A Valentine For The Veterinarian

A Valentine For The Veterinarian
О книге

It's raining cats and dogs…and babies?When charismatic K-9 cop Alex Santiago shows up at Paradise Animal Clinic with a tiny grey kitten in his jacket, something inside Dr Cassie Marshall shifts. The single mum and veterinarian had been sure her plate was already full. Yet something about Alex makes her reconsider…But when Cassie learns she is pregnant, she panics. How can she handle one man, his dog, her little girl, their cat, and a baby? Her sexy deputy sheriff has made no bones about wanting a simple relationship. So how will she tell him that he’s going to be a father?


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“Mom, guess what?”


“Deputy Alex is going to be your valentine!”

“What?” Several heads had turned at Emma’s enthusiastic statement. No doubt there would be talk in the teacher’s lounge later.

“I asked, and he said he doesn’t have a valentine. And you don’t have one either. So you can be each other’s—it’s perfect.”

Emma’s innocence made Cassie’s heart squeeze. “Oh, honey, it’s not quite that simple. Just because we’re both single doesn’t mean we’re going to be valentines with each other.”

Emma frowned. “Why not? Don’t you like Deputy Alex?”

“Of course I do.” More than she should. “But someday, when you’re a grown-up, you’ll understand that things like valentines are more complicated than just liking someone.”

“I don’t ever want to be a grown-up. It makes everything complicated.”

No kidding, kid. No kidding.

* * *

Paradise Animal Clinic: Let the love—and fur-ever families—fly!

A Valentine for the Veterinarian

Katie Meyer


KATIE MEYER is a Florida native with a firm belief in happy endings. A former veterinary technician and dog trainer, she now spends her days homeschooling her children, writing and snuggling with her pets. Her guilty pleasures include good chocolate, Downton Abbey and cheap champagne. Preferably all at once. She looks to her parents’ whirlwind romance and her own happy marriage for her romantic inspiration.

Ean, for picking up the slack and never complaining about it.

My mom and my son, Michael, for babysitting the littles when I had a deadline and needed some quiet.

My agent, Jill, for guiding me through the process.

And my editorial team, especially Carly and Jennifer, for finding my (numerous) mistakes and making me look good.

“Grace, you just saved my life. How can I ever repay you?”

The woman behind the counter rolled her eyes. “It’s just coffee, Dr. Marshall, not the fountain of youth. If you leave a few coins in the tip jar, we’ll call it even.”

Cassie clutched the cardboard cup like a lifeline, inhaling the rich aroma. “I had an emergency call last night, ended up performing a C-section on a schnauzer at three a.m., and then was double-booked all day. So right now your caffeinated nectar is my only hope of making it through the meeting I’m going to.” She paid for her coffee and took a cautious sip of the scalding brew. “You’re my hero.”

“That kind of flattery will get you the last cinnamon scone, if you want it.”

“Have I ever turned down a free baked good?” Cassie accepted the small white bag with the proffered pastry. “Thanks. This ought to keep me out of trouble until I can get some dinner.”

“Speaking of trouble, here comes that new sheriff’s deputy. I’d be willing to break a few rules if it would get him to notice me.” Grace craned her neck to see more clearly out the curtained front window. “Don’t you think he looks like a man who could handle my rebellious side?”

Cassie nearly spit out her coffee. If Grace Keville, sole proprietor of Sandcastle Bakery, had a rebellious side, she’d kept it well hidden. Even after a full day of baking and serving customers, she looked prim and proper in a crisp pastel blouse and tailored pants. From her lacy apron to her dainty bun, she was the epitome of order and discipline. Not to mention she was happily married and the mother of three. “You’ve never rebelled a day in your life.”

Grace sniffed. “Maybe not, but that man makes me consider it. Hard.”

Rebellion wasn’t all it was cracked up to be. She’d been there, done that, and had considerably more than a T-shirt to show for it. She started to say as much, but stopped at the jingle of the door chimes behind her. Turning at the sound, she caught her breath at the sight of the intense man heading toward her with long, ground-eating strides.

No wonder Grace was infatuated. The man looked like he’d just stepped out of a Hollywood action movie rather than the quiet streets of Paradise, Florida. Thick, dark hair framed a chiseled face with just a hint of five-o’clock shadow. His eyes were the exact color of the espresso that scented the air, and reflected a focus that only men in law enforcement seemed to have. Even without the uniform she’d have known him for a cop. Sexy? Sure. But still a cop. And she’d had her fill of those.

“I’m here to pick up an order. Should be under Santiago.”

Grace grabbed a large box from the top of a display case. “I’ve got it right here—an assortment of cookies, right?”

“That’s right.”

“What, no doughnuts?” Uh-oh, did she say that out loud?

He gave Cassie a long look before quirking up one side of his mouth. “Sorry to ruin the stereotype.”

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