Family of Three

Family of Three
О книге

A ROMANTIC FORCE OF ONE…Alysia McKenna believed in love at first sight–it was the reason she'd leased the Reynolds family house. Finally she had a place to call home.AN IRRESISTIBLE FORCE OF TWO…Jacob Reynolds believed in the power of family–he would do anything for his daughter. Even share his old family house with a beautiful, outrageous woman.IT'S A FAMILY OF THREE.Alysia agreed to let Jacob and Tracy share her home–temporarily. But soon love at first sight struck again. Now no power on earth could keep them from becoming a family.

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“You’re sending mixed signals, Alysia,”

Jacob murmured.

She forced herself to release her hold on him. “Not…intentionally. You caught me by surprise, that’s all.”

“It just goes to prove our curiosity wasn’t satisfied.”


“Remember yesterday.?” He laughed indulgently. “I kissed you, then you returned the favor?”

Her mind formed a round O. Of course she remembered. She’d have to be dead not to. “Well…this time it was mutual. We just finished covering the possibilities.”

“Not all the possibilities, Miss McKenna.”

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In Most Eligible Dad, book 2 of Karen Rose Smith’s wonderful miniseries THE BEST MEN, a confirmed bachelor becomes a FABULOUS FATHER when he discovers he’s a daddy.

A single mother and her precious BUNDLE OF JOY teach an unsmiling man how to love again in The Man Who Would Be Daddy by bestselling author Marie Ferrarella.

I Do? I Don’t? is the very question a bride-to-be asks herself when a sexy rebel from her past arrives just in time to stop her wedding in Christine Scott’s delightful novel.

Marriage? A very happily unmarried police officer finally says ‘I do” in Gayle Kaye’s touching tale Bachelor Cop.

In Family of Three by Julianna Morris, a man and a woman have to share the same house—with separate bedrooms, of course….

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Family of Three

Julianna Morris

Dad, you taught me the music of words, the poetry of a loving heart and the need to reach for a star. Though you are gone, your inspiration will always be with me. I love you.


has an offbeat sense of humor, which frequently gets her into trouble. She is often accused of being curious about everthing…her interests ranging from’oceanography and photography to traveling, antiquing, walking on the beach and reading science fiction. Choosing a college major was extremely difficult, but after many changes she earned a bachelor’s degree in environmental science.

Julianna’s writing is supervised by a cat named Gandalf, who sits on the computer monitor and criticizes each keystroke. Ultimately, she would like a home overlooking the ocean, where she can write to her heart’s content—and Gandalf’s malcontent. She’d like to share that home with her own romantic hero, someone with a warm, sexy smile, lots of patience and an offbeat sense of humor to match her own. Oh, yes.and he has to like cats.

One Hundred Years Ago

Captain James Reynolds looked up from his journal and swore tiredly. Through the window he could see his wife, standing on the bluff and gazing out to sea. The wind swept her gown around her, accentuating the womanly curves of her body, heavy with his child. His manhood swelled, though her birthing time was too near to allow his passion freedom.

They had fought again. A bitter, angry battle. She wanted to travel on his ship, taking part in his business. But it was insane. The sea was unpredictable. He could not guarantee her safety, though he would give his life in keeping harm from her.

From their first meeting he’d been a man possessed. Her eyes enthralled him—mysterious, shifting, changing like the ocean, holding all the secrets he had ever dreamt of knowing. She had led him a merry chase, yet he couldn’t help loving her.

James lifted his pen. I understand her less now than ever, he wrote, pouring out his frustration and despair. If she was jealous, if she suspected me of being unfaithful, then I would understand. But she knows I would never betray our love. Were she not so sure it might be better. My beautiful lady, can you not be happy? Am I not enough for you, as you are for me?

James stared at the page. He could only hope. In time, she might find happiness with him.

The Astoria settlement was rocked by the news—the wife of Captain Reynolds had deserted him for another man, leaving behind her infant son and stealing her husband’s fortune.

Consumed by hatred, James obliterated his wife’s memory. No man or woman dared speak her name, except a stubborn midwife who swore Mrs. Reynolds would never have left her husband and child. But no one listened.

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