Cade's Justice

Cade's Justice
О книге

Gideon Cade Was Consumed By One Desire, until the night the angelic Emma Step, all fire and fury, demanded entry to his home and transformed his life. But could she give the gift of her love to a man who harbored murder in his heart? Emma January Step had faced the challenges of a hard life head-on, but none had ever been as overwhelming as Gideon Cade, a wealthy, enigmatic man who seethed with an anger he seemed barely able to keep in check.Why then did she feel the temptation to rouse him to passionate action?

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“What possible motive did you think I had?”

Cade’s darkly challenging stare made the fine hairs at the nape of Emma’s neck rise. “Let’s see…” His gaze performed a leisurely inspection of her bedraggled person. “Well, there’s always the possibility you might want to trade the use of your delectable body for a new wardrobe, some hard cash and plush living conditions.”

Emma’s corset seemed to have instantly shrunk. She couldn’t get a decent gulp of air. And, from the heat flaming across her cheeks, she knew her face must be scarlet.

“It’s not very flattering that the thought never entered your mind.” He sounded disgruntled.

“But why should I have thought that you’d…?” She swallowed. Her mind was suddenly filled with images of what he’d been thinking she was capable of doing. Kissing him. Letting him kiss her. And surely much more, though she wasn’t precisely sure what the “much more” entailed. She had some strong suspicions disrobing would be involved….

Dear Reader,

When a homeless schoolteacher is taken in by the wealthy uncle of one of her students, falling in love is the last thing on their minds, in Pat Tracy’s terrific new Western, Cade’s Justice. Don’t miss this first book in her series set in Denver, Colorado, called THE GUARDSMEN, from an author who always delivers a fast-paced and sexy story.

His Secret Duchess is a heart-wrenching new Regency romance from Gayle Wilson, a RITA Award finalist who is also making a name for herself with her spine-tingling mysteries for Harlequin’s Intrigue line. In this month’s title, a nobleman presumed dead returns home after seven years of war to discover his “secret wife” on trial for murder. And in Linda Castle’s new book, Temple’s Prize, rival scientists fight their mutual attraction when they discover that they are both after the same prize.

And popular author Suzanne Barclay returns to her bestselling series, THE SOMMERVILLE BROTHERS, with her newest medieval book, Knight’s Rebellion, the stirring tale of the leader of a band of outlaws who finds himself unable to resist the mysterious woman whom he has rescued.

Whatever your tastes in reading, we hope you enjoy all four books, available wherever Harlequin Historicals are sold.


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Cade’s Justice

Pat Tracy

The wrought-iron gate leading to Gideon Cade’s brick mansion stood ajar. In Emma January Step’s present mood, it wouldn’t have mattered if the gate was padlocked. She would have found a way through it.

She proceeded up the rain-slickened flagstone path. During the two-hour walk from the academy, the strips of newspaper she’d tucked inside her worn shoes had dissolved into squishy clumps. The numbing chill that seeped through to her feet added to her discomfort.

Emma sensed more than saw the dark blur that streaked past her. Before her startled eyes, a shadow materialized from the damp mist shrouding the front porch of the three-story residence.

She pressed a palm to her racing heart. “Good grief, what are you doing here?” The less-than-cordial question was directed at the huge, hairy hound now blocking the doorway.

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