Fourteen essential books in the history of International Relations. Classics in IR

Fourteen essential books in the history of International Relations. Classics in IR
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Short reviews, which are integral part of the book, set in timeline order, starting from the earliest.I dedicated this book for those readers who has never been engaged in politics or IR, who has no expert view, but who would rather know opinions about the history of IR from scholars and experts. It is my contribution to help to understand IR and Global Politics as a whole.Thanks to KIMEP University for organization and support of MIR Program, without which the book could not exist.

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© Galina Kupriyeva, 2022

ISBN 978-5-0059-3960-9

Created with Ridero smart publishing system


This book is a contemplation of thoughts. It was written to put together many threads and pieces thoughtfully collected after all readings and with due understanding of historical events and political processes.

I would like to thank Alex Danilovich (Ph. D., Southern Illinois University, USA), Professor of Political Science and International Relations at KIMEP University, for teaching and bringing to understanding, for his attention, confidence and discussions; Dr. Golam Mostafa (Ph. D., Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada), Professor and Dean of the College of Social Science at KIMEP University for support, encouragement, advice and guidance; Dr.Steven Green (Ph. D., Michigan State University, USA) for early discussions and explanations, Dr.Donnacha O’Beachain (Ph. D, University College Dublin) for the beginning and exploration of world paradoxes, for support and advice. Especially thanks to James B.McNabb (Ph. D. in Politics and Policy, Claremont Graduate University, CA) for understanding of Philosophy, different philosophical approaches and introducing to Epistemology of Social Science. I am grateful to my family and friends who were always close to me, heartfully listened and supported.

Short reviews, which are integral part of the book, set in timeline order, starting from the earliest. My book will be of interest for those who seek to understand how international events at different places of the globe, in different time, echoed, and why some events may repeat. I dedicated this book for those readers who has never been engaged in politics or IR, who has no expert view on global events, but who would rather know some glimpse at the history of IR from authors, scholars and experts. This book neither teach nor blame anything or anyone, it is rather my contribution to help to understand International relations and Global Politics as a whole.

Thanks to KIMEP University (Almaty, Kazakhstan) for our uniting, organization and support of MIR Program, without which the book could not exist.


History of international relations begins with wars of ancient Greece, notably, with wars of Greeks allied with Athens against Persia. Peloponnesian war is the landmark from which evolution of international relations starts.

Relations between states address to diplomatic, political, economic and military aspects. Science of international politics covers all aspects that address to relations between states and other actors at international level. There are, mainly, two schools of thought that study international relations – realism and liberalism that successively divided into different perspectives and paradigms.

Theories of international politics allow understand mistakes and experiences of the past correctly in order to avoid drawbacks or apply successes in future. Theories of international relations explain behavior of different actors and help understand causes of war as well as peace.

Importance of international relations lies in virtue to study and analyze myriad of links and interactions between states and other international actors as a single whole with the purpose to explain how the world works.

Some earlier political scientists such as E.H.Carr and Hans Morgenthau emphasize importance of sovereignty and nation-state, and study, mainly, domestic structures of states and behavior of internal actors with the purpose to analyze how those influence foreign policy objectives and attitudes to other countries.

Other later realists such as John H. Herz and Thomas Schelling pay attention to influence of military innovations on politics and how the nature of international politics changed since the advent of nuclear weapon.

Later publications of Kenneth Waltz, Keohane and Nye in addition to analysis of interactions at domestic level study system of states as a whole – whether it is anarchy or hierarchy. They study politics as the interactions of structures and systems rather than simply interactions between states or their government.


THUCYDIDES «History of the Peloponnesian war».

Since Thucydides, realists argue that force and power lead the way in politics. Rejecting existence and intervention of supernatural, Thucydides considered history in the sense of human affairs, as consequences of political actions rather than the providence of God or any other supernatural forces. The main stated argument of Thucydides is «What made war inevitable was the growth of Athenian power and the fear which this caused in Sparta.» (Thucydides, 1972, p.49)

Melian dialogue is the passage from the book «Peloponnesian War» that demonstrates how conflict is caused by imbalance in power. Refusal of the Melians – the colony of Sparta – to join the Athenian empire like others, led to a siege of Melos. In a case of joining, they were promised by Athenians to be in safety and alive. By doing opposite, Melians must have been killed or have been taken as slaves. The Melians declined the offer and were captured by the Athenians, «…who put to death all the men of military age whom they took, and sold the women and children as slaves.» (Thucydides, 1972, p.408)

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