Fatal Reunion

Fatal Reunion
О книге

Wrongly accusedWhen her beloved grandmother is almost killed during a home invasion, Piper Kennedy isn’t surprised that she’s a suspect—especially since Luke Ransom is on the case. The handsome detective she once loved thinks she knows more than she’s telling about the attack. And given her crooked past and the heartbreaking way she’d been forced to betray Luke years ago, Piper understands why he doesn’t trust her. But when attempts are made on her life, Luke insists on keeping her safe and finding out who wants her dead. And Piper and Luke soon realise a remorseless criminal will do anything to keep them from the truth…or an unexpected second shot at a future.


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When her beloved grandmother is almost killed during a home invasion, Piper Kennedy isn’t surprised that she’s a suspect—especially since Luke Ransom is on the case. The handsome detective she once loved thinks she knows more than she’s telling about the attack. And given her crooked past and the heartbreaking way she’d been forced to betray Luke years ago, Piper understands why he doesn’t trust her. But when attempts are made on her life, Luke insists on keeping her safe and finding out who wants her dead. And Piper and Luke soon realize a remorseless criminal will do anything to keep them from the truth…or an unexpected second shot at a future.

“Why didn’t you call 9-1-1?” Luke demanded.

Piper almost laughed. “You already think I had something to do with this. I’m on my own.” She clenched her teeth. “Just like I’ve always been.”

Luke’s eyes flashed with pain. “I believe this. And I would never want to see you hurt. Ever.” He pointed to the back door and raised the photo. “I need this guy’s last name.”

“I don’t know it.”

Luke laid his hand on her shoulder again. “I don’t know what his motives were. Mistook you for your friend. Trying to take you out to get to her. To take you both. And that brings us back to your grandmother’s basement and what was hiding down there.”

He didn’t believe she hurt her grandmother or murdered anyone, but it was obvious he thought she had something to do with everything that had happened.

Luke rubbed his stubbly chin. “Don’t go back to Jackson, Piper. We’re not done, and you aren’t safe here. Can you stay somewhere else?”

Piper huffed. “I’m not going anywhere. And by that I mean Memphis or this house.”

Luke worked his jaw. “I don’t like you here alone.”

No one would protect her like she could protect herself. And she didn’t want Luke protecting her…much. It hurt.

JESSICA R. PATCH lives in the mid-South, where she pens inspirational contemporary romance and romantic suspense novels. When she’s not hunched over her laptop or going on adventurous trips in the name of research with willing friends, you can find her watching way too much Netflix with her family and collecting recipes to amazing dishes she’ll probably never cook. To learn more about Jessica, please visit her at jessicarpatch.com.

Fatal Reunion

Jessica R. Patch


The Lord’s love never ends; His mercies never stop.

They are new every morning; Lord, Your loyalty is great.

—Lamentations 3:22–23

To my husband, Tim, for loving me like Christ loves the church. I can’t imagine doing life without you; and as you know, I have an immense imagination.

Also, many thanks to:

My agent, Rachel Kent. I wouldn’t be here without your support and encouragement. Thank you for always believing in me.

My editor, Shana Asaro. Thank you for having faith in my writing and making this book even better.

Critique partners who treat my stories as their own and cheer me on: April Gardner, Jill Kemerer, Michelle Massaro and Susan Tuttle. I owe you all so many critiques!

Lastly and most important, Jesus.

For Your glory always. I adore You.


“Tell me she’s still alive.” Piper Kennedy gripped Harmony’s hand as they rushed down the halls of Baptist Memorial East. The drive from Jackson, Mississippi, to Memphis had been eternal. The thought of losing her grandmother sickened Piper. Not Mama Jean. “This is all my fault.”

“It’s not your fault. I knew you’d think that. Eventually, you’re going to have to stop looking over your shoulder. It’s over.” Harmony wrapped an arm around Piper as they made their way to the ICU. She’d always been a good friend even when they were up to trouble.

But Piper wasn’t so sure things were over. Chaz Michaels hadn’t been found, and hadn’t turned up, since that last job they did ten years ago, the day after he’d threatened to kill her if she walked away. Her plans to escape that life had backfired, and the person she’d loved most had been caught in the cross fire. Piper had been waiting—and watching—every day for Chaz’s payback. Looked as though it might have come tonight.

“And yes, she’s alive. I think they’d at least tell me if things went wrong in surgery, family or not.”

Piper’s insides did a gold-medal-worthy gymnastic routine. She should’ve never left Memphis and Mama Jean. Too many regrets. Too much pain.

They turned left down the hall toward the ICU; a wave of antiseptic burned Piper’s nose. “What could Mama Jean have worth stealing?”

Harmony grunted. “I think that boarder of hers may have had something valuable...or drugs.”

Piper frowned. She loved Mama Jean, but she never thought taking in boarders was smart. Guess Mama Jean thought if she couldn’t help her own daughter, she might as well try someone else.

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