Claws of the Lynx

Claws of the Lynx
О книге

Nella and Alec had once shared a steamy relationship with the promise of a long-term commitment–unil Alec saw her transform into a lynx.Hurt that Alec couldn’t accept that she is a shapeshifter, Nella moved on. . . and joined the Alpha Force, a military organization of people with paranormal abilities. Years later, Alpha Force’s secrecy is being threatened by an out-of-control journalist. Charged with retrieving the information that could expose the Alpha Force, Nella is forced to team up with the last person she expects. . . Alec!Once reunited, Nella and Alec soon discover that their attraction is as strong as ever. . . but can Alec ever learn to accept Nella for who she is?


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Claws of the Lynx

Linda O. Johnston

Chapter 1

This was it! Lt. Nella Reyes was about to receive orders for her first solo mission for Alpha Force, the covert military unit to which she was assigned. She leaned forward eagerly, her camouflage fatigues easing the discomfort of the wooden chair.

“This is an especially delicate situation,” said the unit’s commanding officer, General Greg Yarrow. Gray-haired and especially impressive in his dress uniform, he had called Nella and told her to appear this morning at nine hundred hours at his office in the Pentagon.

The room was ordinary compared with the general’s office at Fort Lukman on Maryland’s Eastern Shore, where Alpha Force was headquartered. There, he had a whole collection of first edition books on wall shelves behind his mahogany desk. Here, his desk was worn and well used, and the only decoration in the office was the American flag.

“I can handle it, sir,” Nella said confidently. The general had selected her for this assignment. She would do it, whatever it was. “Just give me the particulars.”

General Yarrow’s smile bisected his long face and lifted the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes and mouth. “I’m sure you can,” he agreed, then grew somber. “But the assignment’s not without danger, including the potential for the worst kind of exposure. You’re a medical doctor with plenty of important things to do for Alpha Force. I’ll understand if you want to opt out once you hear what it is.”

“That won’t happen.”

He studied her for a long moment with the piercing stare that could make the most self-assured officer wilt. Nella didn’t flinch, although she felt like it. She tried to maintain a confident expression on her face, ignoring the urge to touch her hair, make certain that no strand had escaped the tight bun at the back of her head.

“Okay, then.” The general leaned back in his chair. “Here’s the brief explanation. A journalist, Sherman Jonash, has stolen a computer thumb drive from Congressman Crandall Crowther. It contains highly sensitive information about Alpha Force. Fortunately it’s password protected, and Jonash is unlikely to have been able to get into it. It also has a GPS chip inside, so we know where it is. We need someone with your special abilities to sneak in and get it back. Fast.”

Nella translated silently. She knew who Sherman Jonash was. Who didn’t? He was a sleazy tabloid type who loved to create controversy in the reports he gave on network TV news.

The media giant he worked for, Omnibus International Communications, had been sued more than once for shenanigans Jonash had allegedly pulled. She didn’t know the results of the lawsuits, though. OIC had settled out of court, and one of the conditions had supposedly been absolute confidentiality.

But all that was irrelevant now. What was important was that, apparently, wherever the thumb drive was now hidden, a normal person couldn’t just slip in and retrieve it. But Nella could. Stealthily, in the dead of night. Scaling walls if necessary. Hidden by who and what she was.

“Yes, sir,” she said.

A knock sounded on the office door. “Come in,” the general called, then turned back to Nella. “Glad you agree, since here’s the congressman now. Oh, and instead of one of our usual Alpha Force handlers for backup, you’ll be assisted by the congressman’s chief aide. He’s particularly aware of the location and details about the building, and he knows the sensitivity of the mission.”

Even a solo operative of Alpha Force always had backup, but Nella had never heard of it being someone outside the unit. Yet she was used to following orders, and she had confidence in the general.

As two men entered the office, she turned—and froze.

She recognized them both. Congressman Crandall Crowther was in the news all the time. He was the head of the House of Representatives’ Armed Services Committee, known for his outspoken position on keeping things in the military solid and efficient—with funding of even the most covert ops under strict oversight of appropriate government personnel with highest security clearance. Despite that, he secretly supported Alpha Force and everything it stood for. That meant no official oversight, since government scrutiny would be contradictory to its very special mission.

His grip was firm as he greeted Nella after the general’s introduction. She wasn’t sure what she said in response as she tried to keep her eyes politely on the congressman.

And then she attempted to be cordial and unemotional as she was introduced to the congressman’s aide. The man who was assigned to be her aide as she performed her mission.

The man she had known and loved in college, with whom she had engaged in the hottest and most unforgettable sex ever. She had even dreamed of sharing a future with him.

Until he had seen who she really was and couldn’t handle it.

“Hello, Alec,” she said.

Good thing Alec Landerson had taught himself long ago to control his emotions—at least outwardly. It was the only thing good that had come from years of hell as a kid.

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