A Win-Win Proposition

A Win-Win Proposition
О книге

Sebastian Case relies on his assistant for everything.But since arriving in Vegas for a conference, mousy Missy has transformed. From ordinary to ravishing. From reserved to bold and sensual. And Sebastian, who’d barely noticed she was a woman, finds himself dazzled.Now she’s quitting and Sebastian will do anything to keep her. Including accepting her outrageous bet…

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“Tell you what. I’ll make you a bet.”

She felt audacious and desirable beneath Sebastian’s keen appraisal. Mad impulses had been driving her all day.

Sebastian looked resigned. “What sort of a bet?”

“If the ball lands on black and I lose, I’ll keep working for you. I’ll have to, won’t I, because I’ll be five thousand dollars poorer.”

Sebastian’s eyes locked with hers. “And if the ball lands on red?”

“I want a night with you.” The proposition tasted like warm honey against her lips. She had no idea where she’d found the boldness to voice it, but now that she had, she wouldn’t take it back for a million dollars.

“I’m not going to take advantage of you like that.”

“One night,” she coaxed. “That’s all I want.”

“This is ridiculous.” Despite his words to the contrary, he didn’t pull back.

“Black you get me,” she said, hearing the ball slow. Only seconds now. Seconds that would change her life forever. “Red, I get you.”

Dear Reader,

Las Vegas is a city that captures my imagination. Like my heroine, Missy Ward, I love the energy of the casinos and the sense that anyone around me could strike it rich, or lose everything, in the next few seconds.

I’m not much of a gambler. I can’t bear to throw my money away. So, it was great fun to write a heroine whose luck begins to change the second she starts taking chances.

But if everything seems to be going right for Missy, the same cannot be said for her boss, conservative CEO Sebastian Case. He’s a man who likes being in control and isn’t sure what has gotten into his once-dependable executive assistant.

I had a blast helping Missy and Sebastian reach their happily-ever-after. I hope you enjoy their journey.

Happy reading!

Cat Schield


About the Author

CAT SCHIELD has been reading and writing romance since school. Although she graduated from college with a BA in business, her idea of a perfect career was writing books. And now, after winning the Romance Writers of America 2010 Golden Heart for series contemporary romance, that dream has come true. Cat lives in Minnesota with her daughter, Emily, and their Burmese cat. When she’s not writing sexy, romantic stories for the Desire™ line, she can be found sailing with friends on the St Croix River or in more exotic locales like the Caribbean and Europe. She loves to hear from readers. Find her at www.catschield.com. Follow her on Twitter @catschield.

A Win-Win Proposition

Cat Schield


To Erik Westgard who put me on the path and

Chris Keach who keeps me on it


Multi-colored lights winked at Sebastian Case, enticing him to come try his luck. He ignored the electronic clatter of slot machines as they chimed, beeped and sang of fortunes won and lost. Gambling didn’t appeal to him. He believed in hard work and perseverance, not chance.

A couple in their sixties halted in front of him, forcing Sebastian to slow. The wife insisted the buffet was to their left. The husband assured her they’d missed the turn near the keno area. Both were wrong.

Before he could circle past, the woman spied him.

“There’s someone who can help us.” Her bright-red lips parted in a cheerful smile. “Hello …” She scrutinized his chest, where a name tag might be. “Young man. We love your hotel, but it’s very confusing. Can you direct us to the buffet?”

She’d mistaken him for a hotel employee. Not surprising. He was probably the only person in the casino wearing a business suit who didn’t work there.

“If you angle to the right, you’ll see it.” He pointed in the direction they needed to go.

“I told you.” The woman shot her husband a smug look, dead wrong but taking credit anyway. “Thank you.”

With a nod, Sebastian resumed walking toward the bank of elevators that would sweep him to his fifteenth-floor suite. Missy better be there. While he’d been on a conference call with their lawyers, going over last-minute changes to the contract for the purchase of Smythe Industries, she’d pulled a vanishing act. That had been almost six hours ago.

Concern buzzed. He’d left three messages on her voice mail and sent her four or five emails. Not a single response. Assistants didn’t come any more efficient or reliable than Missy. Should he be worried that she’d gotten into trouble?

Noisy, crowded, chaotic Las Vegas lured tourists with over-the-top promises of adventure and spit them out with blurry memories and empty pockets. Had Missy fallen prey? Her small-town upbringing in west Texas couldn’t have prepared her for such dangers. Was she somewhere in the maze of slot machines, pouring her paycheck into one? Or perhaps she’d left the hotel and been accosted on the street.

A cheer went up from the craps tables on his right. If his BlackBerry hadn’t been set to vibrate, he never would have known he’d received an email. Slowing his pace, he pulled the handheld out of his coat pocket. Missy had finally responded. The two-word subject line stopped him cold.

My resignation.

He stared at the concise note in disbelief. Missy was quitting? Impossible.

His executive assistant had been with him for four years. They were a team. If she were unhappy, he’d know it.

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