Alaskan Sanctuary

Alaskan Sanctuary
О книге

A Change of HeartPiper Quinn is fighting for the future of her wolf sanctuary. A painful childhood has taught her to be more comfortable with animals than humans—especially the beautiful wolves of Aurora, Alaska. So when reporter Ethan Hale arrives to cover her struggling shelter—and deems the wolves a danger to the community—she’s ready prove him wrong. A former park ranger, Ethan’s seen just enough tragedy to support his claim. Soon their difference of opinion is front-page news. And Piper and Ethan must reconcile their opposing views with their stubborn hearts that are quickly finding refuge in each other.

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A Change of Heart

Piper Quinn is fighting for the future of her wolf sanctuary. A painful childhood has taught her to be more comfortable with animals than humans—especially the beautiful wolves of Aurora, Alaska. So when reporter Ethan Hale arrives to cover her struggling shelter—and deems the wolves a danger to the community—she’s ready to prove him wrong. A former park ranger, Ethan’s seen just enough tragedy to support his claim. Soon their difference of opinion is front-page news. And Piper and Ethan must reconcile their opposing views with their stubborn hearts that are quickly finding refuge in each other.

“Ethan, why are you here? You never told me.”

“I couldn’t sleep, so I thought I’d go for a drive. I just wanted to make sure everything was okay up here.”

“But the police are keeping an eye on things.” Her lips parted ever so slightly, and the ache in Ethan’s chest became an actual physical pain. “Tell me the real reason.”

Of course there was more to it than that. More than he could admit even to himself. More than he could articulate.

Time was running out. He needed to put a stop to this. Now, while he still could. “It’s late, and you can stop looking at me like that. I’m not one of your wolves, Piper.”

She flinched. His words had hit their mark with the desired effect. “I don’t… I mean…”

What was wrong with him? He was an idiot. Such an idiot that he kept talking when he should have shut his mouth. “I don’t need a champion, Piper. And I don’t need saving.”

TERI WILSON grew up as an only child and could often be found with her head in a book, lost in a world of heroes, heroines and exotic places. As an adult, her love of books has led her to her dream career—writing. Teri’s other passions include dance and travel. She lives in Texas, and loves to hear from readers. Teri can be contacted via her website,



Teri Wilson

“The wolf and the lamb will feed together…

they will neither harm nor destroy on all my holy mountain,” says the Lord.

—Isaiah 65:25

This book is dedicated to the people and wolves at the Colorado Wolf and Wildlife Center in Divide, Colorado.


Many thanks to the best agent in the world, Elizabeth Winick Rubinstein and her fabulous staff at McIntosh & Otis, Rachel Burkot, Melissa Endlich and the wonderful people at Love Inspired, my critique partner, Meg Benjamin, my writing bestie, Beckie Ugolini, and my family and friends for their unwavering support.

Thanks also to Sue Healey for naming Shasta the wolf and Chris Meager for naming the Pinnacle Hotel, where our hero Ethan Hale grew up.

And as always, I thank God for the gift of words, making my dreams come true and allowing me to write for a living.

This book could not have been written without the help from the staff of the Colorado Wolf and Wildlife Center. If you love wolves, please visit them at If I’ve made any mistakes in my depiction of these beautiful animals, please forgive me.

Chapter One

“Who’s afraid of the big, bad wolf?”

Piper’s heartbeat hammered against her rib cage. There was just something about looking into the eyes of a wolf at close range, something thrilling that brought about an instinctual response. Breathtaking. Primal.

The animal stood less than a foot away, one hundred forty pounds of sinuous muscle, gleaming white teeth and ebony fur. A timber wolf, with penetrating eyes the color of Klondike gold.

He took a step closer.

Breathe. Just breathe.

The wolf blinked once, twice, three times. Then, without breaking eye contact, he rose up onto his powerful back legs, planted his front paws on her shoulders and licked the side of her face.

Who’s afraid of the big, bad wolf? Tra la la la la.

“Big and bad, my foot.” Piper gave the wolf a generous rub behind his ears. “You’re a marshmallow, Koko.”

Koko showered her with more wolf kisses, heedless of the fact that it took every ounce of Piper’s strength not to shrink beneath the weight of his massive frame. At only a year old, Koko was still very much a pup and seemingly unaware of his size. And his power. Not to mention the intimidation factor that came with being a wolf.

Stature, strength and piercing gaze notwithstanding, he didn’t frighten Piper. She couldn’t remember a time when any of the wolves did. Years ago, perhaps. Before she’d ever had the idea to start the sanctuary. Before the first rescue.


“Piper! We’ve got a visitor.” Caleb White, the one and only paid employee that she could afford, stood outside Koko’s enclosure, eyeing their interaction with curiosity. Koko swiveled his massive head in the teenager’s direction and dropped back down to all fours. “I think it’s him.”


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