Adventures of the Moon Bunny

Adventures of the Moon Bunny
О книге

Three friends from a magical forest – a dreamy bunny, an inventive squirrel and a timid hedgehog – receive an unusual mission. They set off on an intergalactic journey to save worlds from destruction.They have to:1. Establish contact with alien civilizations;2. Restore broken connections between planets using the power of music and mutual understanding;3. Reveal the mystery of the disappearance of light threads connecting galaxies.

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© Mikhail Romanovich Belyaev, 2025

ISBN 978-5-0065-6586-9

Created with Ridero smart publishing system

Adventures of the Moon Bunny


Hi! My name is Lunar, and I’m not your average bunny.

I live in the most magical corner of the forest, where every morning the trees wake up and whisper amazing stories. My house is hidden under a big old oak tree, and from there you can see everything around.

I have long silver ears and blue eyes. When I laugh, my ears bounce and make a funny sound – «poom-poom»

I love to travel and learn new things. While other bunnies play hide and seek, I draw maps, collect unusual stones and dream of big adventures.

My House

My little house is a whole little world! It is hidden under a big old oak tree, the roots of which wrap around every stone in the meadow, it remembers hundreds of forest stories.

Everything inside is arranged in a very unusual way. On the walls hang maps that I draw myself. Some maps are real, and some are from my imagination. Here is the Land of Magic Clouds, and there is the Mountain of Wonderful Adventures.

I have a special shelf with treasures. It contains:

A Shiny Pebble from the River of Stars

The feather that Cloud Wanderer gave me

My grandfather’s old compass

Unusual cones and leaves

My bed is made of soft moss and fern leaves. On top is a patchwork quilt that my mother knitted for me. Each patch is a little story.

My kitchen

My kitchen always smells of something delicious! I love to cook different treats. On the shelves there are jars of jam from wild berries – raspberries, blueberries and strawberries and even pine cone jam.

My stove is made of river stones. I brew herbal tea on it and bake delicious oatcakes with nuts. Next to the stove hang bunches of dried herbs – mint, thyme, sage. Each herb has its own history and magical properties.

My friends say that I am a bit strange, but kind. I am always ready to help – whether it is a small ant that is stuck in a web, or a squirrel that has lost its way home.

Every day is a new story for me. In the morning, as usual, I have oatmeal with wild berries for breakfast, and then I go out to explore the surroundings. My backpack is always full of interesting finds: bird feathers, unusual stones, and pencils for sketching.

My best friend is the old Wise Owl. He lives on the edge of the forest and tells me amazing stories about distant lands and incredible adventures.

I know that someday something truly exciting will happen to me. And I will be ready!

Chapter 1 – The Mysterious Letter

That day, everything started out as usual. I was having oatmeal with wild berries for breakfast and sipping mint tea when I heard a strange knock on the window.


At first I thought it was an oak branch tapping on the glass. But when I looked, I saw an unusual pigeon! This pigeon had silver feathers and a small compass on its neck. It was holding a rolled-up parchment with a blue wax seal in its paws.

«Who could it be?» I thought.

The dove silently held out the letter and, after waiting for me to take the envelope, smoothly flew away, dissolving into the morning fog.

I have known Bernard for many years. He is my friend and mentor, and an experienced traveler who taught me how to read maps and understand the language of the forest. With trembling paws, I opened the envelope. Inside was a letter written in a special ink that changed color in different lights.

«Dear Lunar!

I urgently need your help. A strange event has occurred in the Starry Forest that could change the fate of the entire Moon Forest. But it cannot be written about – it is too dangerous. If you are truly my friend, set out immediately. We will meet at the Three Echoes Waterfall exactly three days after receiving the letter.


What could have happened that was so important? Why is Bernard asking for help? And what is this strange event in the Starry Forest?

My heart started beating faster. It seemed like a real adventure was waiting for me!

Having gathered myself, I put everything I needed in my backpack: a few oatcakes, a jar of jam, a map of the Starry Forest, and, of course, my favorite compass. I looked at my library, at the shelf with treasures, and at the cozy house under the oak tree. «I’ll be back!» I promised myself. «But now I’m in for an adventure!»

When I came out of my house, I met my friends: a squirrel named Sia and a hedgehog named Topi. They were playing hide and seek and, seeing me, they immediately ran up to me.

«Lunar, where are you going?» Sia asked, her eyes shining with curiosity.

«I’m going to the Star Forest,» I replied. «Bernard needs my help.»

«Oh, that sounds exciting!» Sia exclaimed. «Can we go with you?»

– Yes, yes! – Topi picked up. – We want adventures too!

I thought about it. Although I wanted them to come with me, I knew it could be dangerous. But looking at their excited faces, I couldn’t refuse.

«Okay,» I said. «But be careful. We don’t know what awaits us.»

The three of us set out on our journey. The road to the Starry Forest was winding and full of surprises. We walked past flowering meadows where butterflies danced in the air, and past old trees that seemed to whisper their secrets to each other.

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