Bella Rosa Marriages: The Bridesmaid's Secret

Bella Rosa Marriages: The Bridesmaid's Secret
О книге

The Bridesmaid’s Secret The moment chic magazine editor Jackie Patterson arrives for her sister’s romantic Italian wedding and sees her old boyfriend Romano Puccini, her façade slips…because before Jackie can don her exquisite bridesmaid dress, she must reveal the seventeenyearold secret from that fateful, sultry Italian summer…The Cowboy’s Adopted DaughterHired to run a quilting course on a ranch, single mum Allie is appalled when brooding Italian Alex Casali accuses her of trespassing. But when her daughter utters her first words in a year to Alex, Allie begins to wonder whether there’s more behind the smouldering fire in his eyes than she first thought. Passionate Chef, Ice Queen BossThe moment fiery Lorenzo Nesta hears the familiar clack of stiletto on stone floor, a shiver of anticipation runs up his spine. Scarlett was back! But seeing her Italian passion stifled fills him with regret; his actions years ago had turned her to ice. Still, what happens when ice meets fire?

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Bella Rosa Marriages

The Bridesmaid’s


Fiona Harper

The Cowboy’s

Adopted Daughter

Patricia Thayer

Passionate Chef,

Ice Queen Boss

Jennie Adams

The Bridesmaid’s Secret

About the Author

As a child, FIONA HARPER was constantly teased for either having her nose in a book or living in a dream world. Things haven’t changed much since then, but at least in writing she’s found a use for her runaway imagination. After studying dance at university, Fiona worked as a dancer, teacher and choreographer before trading in that career for video editing and production. When she became a mother she cut back on her working hours to spend time with her children, and when her littlest one started preschool she found a few spare moments to rediscover an old but not forgotten love—writing.

Fiona lives in London, but her other favourite places to be are the Highlands of scotland and the Kent countryside on a summer’s afternoon. she loves cooking good food and anything cinnamon flavoured. of course, she still can’t keep away from a good book or a good movie—especially romances—but only if she’s stocked up with tissues, because she knows she will need them by the end, be it happy or sad. Her favourite things in the world are her wonderful husband, who has learned to decipher her incoherent ramblings, and her two daughters.


NO ONEelse must see the contents of this letter, Scarlett! Give it only to Romano.

Her older sister’s words echoed through her head as Scarlett ran through the woods on the outskirts of Monta Correnti, her long dark hair trailing behind her. Jackie would be cross if she knew Scarlett had peeked at the sheets of the scrawled, tear-stained writing, but one corner of the envelope flap had been a little loose and it had been too tempting.

Before she went to the piazza to find Romano and give it to him, she had to show Isabella, her cousin and partner in crime. This was way too big a secret to keep to herself. Although she and Isabella were both the same age, Isabella was the eldest in her family and always seemed to know what to do, how to take charge when anyone needed her.

It was totally different in Scarlett’s family. She was the youngest of the three sisters. The one who was always left out of important discussions because she ‘wouldn’t understand’. She was fed up with it. Just because Jackie was four years older she thought it was okay to boss Scarlett around and make her do her errands, which wasn’t fair. So just this once Scarlett was going to do things her way, to make it fair.

There were too many hushed voices and whispered insults in her family already, and no one would tell her why.

She was heading for a small clearing with a stream running through it at the bottom of the hill. No one else knew about this spot. It was her and Isabella’s secret. They would come here to talk girl-type stuff, when Isabella could get away from looking after her nosey little brothers. They would build camps out of branches and leaves, and make up secret codes and write in their diaries—which they always let each other read. Sometimes they would whisper about Romano Puccini, the best-looking boy in the whole of Monta Correnti.

That was another thing that wasn’t fair!

Just as Scarlett had decided she was old enough to notice boys and develop her first crush, Jackie had got in there first—as always. Jackie had been seeing Romano for weeks and weeks! Behind Mamma’s back as well. Just wait until Isabella found out!

Scarlett’s breaths were coming in light gasps now and the small sigh she let out was hardly noticeable. So Romano only had eyes for bossy old Jackie! Scarlett hated her for it. At least she did when she remembered to.

A flash of pink sundress through the trees told Scarlett that Isabella was in the clearing already. They’d whispered their plans to meet earlier, in the piazza outside their parents’ restaurants.

As Scarlett burst into the clearing Isabella looked up. Her raised eyebrows said it all. What are you in a flap about this time, Scarlett?

Scarlett just slowed to a walk and held the letter out to Isabella, her arm rigid.

Isabella shrugged as she took the envelope and pulled three sheets of paper out of it. But she wasn’t sitting and shrugging and rolling her eyes at Scarlett for long. Once she’d read the first page she was on her feet and joining in the flapping.

After all the exclamations, they stood and stared at each other, guilty smiles on their lips.

‘Oh, my goodness!’ Isabella finally whispered. ‘Jackie and Romano! Really?’

This was the reaction Scarlett had been hoping for. She nodded. She’d hardly believed it herself when she’d read all that mushy stuff Jackie had written to Romano! Okay, some of it hadn’t exactly made sense, but she’d got the general gist. She nodded to Isabella to keep reading.

Isabella didn’t need much encouragement. She quietened down and carried on, stopping every now and then to ask Scarlett to decipher her sister’s handwriting.

When she’d finished she looked up. This time there were no guilty smiles. There was no

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