Fatal Freeze

Fatal Freeze
О книге

DEADLY REUNIONCIA agent Shaun Carter is on the trail of an international crime ring, and the sudden appearance of a woman from his past could jeopardize his mission. Missing persons investigator Lexie Reilly's search for a missing teen has put her in the criminals' crosshairs. Joining forces to take down this ring is their only chance of survival. Shaun vows to keep the beautiful investigator out of harm's way and help her find the lost girl. But when their ferry becomes icebound, they are trapped at sea with killers who will stop at nothing to keep them from discovering their secrets.


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CIA agent Shaun Carter is on the trail of an international crime ring, and the sudden appearance of a woman from his past could jeopardize his mission. Missing persons investigator Lexie Reilly’s search for a missing teen has put her in the criminals’ crosshairs. Joining forces to take down this ring is their only chance of survival. Shaun vows to keep the beautiful investigator out of harm’s way and help her find the lost girl. But when their ferry becomes icebound, they are trapped at sea with killers who will stop at nothing to keep them from discovering their secrets.

Lexie peeked over Shaun’s shoulder to see an empty room.

There were few places to hide in these small cabins, but Lexie waited in the doorway as Shaun checked the bathroom and closet.

“It is safe? Can I come in?” Whether she wanted to come in was another question entirely. Shaun hadn’t told her the whole truth about himself, that much had become clear. But could she blame him? It wasn’t as though she’d asked the right questions. Or any questions at all.

“All clear,” he called. The sound of a sliding shower curtain was followed by his reappearance. “You’d better check if anything was taken, though. You’re sure you locked the door when you left the room?”

Lexie’s wide eyes narrowed and she crossed her arms, bristling at the implication. “Of course I did. You were standing right next to me and watched me do it.”

He shrugged. “It doesn’t make sense that someone would break into your room and not touch anything—”

Lexie crossed the room as he spoke. She lifted her bags off the bed—and screamed.

MICHELLE KARL is an unabashed bibliophile and romantic suspense author. She lives in Canada with her husband and an assortment of critters, including a codependent cat, an albino rabbit and an opinionated parrot. When she’s not reading and consuming copious amounts of coffee, she writes the stories she’d like to find in her “to be read” pile. She also loves animals, world music and eating the last piece of cheesecake.

Fatal Freeze

Michelle Karl


And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose.

—Romans 8:28

To Amy and Alley

Thanks for brainstorming with me at lunch that one time And for all the pantry snacks


Lexie Reilly gave her car a final once-over, satisfied that she hadn’t forgotten anything for the sixteen-hour overnight ferry crossing to Newfoundland. She slung her travel bag and purse over her shoulder and pressed the car remote’s lock button twice. The click-beep of the lock and alarm mechanism echoed back at her, and she noted with surprise that she stood alone on the car deck. Everyone else had already cleared out, leaving her amidst a sea of parked vehicles. The radio program she’d been listening to must have been more engaging than she’d realized.

Lexie frowned, feeling slightly uneasy. Aside from the rumble of the ship, it felt too quiet. No, too still. Trust your instincts, she thought. Where were the deck attendees? If she was being honest with herself, her instincts were telling her to get up to the passenger decks, find a cup of hot tea and get back to examining her file on Maria, the missing young woman she’d been searching for these past few months. She had clues to piece together before they docked in Argentia, Newfoundland’s historic port town and former United States military base.

Despite the ferry’s protection against the early March air, Lexie shivered, looking forward to the warm lounge above. Her footsteps clanged as she walked alongside the cars, weaving through them to get to the stairs. As she crossed between a tall blue van and an oversize SUV, arms circled around her neck and waist, pinning her from behind.

“You shouldn’t have come here,” a scratchy, masculine voice growled.

Lexie tried to scream, but the pressure on her neck made it hard to breathe. She gasped for air and lifted her boot to stamp on his foot. He squeezed tighter, and tears streamed down Lexie’s face as sparks flew in her vision. Every movement she made only increased the pressure on her throat. In moments, she would pass out, or worse. As Lexie’s vision turned blurry, she thought she heard something—like shouting, from far away. Pounding footsteps came toward her and, as quickly as she’d been grabbed, her attacker released his grip, shoving her forward.

Lexie tumbled to the floor, gasping for air.

Pain shot through her limbs with each breath, and she could still feel where the man’s arm had pressed against her windpipe.

The footsteps stopped as they came close, and she sensed a presence beside her. A gentle touch on her shoulder sent waves of relief flooding through the pain. “Steady,” said a calm male voice. “Are you all right? Do you need medical attention?”

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