Baby Fever

Baby Fever
О книге

BACHELORS & BABIES HOW TO CURE A CASE OF BABY FEVER Jasmine LeClerc had found the man to father her baby. Patrick O'Halloran was unattached, just passing through town… and in perfect physical condition. In fact, the millionaire was simply scrumptious, and Jasmine knew making a baby with Patrick would be more pleasure than business. But first she had to get him into bed.A one-night stand was not Patrick's style. But the sexy waitress served up enough passionate glances to make him change his mind. He happily invited Jasmine back to his room, and set out to fulfill both their fantasies… until Patrick learned he was the cure for Jasmine's baby fever!Bachelors and Babies: Three men get more than they ever expected when they connect with the woman of their dreams… . BACHELORS & BABIES

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He Wasn’t Wearing A

Wedding Ring.

And, Jasmine noted, a spark of interest had flared in his dark green eyes that not only hadn’t undressed her with lascivious speculation, but hadn’t even looked below her chin, except to determine her name, which put him on a pedestal as far as she was concerned.

She considered the other candidates she’d met over the past six months, each of them flawed in some way. Potential Donor 1, who she’d decided wasn’t tall enough; Donor 2, whose ears were too large; Donor 3, whose eyes were too brooding; Donor 4, who wore turtlenecks all the time—what had he been hiding?

Jasmine recognized the alleged flaws for the excuse they were—to avoid making her plan a reality. But now there was Patrick, who was tall enough, had great ears, smiling eyes and a strong, suntanned neck.

He was perfect. Perhaps too perfect?

Dear Reader,

Welcome to Silhouette Desire, where you can discover the answers to all your romantic questions. Such as…

Q. What would you think if you discovered the man you love has a secret identity—as a movie star?

A. That’s what happens to the heroine of August’s MAN OF THE MONTH, Don’t Fence Me In by award-winning writer Kathleen Korbel.

Q. What would you do if you were pregnant, in labor and snowbound with a sexybut panickedstranger?

A. Discover the answer in Father on the Brink, the conclusion to Elizabeth Bevarly’s FROM HERE TO PATERNITY series.

Q. Suppose you had to have a marriage of convenience?

A. Maybe you’d behave like the heroine in Barbara McMahon’s Bride of a Thousand Days.

Q. How could you talk a man into fathering your child…no strings attached?

A. Learn how in Susan Crosby’s Baby Fever!

Q. Would you ever marry a stranger?

A. You might, if he was the hero of Sara Orwig’s The Bride’s Choice.

Q. What does it take to lasso a sexy cowboy?

A. Find out in Shawna Delacorte’s Cowboy Dreaming. Silhouette Desire.. .where all your questions are answered and your romantic dreams can come true. Until next month, happy reading!

Senior Editor

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Baby Fever

Susan Crosby


is fascinated by the special and complex communication of courtship, and so she burrows in her office to dream up warm, strong heroes and good-hearted, self-reliant heroines to satisfy her own love of happy endings.

She and her husband have two grown sons and live in the Central Valley of California. She spent a mere seven and a half years getting through college, and finally earned a B.A. in English a few years ago. She has worked as a synchronized swimming instructor, a personnel interviewer at a toy factory, and a trucking company manager. Involved for many years behind the scenes in a local community theater, she has made only one stage appearance—as the rear end of a camel! Variety, she says, makes for more interesting novels.

Readers are welcome to write to her at P.O. Box 1836, Lodi, CA 95241.

For Christine Rimmer, who is everything I admire—

talented, generous, kind, intelligent and humble. Thanks for making the journey so much fun.

And for my wonderful editor, Melissa Jeglinski,

who wanted Patrick to have his own story. He thanks you and so do I.

Six thousand dollars.

The words echoed in Jasmine LeClerc’s head as she pushed open the door and exited the quiet, sterile building. She descended a short flight of stairs, her legs trembling so much she had to prop herself against the discreet sign at the bottom step—Bay City Clinic, Specializing In Reproductive And Fertility Disorders.

She closed her eyes. The numbers seemed to flash in neon in front of her. Six thousand dollars.

Drawing a deep breath, she straightened, mentally tugging her dignity into place. She was stronger than this. Tougher. She had to be. Cost couldn’t defeat her purpose. Not now. Not after she had come so far and had so little time remaining on her accelerating biological clock. The only viable eggs she had left were probably in wheelchairs by now, waiting to slide down a fallopian tube and on into oblivion.

She could picture them lined up at the starting gate. “Been here long?” October’s egg would ask, and November’s would answer, “Oh, yeah. Long time. Nigh on forty years now.”

The image made her smile, her first of the day. She started walking, the mindless activity helping her focus on facts instead of emotion. The infertility counselor had said that each attempt to be artificially inseminated would cost six thousand dollars and had less than a thirty-three percent success rate.

Those weren’t the numbers she’d wanted to hear.

She did some mental calculations. Her savings account could handle a couple of tries, but giving up that much money to buy herself a pregnancy meant she’d have to go back to work right after the baby was born, and she wanted to share those first precious months with her child. Plus, she really hoped to work only one job instead of the two she’d been juggling for the past seven years.

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