An Angel Treasury: A Celestial Collection of Inspirations, Encounters and Heavenly Lore

An Angel Treasury: A Celestial Collection of Inspirations, Encounters and Heavenly Lore
О книге

The ultimate guide to all things angelic from the UK's leading angel expert.Contents:This unique compendium tells you everything you ever wanted to know about angels. Acknowledged angel expert ‘The Angel Lady’ offers a wealth of facts, real-life angel stories, tips, advice, angelic inspiration and background information.This ultimate angelic guide is designed to be dipped into whenever inspiration strikes – the perfect gift for anyone wanting to know how to bring angelic wisdom and magic into their lives.From real-life stories of angel encounters to instructions on how to communicate with your own guardian angel, this book will appeal to the serious angel investigator and the new explorer alike.Includes quotes about angels from history and literature as well as information on:• The different angels you will encounter• Angel Almanac• Healing with the angels• Angel astrology• Angel names and their meanings• Hierarchy and Fallen Angels• Angels in culture• Working and communicating with angels


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An Angel Treasury

A Celestial Collection of Inspirations, Encounters and Heavenly Lore

Jacky Newcomb

‘The Angel Lady’

Additional research by John Newcomb

In the last eight years, I have received letters from all over the world from people who want to know about angels and to share their own personal and private angel stories with me. Letters have come from all over the UK, and from America, Japan, Singapore, New Zealand, Australia, Canada and many European countries. All the letters and emails have arrived in response to my angel website, angel articles (in magazines such as Lifted, Spiritual Lifestyles, Fate & Fortune, Prediction and Paradigm Shift) and in my local newspaper, and my regular column, ‘Dear Angel Lady’ in it’s fate magazine, as well as many articles on various websites around the world.

Readers’ own letters, and the messages from my own angels in dreams and meditations, have been most influential in my communications with readers and visitors to my website. I soon discovered that people all over the world believe in angels. Angels are not restricted to any particular cultures or religions and, in fact, seem to be embraced by all.

The more people asked questions of ‘The Angel Lady’, the more I researched. The more I discovered about angels, I realized the less I actually knew about them. In fact, the less any of us know about them! Type in the word ‘Angel’ or Archangel’ into any Internet search engine and you will pull up as many as 100,000 websites – all devoted to angels and angel experiences. Thousands of personal websites are decorated with angel images and share angel stories, angel quotes and angel references. Angels are as big now – or even bigger – than they were in biblical times and the age of the Renaissance painters. Angels are hot! Rest assured, I don’t mean that in any disrespectful way! We are rediscovering angels in new and exciting ways.

Angels have become a part of the clothing we wear, decorating everything from hats to T-shirts. You find their images on mugs, pictures, magazines and books, stickers, jewellery, posters, postcards, cosmetics, bags and even hotwater bottle covers! Many people have angel figurines around their homes or wear a guardian angel pin on their jackets and coats. Other people carry around a guardian angel coin or token as a sign that they believe and want to be protected by these angel guardians.

People are no longer embarrassed to talk about their hopes and fears surrounding angels. Even the strongest and most macho of men will share their own angel experiences after a drink or two at the local bar (usually whispered, when their friends aren’t listening!)…at least, they happily share their stories with me!

The smallest of children have witnessed these celestial beings – many before they are even aware of what an ‘angel’ is or means. People who are ill or in difficulties, emotionally and physically, have born witness to the angels.

Angels are real!

After a while, I realized that many people wanted to know the answers to the same questions over and over again. I would receive the same queries every single week. This is where the idea for my first angel book came from. Everything you always wanted to know about angels – and more.

No one is a real angel expert. No one will know everything about angels until we meet with them again in the after-life – but we do know a lot about them. I want to share the knowledge that I’ve learnt about angels and how they help us and work with us in our lives. I hope you enjoy using this book as much as I have enjoyed creating it for you.

Jacky Newcomb

1 Freuquently Asked Questions and Angel Quotes

Freuquently Asked Questions and Angel Quotes

‘We are like children, who stand in need of masters to enlighten us and direct us, and God has provided for this by appointing his angels to be our teachers and guides.’


I receive hundreds of emails to my website and from my magazine and newspaper column about angels. Many people are interested in their own angels in particular. But many more people just want to know what an angel is and what an angel isn’t!

Here are some of the most frequently asked angel questions I have received, and some of the more unusual ones.

There are also hundreds of fascinating angel quotes, some which reference questions here, so I have included some of them too.

What is an angel?

A short question with a long answer but I will try to be brief. Angels were made by our God essence or energy The role of angels is varied but many angels have been created specifically with the purpose of looking after God’s children – us.

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