Beyond Cybersecurity

Beyond Cybersecurity
О книге

Break free to make real change for yourself and others Have you ever felt like your progress was being blocked, not just by your own circumstances, but by the presence and actions of others? Freedom to Change releases you from the trap of constantly telling yourself that you'd be more successful at teaching, leading, or contributing to an organization if only others didn't stand in your way. In his engaging, irreverent style, bestselling author Michael Fullan explores the two kinds of freedom in our daily lives: freedom from obstacles versus freedom to take initiative and act. Gaining freedom from barriers has no value in itself until it is partnered with an equally determined sense of what you truly want. What change would you like to bring about for yourself or those around you? Given that human nature and productivity are fundamentally social, Fullan prescribes four dynamically interrelated actions we can take: Consciously seeking a balance between our own autonomy and cooperation with others Improving the feedback exchange—giving more valuable responses, as well as eliciting, hearing, and accepting feedback more effectively Building accountability to others into the fabric of our working lives Finding ways to influence others with the changes we've made and want to spread Illustrated and enriched with examples from education, business, and nonprofit sectors, Freedom to Change offers recommendations for both individuals and organizations seeking to enhance connectedness and independence.

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James M. Kaplan
Tucker Bailey
Chris Rezek
Derek O’Halloran
Alan Marcus
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Copyright © 2015 by McKinsey & Company, Inc. All rights reserved.

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ISBN 9781119026846 (Hardcover)

ISBN 9781119026914 (ePDF)

ISBN 9781119026907 (ePub)


We live in a remarkable age of technology innovation. The speed with which we are able to communicate, collaborate, and transform our businesses and organizations is truly astounding. Yet the risk created by our increasing dependence on those technology advancements is equally astounding. The economic, operational, and reputational risks of technology are well known to anyone who has paid even passing attention to the almost daily security breach headlines.

In their research, so effectively laid out in this book, the authors explain why there is so much cyber insecurity today, how it has become such an intractable problem, why it could get worse, and what organizations, industries, and governments must do now to start to address the problem. Importantly, James Kaplan, Tucker Bailey, Chris Rezek, Derek O’Halloran, and Alan Marcus go beyond elucidating today’s risks and how to mitigate them, and extrapolate the downstream economic consequences if organizations don’t change their fundamental approach to cybersecurity.

During the course of the authors’ work, I had an opportunity to preview their methodology and early results. So much of what they were seeing in organizations around the globe mirrored what I had been seeing and hearing from RSA’s customers. As the authors subsequently presented their early findings to national representatives of countries from Europe, Asia, and the Americas at the 2014 RSA Conferences, it was clear that their findings resonated globally and reflected a universal experience. At these sessions, I was encouraged to see such an improved understanding of the need for all nations to cooperate to solve this problem.

It is clear from the research that the advent of cloud, mobile, and social media technologies combined with contemporary digital business practices has so expanded and distorted the attack surface of organizations that it is no longer possible to use the perimeter as an effective defense method. The perimeter that used to serve as a barrier between organizations and the external world has been perforated to the point that even a Swiss cheese metaphor is too charitable. The perimeter has become fragmented, ephemeral, dynamic, and contextual. As such, the security programs and controls on which we have relied are being overwhelmed. A new security model is called for and the authors of this book are recommending a multitiered approach based on the concept of digital resilience – an approach that has been adopted by leading companies around the world and has rapidly become conventional wisdom.

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