Black History: History in an Hour

Black History: History in an Hour
О книге

Love history? Know your stuff with History in an Hour.Encompassing everything from immigration to civil war, emancipation, slavery and migration, Black History in an Hour gives you a neat overview of this vast and fascinating subject.This e-book is a superb introduction to the long and varied history of African Americans.Know your stuff: read about Black History in just one hour.


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History in an Hour

Rupert Colley

About History in an Hour

History in an Hour is a series of ebooks to help the reader learn the basic facts of a given subject area. Everything you need to know is presented in a straightforward narrative and in chronological order. No embedded links to divert your attention, nor a daunting book of 600 pages with a 35-page introduction. Just straight in, to the point, sixty minutes, done. Then, having absorbed the basics, you may feel inspired to explore further.

Give yourself sixty minutes and see what you can learn . . .

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Title Page

About History in an Hour


Slavery: The ‘Peculiar Institution’

The Black Slave: Three-Fifths the Man

North and South: ‘If slavery is not wrong, nothing is wrong’

War and Emancipation: ‘Previous condition of servitude’

The Jim Crow Era: ‘Separate but equal’

War, Migration and Depression: ‘Black is beautiful’

War and Windrush: ‘To secure these rights’

The Civil Rights Movement 1: ‘Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere’

The Civil Rights Movement 2: ‘Burn, burn, burn’

Black Power: ‘We gonna stop them white men from whuppin’ us’

Britain and South Africa: ‘Rivers of blood’

Forty Years later: ‘Because of the color of her skin’

Appendix 1: Key Players

Appendix 2: Timeline of Black History


Got Another Hour?

About the Publisher


This ebook cannot, by definition, be comprehensive. Even as a summary there is much that has to be excluded and such exclusions are naturally subjective. However, this book aims to provide the reader with an introduction to the powerful and dramatic history that is loosely termed ‘Black History’. The study of Black History in the West has to be seen primarily in the context of American history. It was in the USA, where all men are created equal, that slavery and the fight for civil rights had its most profound effect.

Freedom and the rights of the individual formed the basis of the Declaration of Independence. But Thomas Jefferson, the composer of the Declaration, was himself an owner of slaves, 200 of them at any one time, and 600 over the course of his life. George Washington, the first president of the United States, likewise owned slaves, as did most of his immediate successors. The thirteen British colonies of North America that had fought for and won their freedom in 1776 had felt enslaved by the British but saw no contradiction that at the point of independence no less than 18 per cent of their number were slaves.

The anti-slavery voice of the Northern states grew stronger and in 1780 Pennsylvania became the first state to abolish slavery within its borders. More Northern states were to follow, but the Southerners, dependent as they were on slavery, held their position. So polarized were the North and South, so divided on this one central, fundamental issue, that the country went to war with itself. The result, the American Civil War (1861–1865), brought about the end of slavery and the emancipation of America’s vast African-American population.

But the end of the American Civil War in 1865 and the liberation of the slaves, although a triumph, was merely the end of the first chapter in American Black History.

Ahead lay a struggle of epic proportions as African-Americans fought deep-seated discrimination, violence and intimidation to assert their political, cultural and economic identity – a story that, for many, concluded with the election, in 2008, of America’s first black president.

This, in an hour, is the story of Black History.


The ‘Peculiar Institution’

Seventeenth-century British North America needed labour. Tobacco, rice and indigo were potentially profitable industries but the manufacturers lacked the manpower to work the vast fields efficiently. The transatlantic slave trade, already delivering slaves from West Africa to the European colonies in the West Indies, began providing slaves to the ‘New World’, the first arriving in Jamestown, Virginia in 1619. From Senegal in the northern reaches of West Africa to Angola in the south, African rulers, such as the Yoruba kingdom of Oyo on the Guinea coast and the leaders of Dahomey (modern-day Benin), built successful kingdoms by delivering hoards of their fellow Africans to the European and North American traders.

Contemporary poster illustrating the layout of a slave ship

The traders sailed for Africa and bartered with the local African slave merchants, exchanging textiles, armoury, luxuries and alcohol for slaves. The slaves were local criminals, misfits, debtors, or increasingly, those randomly kidnapped from neighbouring tribes.

The journey across the Atlantic lasted several weeks and was a desperate passage. Frightened Africans, torn from home and family, were crammed into the bowels of a ship where overcrowding, lack of ventilation, insufficient nutrition, minimal toilet facilities and constant seasickness made for appalling conditions.

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