Daddy Woke Up Married

Daddy Woke Up Married
О книге

Bundles of JoyHIS EXPECTING WIFE?There were holes in the wedding pictures where his face should be, and his wife lived in a separate apartment! Something about Nick Carleton's marriage was wrong. Unfortunately, he had lost his memory and didn't remember what right was.He only knew that beautiful, sexy and very pregnant Emily Carleton was his wife–everyone told him so. But each time Nick tried to stir up the matrimonial passions between them, Emily ran away. If it wasn't for the brief flashes of fire in her eyes when he kissed her, Nick would almost think his wife had never shared a bedroom with him before….Bundles of Joy. Sometimes small packages can lead to the biggest surprises!

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“Come and give me a kiss,”

Nick said, certain there were worse ways to wake up with amnesia. Emily jumped visibly. “I just want a kiss,” he chided gently. “I didn’t ask you to make love to me.”

The pink in her cheeks deepened. “I know, I just thought…” She shrugged and stepped closer. “Nick,” she protested as he drew her down onto the hospital bed, “I really don’t think this is the…ah…place.”

Nick. He could get used to being called Nick, especially with that breathless way Emily had of talking. Lifting his arm, he traced the delicate lines of her face. Her skin was like the finest silk. Her lips were moist and velvety. And she had a faintly stubborn line to her jaw, which contrasted adorably with her angelic sweetness.

Nick couldn’t remember being in love with his wife…but he’d immediately fallen into lust!

Dear Reader,

What a special lineup of love stories Silhouette Romance has for you this month. Bestselling author Sandra Steffen continues her BACHELOR GULCH miniseries with Clayton’s Made-Over Mrs. And in The Lawman’s Legacy, favorite author Phyllis Halldorson introduces a special promotion called MEN! Who says good men are hard to find?! Plus, we’ve got Julianna Morris’s Daddy Woke up Married—our BUNDLES OF JOY selection—Love, Marriage and Family 101 by Anne Peters, The Scandalous Return of Jake Walker by Myrna Mackenzie and The Cowboy Who Broke the Mold by Cathleen Galitz, who makes her Silhouette debut as one of our WOMEN TO WATCH.

I hope you enjoy all six of these wonderful novels. In fact, I’d love to get your thoughts on Silhouette Romance. If you’d like to share your comments about the Silhouette Romance line, please send a letter directly to my attention: Melissa Senate, Senior Editor, Silhouette Books, 300 E. 42nd St., 6th Floor, New York, NY 10017. I welcome all of your comments, and here are a few particulars I’d like to have your feedback on:

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Your thoughts about Romance are very important to me. After all, these books are for you! Again, I hope you enjoy our six novels this month—and that you’ll write me with your thoughts.


Melissa Senate

Senior Editor

Silhouette Books

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Daddy Woke Up Married

Julianna Morris

To Carol Duncan, for all your support and advice.

To Micki and Peg, for your words of encouragement when I really needed them. And a special thanks to Cathleen, for your enthusiasm and help as an editor.


has an offbeat sense of humor, which frequently gets her into trouble. She is often accused of being curious about everything…her interests ranging from oceanography and photography to traveling, antiquing, walking on the beach and reading science fiction. Choosing a college major was extremely difficult, but after many changes she earned a bachelor’s degree in environmental science.

Julianna’s writing is supervised by a cat named Gandalf, who sits on the computer monitor and criticizes each keystroke. Ultimately, she would like a home overlooking the ocean, where she can write to her heart’s content—and Gandalf’s malcontent. She’d like to share that home with her own romantic hero, someone with a warm, sexy smile, lots of patience and an offbeat sense of humor to match her own. Oh, yes…and he has to like cats.

Dear Reader,

A recent acquaintance of mine freezes when babies are mentioned. He literally seems paralyzed by the thought of an unpredictable little human who can scream and make a dirty diaper at the same time. Poor guy, he doesn’t know what he’s missing.

These unpredictable little humans are precious gifts. Each one is different, and unique, and a miracle in his or her own right. They will walk into the future with the lessons of life and love imparted by parents, teachers, friends and even strangers. They are frightening and wonderful.

And babies are fun! They laugh and play with their toes. They fingerpaint with strained peas and carrots. Each day they grow a little more, expanding their world, and getting into mischief. I remember countless times my nephews and nieces did something “naughty,” and I’d be laughing so hard, I couldn’t scold them.

Someday when I hold my own bundle of joy, I know I’ll be overwhelmed, terrified and deliriously happy. They are a huge responsibility, and a remarkable privilege— truly creations of the heart. As for the dirty diapers? They’re a small price to pay.

Best wishes…

“Is it safe up there?”

“Define safe.

Emily put her hands on her hips and glared at the man perched on her roof. He looked like an actor in a Coke commercial—faded jeans, no shirt, and sweat gleaming on his pectoral muscles. Not to mention brown hair, brown eyes and a smile that had cut swaths through feminine hearts from Seattle to Singapore. If she hadn’t grown up with Nick Carleton treating her like his baby sister, she might have thought he was sexy. Instead, she mostly thought he was aggravating.

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