An Angel By My Side: Amazing True Stories of the Afterlife

An Angel By My Side: Amazing True Stories of the Afterlife
О книге

Following the hugely popular ‘An Angel Saved My Life’, comes another collection of powerful true stories of communication with those in the Afterlife. Includes real-life amazing rescues, mysterious dream visitations, near death experiences and miraculous recoveries.In the follow up to her first collection of stories entitled ‘An Angel Saved My Life’, Jacky Newcomb is back with more incredible, inspiring true life dramas and what happens when those from the afterlife intervene in our darkest hour of need.The book includes:• Miraculous survival stories which defy explanation.• Amazing rescues – mysterious strangers who proved to be angels in disguise.• People who came back from the brink of death – what is it really like to die?• Remarkable medical recoveries – spirit intervention to set the clock back on a person's 'time to go'.• Dream visitations by spirits – angels and spirit friends entering or creating dreams to give important messages.• The psychic power of children and their interaction with angels.• Incredible psychic animals – pets who came back from the dead to protect their owners.


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An Angel by my side

Amazing True Stories of the Afterlife

Jacky Newcomb


I have been on the verge of being an angel all my life but it’s never happened yet.

Mark Twain

‘… Thanks Jacky, you are an angel,’ people say.

No, seriously I am not. I would like to mention here that I drink copious amounts of beer at my local pub, smoke like a trooper and dance wildly at our local night clubs but that would be a lie, even in the interests of good writing … actually I am more partial to champagne; usually only visit the local pub for lunch, and don’t actually smoke! As for the wild dancing, my teenage children would kill me for sure, so that does take the glamour off my life a little.

Usually at this point I would suggest that I am a ‘normal’ wife and mother to two teenage girls, but the word ‘normal’has now been blasted off the radar. If you’ve read my other books you will realize that I was plagued by a series of unexplained paranormal experiences from a very young age, and then later explored this phenomenon to actually encourage more. Yes, I enjoyed being psychic.

I realize it’s time to be ‘more honest’ about these paranormal experiences; after all, my massive postbag has shown me that I am not alone. I have a strange life … but then so do many of us. If people think we’re weird then so be it. Everything I have written about my life and continue to share is true. I have occasionally changed the names of those close to me for personal reasons but that’s about it. I no longer worry about what people might think of me. This is who I am, like me or loathe me – but I hope you like me.

In my earlier books, I shared some of the experiences I had as a child. I used to wake up in my bedroom to see strange ‘people-like shapes’ floating around, and seriously, it just went downhill from then on … no, I’m kidding! I don’t want to bore you if you’ve already read my story, but for those of you who have not, I’ll do a quick re-cap. As a young girl I found myself in difficulties in the sea when I was staying on the Isle of Wight, off the English south coast. I thought I was going to drown when I felt and heard a ‘being’ who assisted me back to shore, effectively saving my life. Who was this unseen stranger? Was it my angel?

Later, as an adult, I had several ‘angel-type experiences’; during one in particular, I actually heard ‘angel choir’ music. I’d had out of body experiences and bizarre premonitions. These all sent me on a great adventure where I investigated the angel phenomenon, searched and explored out of body experiences and learnt to control some of the things that were happening to me. Knowledge was the key to coping with all things paranormal, so of course I used that as an excuse to buy a lot of books! It was no more difficult to switch off the psychic as it was to switch it on. But of course, you just have to learn how. Some of this phenomenon included meeting and working with my spirit guides and communicating with my loved ones on the ‘other side’.

After some of my psychic adventures, I wrote my first two angel books, A Little Angel Love, and An Angel Treasury. In my third book, An Angel Saved My Life, I wrote more about my own psychic adventures and was stunned at the response from people. I had about forty emails with the same phrase, ‘I couldn’t put it down.’ You never believe that your own story is that interesting but apparently it was.

The last few years have been a rollercoaster ride. Writing a book or two changes things in a way. All of a sudden people wanted my autograph. Wow, me? Are you sure? How humbling can that be, but at the same time, what an honour. Knowing that you can touch and affect others on their own path because they’ve read something you’ve written is not something you actually think about when you put pen to paper – or in my case, type words into the computer. I’ve done fifty or so radio interviews, appeared on several television programmes and met and worked with some big names in the paranormal world. I am very lucky to do what I do, and I love it. I thank the angels every day.

It had always been my intention to share the paranormal and angelic experiences of both myself and others in an easy-to-read and down-to-earth way. So many of these experiences were very positive and uplifting, literally at times saving peoples lives. I’m not what you call an ‘intellectual type’ (did I really write that down…I might wish I hadn’t!), so, the easy-to-read theory also means easy-to-write. I have decided to ‘tell it like it is’ and hope for the best.

One time, I was having a rough day and drove to the local garden centre. I sat in my car for a while because I realized I’d forgotten to bring my purse, and a credit card was not really going to be useful for the single cup of coffee that I had wanted. I sighed under my breath: could the angels help me with this?

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