Age of Innocence

Age of Innocence
О книге

Into the narrow social world of New York in the 1870s comes Countess Ellen Olenska, surrounded by shocked whispers about her failed marriage to a rich Polish Count. A woman who leaves her husband can never be accepted in polite society. Newland Archer is engaged to young May Welland, but the beautiful and mysterious Countess needs his help. He becomes her friend and defender, but friendship with an unhappy, lonely woman is a dangerous path for a young man to follow – especially a young man who is soon to be married.


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For the rich and the fashionable, New York society in the 1870s was a world full of rules: rules about when to wear a black tie, or the correct time to pay an afternoon visit; rules about who you could invite to your evening parties or sit next to at the opera; rules about who was an acceptable person, and who was not.

Countess Ellen Olenska, who has lived for many years in Europe as the wife of a Polish Count, returns alone to her family in New York. She hopes to leave the pain of her unhappy marriage behind her, but she does not understand the rules of New York society. Newland Archer, however, understands them only too well, and the girl he is engaged to marry, young May Welland, lives her life by the rules, because she cannot imagine any other way of living.

Newland, May, and Ellen are caught in a battle between love, honour, and duty – a battle where strong feelings hide behind polite smiles, where much is left unsaid, and where a single expressive look across a crowded room can carry more meaning than a hundred words.

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ISBN 978 0 19 479216 5
A complete recording of this Bookworms edition of
The Age of Innocence is available on audio CD ISBN 978 0 19 479213 4
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Illustrated by: Gavin Reece
Word count (main text): 24,820 words
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Newland Archer’s family

Newland Archer

Janey Archer, Newland’s sister

Adeline Archer, Newland’s mother

Louisa van der Luyden, Adeline’s cousin

Henry van der Luyden, Louisa’s husband

the Misses du Lac, Newland’s aunts

the Duke of St Austrey, Louisa’s English cousin

May Welland’s family

May Welland

Mr Welland, May’s father

Mrs Welland, May’s mother

Countess Ellen Olenska, May’s cousin

Count Olenski, Ellen Olenska’s husband

Mrs Manson Mingott, grandmother to May and Ellen

Medora Manson, Ellen’s aunt

Mr Lovell Mingott, uncle to May and Ellen

Mrs Lovell Mingott, Mr Mingott’s wife

Regina Beaufort, niece to Mrs Manson Mingott

Julius Beaufort, Regina’s husband

Other people in the story

Lawrence Lefferts} New Yorkers,

Sillerton Jackson} and friends of Newland Archer

Sophy Jackson, Sillerton Jackson’s sister

Mrs Lemuel Struthers, a friend of Julius Beaufort

Monsieur Rivière, Count Olenski’s French secretary

Mr Letterblair, a lawyer, and Newland Archer’s employer

the Carfrys, English friends of Mrs Archer

the Blenkers, friends of Ellen Olenska

Fanny Ring, Julius Beaufort’s mistress, later wife

Dallas, Mary, and Bill Archer, Newland Archer’s children

Fanny Beaufort, daughter of Julius Beaufort and Fanny Ring



When Newland Archer arrived at the New York Academy of Music, one January evening in the early 1870s, the opera had already begun. There was no reason why the young man should not have come earlier. He had had dinner at seven, alone with his mother and sister, and then sat unhurriedly smoking his cigar in his private library. But fashionable young men did not arrive early at the opera. That was one of the unwritten rules of society, and in Newland Archer’s New York these rules were as important as life and death.

Another reason for the young man’s delay was that he enjoyed looking forward to pleasures just as much as actually experiencing them, and Gounod’s Faust was one of his favourite operas. As he opened the door at the back of his box, he felt he had chosen just the right moment to arrive. Christine Nilsson, the Swedish singer whom all New York had gathered to hear, was singing, ‘He loves me – he loves me not –

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