Diet that works. In every life there comes a moment when one realizes that he went not there. But not everyone has the opportunity to get out on their own.

Diet that works. In every life there comes a moment when one realizes that he went not there. But not everyone has the opportunity to get out on their own.
О книге

This book contains my 10-year experience of the “vital diet” change lives. It was possible to reconcile the irreconcilable: slimming diet with a diabetic diet. Yes, and the first type of diabetes mellitus, and suffer them to only 10% of diabetics. But I managed to win: even when left without metabolism – the basis of harmony. The fate of an order has complicated my task, at times reducing my chances of living graceful. But I managed to win: I did. And so – I have the right to write about it.

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© Sergey Demyanov, 2016

ISBN 978-5-4483-2033-0

Created with intellectual publishing system Ridero

Chapter one

Diet: cheap. tasty, effecive. And not hungry!

“Dear reader! If you opened this book – well, at least out of curiosity – then you’re already on that coveted rung of the ladder leading you to the exit and reached the stage of awareness where you need to change something, work on yourself, so – and his appearance – which is INSEPARABLY and directly connected (say, going forward).”

Hello curious reader! In the hands of you – my collected years of experience in the ascent and consolidation of harmony: from the weight of 78 kg to the weight 63. Yes, I know: about diet is already so much written! So much is said: the extremes – from the use of one product in one diet to harm in the other. But what to do: who to believe? I too, my dear reader, doubt, sought, chose, thought. And tried to come reasonably FROM THE beginning that all my path was calculated with a REASONABLE point of view without HURTING their health in the pursuit of harmony… Ah, if I knew what a cruel joke you play with me destiny,“gave” diabetes. Yes, and the first type. And my job interfered with the third objective: to be physically fit and …able to use force what is impossible – too small..

Dear reader! My name is Sergey. Live in the city of Volgograd.

A real Person, with his tastes, views on life. The idea to write this book – I had long ago, but pushed to the final writing of the book – the desire to really help achieve the desired result —a gradual, sensible from the perspective of “do no harm” to their health – — razbalansirovat your body – extremes diets, And proper fastening of the received result and maintain work —the result of simple restrictions and maintenance of certain simple rules of “life diet” Yes, my dear reader, I TRUST you: like all my friends. While they are by their actions (or inaction) in relation to me – proves the opposite. So – as my friends – lend a hand – open hand —almost horizontally. Open —to you and to them. Although this openness is very much hurts me, makes me trust target for bad people who are closed to me and just take advantage of my childish gullibility and kindness. Use – even knowing that I see it and me – it’s very, very frustrating and angry! But I just can’t help myself: such is naive and kind. Although —in order to justify – there are PEOPLE with capital who are the same as I did.. But – — a little. but there is! But you, my dear reader, meet and lend each other a hand for a handshake and I trust you and would like respect and trust – in return. Trust is a delicate thing. But if it is going to hold and the planet. The confidence will be stronger and clearer if we communicate on “you” Because the communication “YOU” – emphasizes the boundaries of “no convergence”. So go straight to “YOU”: so it will be easier to communicate, my dear reader. And so: I —Sergei. And you? Well met! Now, when I and you, my dear reader, can easily communicate, will tell you everything that I had to face and that had to go through: nervous shock, loss of hope and faith in the future – up to full joy in this life.

What I had to do, to change, to replace some products (flavors) in other – food, physical activities and exercises. In General to change their lives so that “diet slim”, “joined” into my everyday mundane life and became its integral part. and the desire to learn how the gradual climb to the desired result by gradual change of their life

– became my goal. Not like other diets: something short-lived, debilitating, cut off from reality. With a bunch of prohibitions and restrictions that are simply maddening! No, my diet – life with which to live: not hungry and delicious… So we’re it in the future will be called the “life diet”. That is LIFE. In which “co-exist” – diet harmony with satiety. Over these 10 years, has accumulated a lot of all the things I’d like to share with those in need of such information: a truthful, proven and… successful. Start from the beginning, my reader. By horoscope I’m Virgo: the meticulous sign of the Zodiac, dripping to the bottom in the details in search of realism and practicality of use in particular, the appropriateness of these applications, without going to extremes. Constantly looking for the ideal “middle ground and reasonableness – IN EVERYTHING from food to thinking – here. (as a result of feeding of the brain – barley porridge, which nourishes the brain, improves thinking and which Pythagoras – were added to the diet to his disciples – as a compulsory product, the product of mandatory consumption (our “life’s diet, too: there are “essential” products).Therefore, collected information, analyzed, choose the best. comparing the results of “use” – of a product in practice (i.e. myself) is the end result. Constantly improved, achieved and received-always “upgraded”, improved and recorded the resulting algorithm, exercises and the sequence of days. First it was the “dark forest”! But then when the harmony and clarity of mind become apparent and visible and gave not the eccentricity of my personality – it gave me confidence, and had only to maintain the gains achieved and to live without eating “love and harmony”, is tasty and varied, not gaining weight.

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