Blowjob Mastery. 20 technician blowjob and other secrets of oral caresses

Blowjob Mastery. 20 technician blowjob and other secrets of oral caresses
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Blowjob: all the subtleties of the process and the basics of skill. How to learn to make a great blowjob? Is male sperm useful? A little bit about the «deep blowjob». Types of fellatio. Blowjob in a woman’s life. Technique fellatio. Myths and misconceptions about the art of blowjob. And other useful information in our manual.

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© Veronica Larsson, 2018

ISBN 978-5-4490-2975-1

Created with Ridero smart publishing system

Blowjob: all the subtleties of the process and the basics of skill. How to learn to make a great blowjob? Is male sperm useful? A little bit about the “deep blowjob”. Types of fellatio. Blowjob in a woman’s life. Technique fellatio. Myths and misconceptions about the art of blowjob. And other useful information in our manual.

The art of blowjob. How to learn to do blowjob?

The art of exciting a man’s penis and bringing him to orgasm has a thousand-year history. In different cultures and countries, the attitude to this process is still ambiguous. Ancient Greek frescoes, which have survived to this day, indicate that oral caresses in the days of Antiquity were not something tabooed or shameful. On the fellatio composed poems and songs of ancient Romans, who called this process poetically “playing the flute”. Greeks welcomed and masturbation, referring to it as “a battle with Aphrodite”. In India, from time immemorial, oral caresses were practiced, which were figuratively called “mango licking” or “mouth rotation”.

During the period of the Puritan Middle Ages, with its virgin belts and other restrictions on the part of carnal pleasures, fellatio was not encouraged, even confined to the church, but secretly used by the higher society at closed parties. In many Muslim countries oral sex is still being prosecuted with the wording “crime against nature”.

Although the statistics show that Muslim women are more often and better than Europeans doing blowjobs. This fact explains the existence of strict prohibition in the Arab society on sexual relations before marriage.

During the Renaissance, blowjob has become an indispensable attribute of sexual caresses, not only of bohemians and aristocracy, but also of ordinary people. And if among homosexuals fellatio is one of the main ways of sexual satisfaction, then among heterosexuals, blowjob is a type of foreplay, part of the process of sexual satisfaction.

It is difficult to give some advice to a woman, how to learn to do blowjob. The information space is replete with articles on this topic, a lot of films have been shot, including those of art, where the topic of the blowjob is covered quite widely.

The main problem that can arise in the course of the process is irritation of the larynx, leading to its spasms. The second problem can be the excessive zeal of the gentle half of humanity, in which the skin of the penis can be injured by teeth. The area of the scrotum is no less sensitive than the penis, so before trying to please the man in this area, try to find out whether he has a taboo or restrictions on the petting of the testicles.

Unequivocally during the process, only that a member should be at the level with the lips of a woman. If he is higher or lower, then she will have to overcome the inconvenience, while creating a leverage effect. All other tips and observations on the part of the blowjob technique are very individual, because, it is known, how many people, so many opinions.

Myths and misconceptions about the art of blowjob

1. Oral sex is the most popular type of pleasure for all men.

This is not quite true. There are a lot of men who do not experience pathological craving for blowjob, preferring other forms of caresses. It is difficult to say with what it is connected. Perhaps, if we recall Freud, with some children’s complexes. One can also refer to the taboo on the principle “from masturbation in disgusting boys will begin to grow hair on the palm”, which can be densely imprinted in the memory of a teenager. Sometimes the reason may be an unsuccessful first experience of oral sex, leaving a negative imprint on the practice for life.

2. A real passionate lady who claims to be the “priestess of love” must be able to make a blowjob in perfection and practice it with all sexual partners.

Sex is a pair dance of two people, and from the partner with whom you dance, can

depends on the rhythm, movement and length of this joint action. There are women who experience orgasm from anal sex faster than from vaginil, while with some men they practice this kind of satisfaction, and with other long-term sexual partners – never. Blowjob does not have to be included in the mandatory program of the elements of the performance. Moreover, statistics indicate that only 52% of women do blowjob with undisguised pleasure.

One of the first Soviet writers who allowed themselves to talk frankly about their experiences of sexual life, Eduard Limonov, in one of the books described the episode of an unsuccessful prolonged affinity with the girl. The ideal figure, charisma and passion of the partner led her and the novel’s hero into the pantry of one of the apartments, away from a noisy party. The girl from the first minute pounced on a member of the man in full confidence that it would give him a pleasure blowjob and lead to orgasm. The hero of Limonov honestly admits that it was always with great difficulty that the blowjob reached ejaculation, but for some reason he was too shy to tell about this girl-enthusiast. So both of them suffered from the protracted process for about an hour, while the man did not lose an erection.

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