Bachelor Cop

Bachelor Cop
О книге

AWARD OF DISTINCTIONpresented to Officer Whit Tanner, midnight rescuer of lost children and missing mutts, for being the last single guy in the precinct, and intending to stay that way….CITATION OF SEDUCTIONpresented to Jill Harper, divorced mother of four-year-old Brody Harper, for capturing the attention of Officer Tanner, and threatening his bachelorhood….RECOURSE: ROMANCEMix marriage-shy officer with romance-weary mother, add a tiny smattering of wandering dog and matchmaking little boy, toss in some heady kisses and sultry looks, then stand back and wait for hearts to melt…and merge.

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Jill reacted to Whit on every level known to womankind.

And she wasn’t sure why. She didn’t want to—not to this man, a man who could steal all of her good sense from her.

She was the mother of a four-year-old son, and she needed to tread cautiously. For her own sake. For her son’s sake.

“Perhaps,” she said shakily, “tonight wasn’t a good idea. And the kiss this afternoon—”

He touched two fingers to her lips. “Don’t say it, Jill. I wanted to kiss you, had to know what you tasted like. Just once.”

But, Jill wondered, would it be just once—could it be—if she stayed anywhere near Whit Tanner?

Dear Reader,

From classic love stories to romantic comedies to emotional heart tuggers, Silhouette Romance offers six irresistible novels every month by some of your favorite authors-and some sure to become favorites. Just look at the lineup this month:

In Most Eligible Dad, book 2 of Karen Rose Smith’s wonderful miniseries THE BEST MEN, a confirmed bachelor becomes a FABULOUS FATHER when he discovers he’s a daddy.

A single mother and her precious BUNDLE OF JOY teach an unsmiling man how to love again in The Man Who Would Be Daddy by bestselling author Marie Ferrarella.

I Do? I Don’t? is the very question a bride-to-be asks herself when a sexy rebel from her past arrives just in time to stop her wedding in Christine Scott’s delightful novel.

Marriage? A very happily unmarried police officer finally says “I do” in Gayle Kaye’s touching tale Bachelor Cop.

In Family of Three by Julianna Morris, a man and a woman have to share the same house—with separate bedrooms, of course…

Debut author Leanna Wilson knows no woman can resist a Strong, Silent Cowboy—and you won’t be able to, either!

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Bachelor Cop

Gayle Kaye

To Dani Criss, whose critiques I value, whose friendship I cherish. May success always shine on you!


had a varied and interesting career as an R.N. before finally hanging up her stethoscope to write romances. She indulges this passion in Kansas City, Missouri, where she lives with her husband and one very spoiled poodle. Her first romance in 1987 reached the finals of the Romance Writers of America Golden Heart contest.

When she’s not writing, she loves to travel or just curl up with a good book.

Officer Whit Tanner aimed his patrol car down the quiet, Kansas City, Missouri, street, thinking about his longtime friend on the force, Ben Jameson. He and Ben were the last two remaining bachelors in the department, but now in a few weeks Ben would be taking the plunge, leaving Whit as the lone holdout in the marriage game. He wished his old friend well, but he knew the statistics for cop marriages—and they weren’t good.

It was why Whit didn’t intend to fall victim to any female with home and hearth on her mind.

He turned up Elm, then onto Holly Lane, scanning the rows of small, well-kept homes. There’d been a rash of petty burglaries in the area lately, but nothing more serious than an occasional stolen ten-speed or lawn ornament, in direct contrast to the inner city where crime continued to flourish.

He usually drew that detail on a Saturday night, but he was luckier this time. His only big problem for the next few hours would be staying awake until his shift was over.

Then just ahead he saw movement, a flash of lightcolored clothing. If someone was bent on thievery, he thought, you’d think they’d wear dark, so they’d be less easily spotted—but then most crooks weren’t exactly noted for their intelligence, or they wouldn’t be doing the crime in the first place.

Whit cruised slowly, trying to get a better look at the figure darting through the yards, seemingly sticking to the shadows.

Then a few houses up he caught a good look at the would-be prowler. He was pajama-clad, about three feet tall and barefoot.

Whit might find some amusement in that, except that it was one o’clock in the morning, and no three- or fouryear-old had any business being out at that hour.

Where were the kid’s parents, anyway? At some damned party, leaving the boy home alone? Whit felt his blood begin to boil. In his job he saw what happened to neglected kids. He arrested them sometime after the age of ten. Occasionally sooner.

At least he didn’t have to call for backup on this one, but when he got the youngster home he intended to give his parents Holy Toledo for negligence. Hell, maybe he’d even run them in.

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