Abbie's Child

Abbie's Child
О книге

Abigail's Child…Widow Abigail Cooprel had been devastated by the news that her daughter had died at birth and been "switched" with a healthy baby. Now, six years later, she cherished her son as if her were truly her own, and there was nothing she wouldn't do to keep him.The years he'd roamed the Colorado mining camps searching for his long-lost wife and the child he'd never seen had taken their toll on Willem Tremain. Lonely and bereft, he'd almost given up hope, until Abigail and her blue-eyed boy made him ache to love again.

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Abigail had the most singular urge to touch him,

to slide her palms over the contours of his body and see if he felt as hard as he looked. The idea that Willem Tremain was dangerous gained more substance with every passing moment. Suddenly she felt downright feverish and more light-headed than the time she drank too much of Lars’s dandelion wine.

Unable to stop herself, she raised her fingertips to touch the coin hung around his neck, lightly brushing against his warm, moist skin. Every inch of his body went rigid, and he sucked in his breath with a sharp hiss that made her own skin prickle in response.

“Abigail.” Her name was spoken in clear, sharp warning. She jerked her hand back in alarm and shifted her gaze to his face. An emotion unlike any she’d ever read there before burned in his eyes. His jaw was clamped so tightly, his cheek muscles were jumping in rhythmic fashion, and his mouth was drawn into an uncompromising line.

She took a step backward. Something wild and raw had glowed in his eyes, something that made her tremble…

Dear Reader,

When Abigail Cooprel suddenly comes face-to-face with a man who is the very image of her adopted son, she realizes that she will do anything to keep her child, even marry a stranger. Abbie’s Child is the second book from talented newcomer Linda Castle, whose first book, Fearless Hearts, was released during our annual March Madness promotion in 1995, to loud acclaim. Don’t miss this month’s title, and be sure to keep an eye out for her next book, The Return of Chase Cordell, coming in December.

Multigenre author Merline Lovelace can make any time period come alive, and in her new release, Lady of the Upper Kingdom, she does just that. This dramatic story of forbidden love brings together two strong-willed people as they struggle to overcome the treachery and distrust that exists between their two cultures, the Egyptian and the Greek.

The new Medieval from Catherine Archer, Velvet Touch, the sequel to her previous book, Velvet Bond, is the bittersweet story of a young nobleman who is sent by his king to arrange a marriage and settle a feud, only to fall in love with the intended bride. And three-time RITA Award winner, contemporary author Cheryl Reavis, is back this month with The Bartered Bride, the moving story of a pregnant woman who must swallow her pride and marry her sister’s widower, set in Civil War North Carolina.

Whatever your taste in reading, we hope you will enjoy all four Harlequin Historicals, available wherever books are sold.


Tracy Farrell,

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Abbie’s Child

Linda Castle

Linda Castle is the pseudonym of Linda L. Crockett, a third-generation native New Mexican. Linda started writing in March of 1992, and Abbie’s Child is her second book from Harlequin Historicals.

When not penning novels, Linda divides her time between being a wife, mother and grandmother. She loves speaking, and teaching what she has learned to aspiring writers. Her best advice: write from the heart.

Linda believes one of the greatest benefits she has received from writing historical novels is the mail from readers. She encourages and welcomes comments to be sent to:

Linda Castle

#18, Road 5795

Farmington, NM 87401

Please include an SASE for a reply/bookmark.

To Bill from your adoring wife and mate,

Logan, Brandon, Liann and Bill from Mom, Matt and Will from Grammy, Ira, Clay and Vicki from your sister, Bob and Terrie from your mother-in-law, Denise from your stepmother, Babe from your daughter, Don and Helen from your daughter-in-law, Steve, Bonnie, Deb and Wendy from your sister-in-law, Mandi, from your aunt, DA, EW, LA, AS, TB, HS, AS, RG, KV, MC, MT, LB, CB, HW, SE, LC from a friend, Western Writers of America from a country girl, Land of Enchantment Romance Authors from a New Mexico native, Romance Writers of America from a hopeless romantic, Southwest Writers Workshop from one with ink in her blood, San Antonio Romance Authors from your member from out West, Margaret Marbury from a very grateful writer, and most of all to the readers who have opened their hearts to embrace the characters of my imagination,

Thank you.

San Juan Mountains, Colorado


Abigail clung to the sheer side of the mountain trail while another pain knifed through her taut belly. Carl was not even cold in his grave before the first agonizing contraction had gripped her. She sucked in gulps of pine-scented cold air and squeezed her eyes shut against the biting pain. When it began to ebb and flow away as the last half dozen before it, she pulled the threadbare plaid woolen shawl snug around her rounded belly and pushed forward. She rubbed her palms over her chilled arms, but felt no warmth from the action.

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