Casualty Of Passion

Casualty Of Passion
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Mills & Boon are proud to present a thrilling digital collection of all Sharon Kendrick’s novels and novellas for us to celebrate the publication of her amazing 100th book! Many of these books are available as e books for the first time.The man from her past…Kelly Hartley thought she had turned her back on her childhood dreams of being a surgeon, much like the naïve fantasies of the man who stole her teenage heart. But three weeks in to her new training post, she discovers that the new surgical registrar is that same man – Lord Randall Seton.When he disappeared from her life years before, Kelly promised never to make the same mistake again and initially keeping her distance isn’t hard when he is so scathing about her career change to GP! But can Randall prove that Kelly can still embrace all her dreams, both that of being a surgeon… and being with him?

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He looked...

Admit it, Kelly, she thought reluctantly. He looks like a dream. Every woman’s fantasy walking around in a white coat.

She stared into eyes the colour of an angry sea, trying to equal his dispassionate scrutiny, trying to convince herself that it was just the shock of seeing him again which made her heart thunder along like a steam train.

Casualty of Passion

Sharon Kendrick

writing as Sharon Wirdnam

Dear Reader,

One hundred. Doesn’t matter how many times I say it, I still can’t believe that’s how many books I’ve written. It’s a fabulous feeling but more fabulous still is the news that Mills & Boon are issuing every single one of my backlist as digital titles. Wow. I can’t wait to share all my stories with you - which are as vivid to me now as when I wrote them.

There’s BOUGHT FOR HER HUSBAND, with its outrageously macho Greek hero and A SCANDAL, A SECRET AND A BABY featuring a very sexy Tuscan. THE SHEIKH’S HEIR proved so popular with readers that it spent two weeks on the USA Today charts and…well, I could go on, but I’ll leave you to discover them for yourselves.

I remember the first line of my very first book: “So you’ve come to Australia looking for a husband?” Actually, the heroine had gone to Australia to escape men, but guess what? She found a husband all the same! The man who inspired that book rang me up recently and when I told him I was beginning my 100th story and couldn’t decide what to write, he said, “Why don’t you go back to where it all started?”

So I did. And that’s how A ROYAL VOW OF CONVENIENCE was born. It opens in beautiful Queensland and moves to England and New York. It’s about a runaway princess and the enigmatic billionaire who is infuriated by her, yet who winds up rescuing her. But then, she goes and rescues him… Wouldn’t you know it?

I’ll end by saying how very grateful I am to have a career I love, and to thank each and every one of you who has supported me along the way. You really are very dear readers.


Sharon xxx

Mills & Boon are proud to present a thrilling digital collection of all Sharon Kendrick’s novels and novellas for us to celebrate the publication of her amazing and awesome 100th book! Sharon is known worldwide for her likeable, spirited heroines and her gorgeous, utterly masculine heroes.

SHARON KENDRICK once won a national writing competition, describing her ideal date: being flown to an exotic island by a gorgeous and powerful man. Little did she realise that she’d just wandered into her dream job! Today she writes for Mills & Boon, featuring her often stubborn but always to-die-for heroes and the women who bring them to their knees. She believes that the best books are those you never want to end. Just like life…

For the stars of Blood Transfusion—the great Vera Hanwright, and in fond memory of Eleanor Lloyd.

‘I TELL you, it was him— I actually saw him!’

Kelly heard the disbelieving sighs which followed this intriguing statement and wandered round into the female clinic room of St Christopher’s world-famous accident and emergency department, her curiosity aroused.

She grinned at the three nurses huddled there. ‘Sounds interesting. Saw who?’

Two of the student nurses looked to their undisputed leader, Staff Nurse Higgs—a statuesque blonde with magnificent smouldering blue eyes, who had given Kelly a particularly hard time since she’d arrived as casualty officer just a month earlier, since she didn’t take kindly to what she obviously saw as competition. Now she shrugged her magnificent shoulders and stared at Kelly as though she had just met her for the first time. ‘We’re talking about the new surgical registrar,’ she said reluctantly.

Kelly blinked. ‘Oh? We have a new surgical registrar on the rotation every couple of years. What’s so special about this one?’

Staff Nurse Higgs’s bosom swelled with excitement. ‘This one—’ she paused for dramatic effect ‘—just happens to be a lord!’

Kelly quickly picked up an ampoule of penicillin that was sitting on a dressing trolley and pretended to study it as a tiny shiver iced her skin into goosebumps beneath the white coat she wore. ‘A lord?’ she queried carefully, noting objectively that her swallowing reflex seemed to have gone to pot.

‘Mmm!’ said Staff Nurse Higgs, almost licking her scarlet lips. ‘Lord Rousay—a real member of the aristocracy! And that’s not all—he’s young, he’s bloody gorgeous, and—’ there was a dramatic pause ‘—he’s single! What do you think about that?’ Her eyes narrowed, her instinctive ability to sniff out gossip alerted. ‘Are you OK, Dr Hartley—you’ve gone awfully pale?’

‘Yes, of course I’m all right,’ answered Kelly briskly. ‘Why on earth shouldn’t I be?’

‘You’ve gone as white as a ghost—and look, your hand’s trembling.’ The eyes narrowed even further. ‘You don’t happen to

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