the window that spanned the outer wall. His office, on the twenty-eighth floor of the J-COR building, commanded a sweeping view of the Bay and the bridge that spanned the choppy, gray water. Beyond the Golden Gate, the stormy Pacific stretched as far as the eye could see.

Megan was out there somewhere. Cal could feel it, like a sickness in his bones. He could picture her in some faraway land, living like a maharani on the millions stolen from his foundation.

It wasn’t so much the missing cash itself that troubled him—although the loss had cut into the foundation’s resources. It was the sheer crassness of taking money earmarked for food, clean water and medical treatment in places rife with human misery. That Megan hadn’t seen fit to make amends at any point after her husband’s death made the crime even more despicable.

She could have returned the money, no questions asked. Even if she was innocent, as she’d claimed to be, she could have stayed around to help him locate it. Instead, she’d simply run, further cementing Cal’s certainty of her guilt. She wouldn’t have run if she didn’t have something to hide. And the woman was damned good at hiding her trail. Not one of the investigators he’d hired had been able to track her down.

But Cal wasn’t a man to give up. Someday he would find her. And when he did, one way or another, Megan Rafferty would pay.

“Mr. Jeffords.”

Cal turned at the sound of his name. His receptionist stood in the office doorway. “Harlan Crandall’s outside, asking to see you. Do you have time for him now, or should I schedule an appointment?”

“Send him in.” Crandall was the latest in the string of private investigators Cal had hired to search for Megan. A short, balding man with an unassuming manner, he’d shown no more promise than the others. But now he’d come by unannounced, asking for an audience. Maybe he had something to report.

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