…The Essence will be remembered regardless of desire.
We strive for mutual understanding, but the experience gained is highly subjective. When in the same situation, the participants conclusions often differ. Each person is convinced of the obvious ’objectivity and relevance (actuality)» of his own conclusions – choosing objects and their relations in his own way, paying attention to different aspects, and qualifying all situations from his own position – showing individuality;
Reading a text with a very deep meaning, we encounter the comprehension of the «New Logic’. All the signs of effective content (meaning, logic) form an interest in reading, indicating the development of personality in an individual direction, and the more educated we are, the more different from each other;
The misunderstanding factor distances and hinders the solution of science-intensive problems. This happens by differences in worldviews; we are literally «forbidden to assume the World inside Consciousness, dependent on Reason’ – understanding the unprovability of external reality, and this is outrageous nonsense, to say the least. In scientific circles, it is not accepted to seriously talk about the ideality of «things’ and especially about God, there can be no talk of Scientific works proving the Absolute Ephemerality of the Contemplated, but many people understand that something else the Structure of the World – is impossible. A thorough investigation leaves no doubt about the truth of these statements, and we have no doubt about the prospects for successful application of the knowledge presented in this book. There are many interested people, and this Interest cannot be stopped by prohibition;
On the other hand, events, as we have found out, occur sequentially – content is formed from the previous one and cannot be untimely, empty and incoherent;
We may not think about it at all, many will do so, remaining in ignorance, but – the time will come when everyone will (suddenly) need to understand and comprehend the fourth dimension, and realize four-dimensionality. This will happen for many reasons, then: Intention to Know (Development) and Desire to Live (Life) will become the closest synonyms;
Or, one can imagine the potential for a positive effect from a Universally Loyal Worldview – suitable for the majority of understanding people. And here we are talking specifically about Morality, and not about science or thinking abilities;
Development has causes: Interest, or Intention to Know (…almost the same thing). Note this cycle>0:
{Development -> Interest -> Experience -> Interest -> Development}
^ – — – — – — – <– — – — – — | – — – — – - < – — – — – — ->V
Development, in this example, is the entrance to the cycle and its exit – creating a Closed Environment of the Essence, in the paradoxically «infinite limits’ of the Unified Consciousness;
The quality of experience depends on the available data, and therefore is connected with past events, i.e. already subjective acquired knowledge, and we argue about anything, but need to calmly and very carefully analyze all opinions;
Situations are synthesized from the closest (or recent) past and memory data through Consciousness, forming (again) the past and new data – this cyclicality>0 is «Being in Reality»;
«Der Unterschied zwischen Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft ist eine Illusion, wenn auch eine hartnäckige»>1.
Albert Einstein
>1«The distinction between Past, Present and Future is an illusion, albeit a persistent one.» (Albert Einstein).
For those who have studied the contents of the book «Nothing & Dot’, these words, their meaning, are not strange. The boundary of reality between the past and the future has no extension, but we measure all procedural changes and relations with help of the ’instrument of time’ – expressing the dynamics of objects and situations in numbers convenient for us.
In any interpretation, time is not a direction (here, necessarily – as infinite straight line), as we mean by «Dimension’ in the discussion of about dimensionality (2D, 3D, …), as well about foots, degrees, and other units, which are only units, in the accepted «by us’ representation of the Space-Time System, which is still relevant, but requires replacement with a more suitable one, for research in conditions of high dimensions ;
For example, we can cite the Essence of the distance between A and B, which is a line of direct relativity, but not an indicator of distance in foots. According to the same principle, it is necessary to consider each Axis of Measurement, but not the digital value in the units «accepted by us’, but namely the fundamentally regular direction of the organization of dimensions of the same degree – forming a dimension of a higher order, just as one-dimensional straight lines mentally organize two-dimensionality (plane) – according to the «Axis of the Second Dimension’ perpendicular to them;