The action takes place in Japan. The story tells about a schoolgirl Yuki, who looked down on people, she was a very bright and eccentric person with a cold and self-confident outlook on life. Her parents were the most famous, well-off and at the same time very sympathetic and kind, such a combination of qualities is very rare among the rich. Outside of school, Yuki meets Aoi, they become friends, not like water. Yuki did not have time to find a job after graduation, as soon as Aoi called her, congratulating her on graduation, she offered her to become a model at the agency where she worked as a manager. Aoi promised her high popularity and a lot of money, Yuki, of course, agreed. After leaving for Tokyo, at first she lived with Aoi in a luxurious, large apartment. When Yuki had already achieved great popularity and wealth, becoming the most successful and beautiful model, she forgot about her parents, and did not even answer their calls. When Yuki is invited to work for a foreign modeling agency, the most famous in the world, she receives a message that her parents are in danger and need help.
Chapter 1. Dangerous Sensei
Japan. It was 2025. A group of scientists in a closed laboratory is working on the creation of an artificial person, or rather on the creation of a girl with an artificial mind. Now people are surrounded by artificial intelligence everywhere-smart homes, garages, cars, bicycles, clothing, shops, artificial intelligence is built in everywhere, they are starting to lay asphalt with nanocoating and neon markings. People have already learned to change people in parts for health reasons – these are prostheses, arms, legs made of steel, artificial eyes, a heart, and even exoskeletons that are ten times higher than human strength.
The Japanese authorities are developing a new methodology and tactics of war with Russia, for this they want to use combat robots, as well as the commander-in-chief with AI. But for what? They need natural crystals that are needed to make super-powerful nanorobots with AI, they will become invulnerable, which will allow them to rule the world in the future. It is this natural element that is found only in Russia and is strictly protected by the government. The Russians do not yet know that they may soon be attacked by Japanese combat androids. They need to create their own heroes, but they must be something better, with some “zest”, otherwise the battle can turn into a fatal outcome for Russia. While scientists are working on creating a cyborg, the Japanese live as before: they stay up late at work, make important discoveries in the field of medicine, beauty, and technology. The rich live in luxury luxury apartments. The poor are crammed into small capsule rooms. Everything is going its own way. Anime and cosplay are the most popular in Japan. Some schoolgirls are so obsessed with them that they go to school in such an outfit. Here is just one of such cases:
– Good morning, Mom.
– Yuki, why did you get up so early?..
– I still have to catch up with my girlfriend.
– To a girlfriend?! But… you’ve never… had any…
– Exactly, it wasn’t!
– And what’s her name?”
But Yuki only replied with a grin and went upstairs to put on her “extravagantly heroic” outfit, then went downstairs to the huge kitchen.
– Where did you get this?! And you will go to school in this?!
– Exactly!
– Yuki, are you serious?!
– Absolutely!
– Well, take it off immediately! Don’t embarrass me! You’ll be kicked out of school!
– I wouldn’t think of it!
– Yuki! Yuki! Come back here!
Yuki slammed the door and went to her friend, from whom she exchanged her laptop for this brand-new bright suit, then went to school with a quick and proud gait.
In Japan, there is a practice of compulsory preschool education. Young children are sent to such educational institutions at the age of 3 years. After that, each student must pass the appropriate exams before entering the school. In primary school, children are not given any homework. However, then their number increases every year. In order for Japanese schoolgirls not to lose their knee socks, they glue them directly to their feet with glue. Students are required to wear a certain uniform. If, for example, someone decides to wear socks of the wrong color, they will be removed and confiscated. There are no cleaners in schools, since the cleaning of classrooms is on the shoulders of the students themselves. An interesting fact: to learn Japanese literacy, you need to master 2,500 letter-characters. Every child should be able to read and write in three different ways: traditional Japanese, the Japanese version of Chinese and the Latin alphabet. The beginning of the school year in Japan does not begin as we do, on September 1, but for some reason on April 6. Students are strictly forbidden to take any food with them to school. In higher educational institutions, students can choose the subjects that they are interested in at their own discretion.