After the Greek Affair

After the Greek Affair
О книге

The passion pay-back…Billionaire tycoon Loukas Christakis has learned the hard way never to trust a woman. The only female he cares about is his soon-to-be-married little sister. And that’s why he’s reluctantly allowed struggling designer Belle Andersen to make the wedding dress on his private island – where he can keep an eye on her!Alone with her as she works, the virile Loukas finds innocent Belle becomes an unexpected temptation. But what should just have been a short paradise affair has consequences. And, as Belle is about to find out, Loukas will do whatever it takes to secure what he feels is rightfully his…

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‘Undoubtedly it will help Larissa if you make her wedding dress here on Aura.’ He paused, and the air between them seemed to tremble. ‘But there is another reason why I want you to stay.’

His voice was as deep and soft as crushed velvet. Belle’s heart jerked painfully against her ribs and she watched, paralysed, as his head slowly lowered and the moonlight was obscured. She licked her dry lips with the tip of her tongue.

‘What…reason?’ she whispered.


Loukas brushed his mouth over hers, capturing her surprised gasp as her lips parted helplessly.

About the Author

CHANTELLE SHAW lives on the Kent coast, five minutes from the sea, and does much of her thinking about the characters in her books while walking on the beach. She’s been an avid reader from an early age. Her schoolfriends used to hide their books when she visited—but Chantelle would retreat into her own world, and still writes stories in her head all the time. Chantelle has been blissfully married to her own tall, dark and very patient hero for over twenty years, and has six children. She began to read Mills & Boon as a teenager, and throughout the years of being a stay-at-home mum to her brood found romantic fiction helped her to stay sane! She enjoys reading and writing about strong-willed, feisty women, and even stronger-willed sexy heroes. Chantelle is at her happiest when writing. She is particularly inspired while cooking dinner, which unfortunately results in a lot of culinary disasters! She also loves gardening, walking, and eating chocolate (followed by more walking!). Catch up with Chantelle’s latest news on her website:

After the

Greek Affair

Chantelle Shaw


BELLE ANDERSEN extracted her mobile phone from her handbag and skimmed the text message she had received from Larissa Christakis, explaining how to reach her brother Loukas’s private Greek island.

As I’m getting married on Aura, it would be wonderful if you could come to the island to work on the designs for my dress so that you can get a feel for the setting. You can catch the ferry from the port of Lavrion in Athens to the island of Kea. Let me know what time you plan to arrive and I’ll make sure a boat is waiting to bring you to Aura.

The ferry had arrived at Kea ten minutes ago and the last of the passengers were disembarking. Further along the quay several fishing boats rocked gently on a cobalt sea that reflected the cloudless blue sky above. The little port of Korissia was a picturesque place. Square white houses with terracotta-coloured roofs lined the harbour and gleamed brilliantly in the sunshine, and behind them green hills swathed in a profusion of brightly coloured wild flowers rose in graceful curves.

Belle’s artistic eye appreciated the beauty of her surroundings, but after a four-hour flight to Athens and another hour on the ferry to Kea she was looking forward to reaching her destination. Perhaps one of the fishing boats had been sent to collect her, she thought, lifting her hand to shield her eyes from the sun as she stared along the quay. A group of fishermen were standing around chatting but no one paid her any attention. The other passengers from the ferry had dispersed into the town. With a sigh she picked up her suitcases and began to walk towards the fishermen.

The May sunshine was blissfully warm after the grey, unseasonably chilly London Belle had left behind. Her lips twitched when she recalled her brother Dan’s reaction to the news that she would be spending the next week in Greece while he remained on their old houseboat on the Thames, which had sprung a leak.

‘Spare me a thought while you’re hobnobbing with a Greek billionaire on his paradise island, won’t you?’ Dan had teased. ‘While you’re topping up your tan I’ll be patching up the boat—yet again—before I head off to Wales for a photo shoot.’

‘I’ll be working, not lazing in the sun,’ Belle had pointed out. ‘And I don’t suppose I’ll have much to do with Loukas Christakis. Larissa told me her brother spends much of his time at his company’s offices in Athens, or visiting his many business projects around the world. Even the date of Larissa’s wedding was determined by Loukas’s schedule. Apparently the last week in June is the only time he has free.’

A frown wrinkled Belle’s brow as she continued along the quay. During her conversations with Larissa the Greek girl had frequently mentioned her brother, and it was clear she adored him. But Belle had gained the impression that Loukas Christakis was a man who was used to having his own way, and she suspected that Larissa was slightly in awe of him.

The very fact that she had been asked to design and make Larissa’s wedding dress, as well as dresses for her two bridesmaids, in five weeks rather than the six months she would usually expect the commission to take was due in part to Loukas, Belle mused. Of course he was not responsible for the fact that the first designer his sister had commissioned had suffered some sort of personal crisis and disappeared—Larissa had been rather vague about the details of what had happened—but Loukas’s insistence that the wedding should still go ahead at the end of June as planned must have put Larissa under enormous pressure. She had been close to tears when she had visited the Wedding Belle studio a week ago, and clearly relieved when Belle had assured her that she could make her a dress in time.

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